Please clarify why don't you clarify?

For my hair I don't see a benefit to clarifying. My hair and scalp get very clean with just shampoo especially if I wash twice. I already dilute the shampoo to reduce the effects of shampoo. I know some people talk about product build up but I haven't noticed that I have enough build up to require special measures.
My reason is that I don't put much stuff into my hair so there's nothing to clarify.
I have the type of hair that thrives when you leave in stuff anyway... :look:


I also use shampoo every time I wash my hair, so it gets clean enough. Perhaps clarifying is necessary if you go the no-poo route?
I used to clarify on schedule because I thought I "should". But, I don't add product to my hair daily and the only oil I use is coconut oil and that's rare, so I just don't need to clarify.
same here. i don't clarify cause i don't put anything in my hair after i wash and condition it unless i flat iron/blow dry which i've given up for a while to grow my hair out. the shampoo seems to work alright at cleansing.
My reason is that I don't put much stuff into my hair so there's nothing to clarify.
I have the type of hair that thrives when you leave in stuff anyway... :look:


I also use shampoo every time I wash my hair, so it gets clean enough. Perhaps clarifying is necessary if you go the no-poo route?

:yep::yep: Same here. I shampoo pretty much everyday,and the most I leave in my hair now is conditioner.

I have clarified before, but I honestly can't remember the last time I did it. :look:
It depends on the types of products you put in your hair and how much of them you use. Also people who for example conditioner wash then pile on other products may have more need for clarifying regularly than people who don't use those types of styling techniques. I've never used a clarifying shampoo but this is because I've never used anything that doesn't wash out with regular shampoo.
I don't clarify because my shampoo cleans my hair pretty well. I don't avoid SLS shampoos but I also use shampoos w/o SLS. In both cases, my hair gets pretty clean for two reasons:

  • 1) I can go a whole year without applying any sort of leave-in moisturizer on my hair. Meaning once I rinse off the conditioner, my hair stays no risk of buildup here.

  • 2) When I do use a leave-in, it's usually when wearing my hair out and I use easily washable S Curl No Drip Activator. I use it only on the day I wash my hair and that takes me through the days until the day I wash it again. When not wearing my hair out, I've started trying (I seldom do it though) applying S Curl only on the ends of my hair and so far it's been once a week...and not every week either. Again, buildup isn't a risk here.

So you see, I do not layer my hair with gunk/products like most people nor do I have a ritual of daily applying stuff to my hair, so there's really no need for me to use clarifying shampoos. Even when I would use a serum full of cones, regular shampoo would wash it off with ease because that was usually the only thing on my hair and it would have only been one layer of it applied once for all the days between washes.
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I don't clarify because I don't feel the need to very often. I rarely use cones which require me to clarify with a sulfate shampoo, which is very drying and causes itching and scalp irritation. I do use product daily though - I moisturize with AVJ/water and seal with shea butter and castor/grapeseed oil mix. I also use ecostyler almost daily when I retwist my hair. But I cowash in the middle of the week which seems to take care of my strands and shampoo once a week which cleanses my scalp and my strands as well. Shampoo seems to remove any buildup quite well. I have to remember though that I can clarify with something other than a sulfate shampoo, but I still don't think I would clarify on a regular basis, just whenever I feel the need.
I dont see the need. Good old SE shampoo gets my hair squeaky clean. Thats probably a bad thing here but Im not going to exert all that energy for on semi clean hair. Lol
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I have no need to clarify and honestly can't unless I wanted to have an super dry itchy scalp for a few days. Those shampoo are way too strong for my sensitive dry scalp (I also suffer from eczema) so I avoid them.
Back when I used a sulfate-free shampoo I would use a shampoo with SLS in it to clarify but that was not often.
Now I usually wash my hair 1x a week but if my hair is a little extra dirty instead of lathering once I lather twice with whatever shampoo I am using.
Nice question...I don't clarify because my hair tells me it doesn't need it. I moisturize and seal daily and my sulfate-free shampoo gets my hair & scalp clean every time (even when I use heavy cones). I never get signs that I need to clarify, like build up or trouble retaining moisture, breakage etc...

But if I were using a shampoo with sulfates (even if it didn't say it was clarifying) I'd count that as a clarifying poo just because I believe that's exactly what most sulfates do.
I don't do it because I don't like my hair feeling stripped. My hair is naturally dry enough, I don't need to aid in that by stripping it down bone dry....
I dont clarify because its like starting over in rebuilding the moisture in your hair. Which is the past could lead to breakage because my hair would be dry for days after. You do not need to clarify unless you have feels residue-like and shampoo and conditioning makes it worse.
My reason is that I don't put much stuff into my hair so there's nothing to clarify.
I have the type of hair that thrives when you leave in stuff anyway... :look:


I also use shampoo every time I wash my hair, so it gets clean enough. Perhaps clarifying is necessary if you go the no-poo route?

:yep::yep: Same here. I shampoo pretty much everyday,and the most I leave in my hair now is conditioner.

I have clarified before, but I honestly can't remember the last time I did it. :look:

I just ask another poster why she clarify, I feel the same as flower hair and snilloh.
I don't really clarify because my shampoo (AO Honey Suckle Rose) is pretty stripping as is. In fact, it's so stripping that if I didn't use a moisturizing pre-poo AND dilute the shampoo, my hair will dry up like nobody's business! :nono: It cleans and it strips pretty well, so I really don't want to go further than that. It gets any more stripping, my hair will start tangling and knotting while in the shower and my 4a/b curls can't handle that mess.

ETA: Also, my leave-in isn't weighed down with heavy substances like shea butter, so my hair doesn't feel like it's overly coated with product, even when I apply it almost on a daily basis. :yep:
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If I have too much build up I just shampoo my hair. And yes my shampoo has SLS. Gets my hair and scalp squeaky clean.
I'm one of the ones that didn't but now I do (Hope it's ok for me to post.) :look:

At one point I refused to clarify/chelate because the shampoo was AWFUL and all it did was strip my hair, give me massive tangles and etc. In my case (then) I didn't know enough about it and when I learned, I used the wrong clarifying products for my hair. I went through all sorts of shampoos and baking soda with absolutely no luck. Everything I tried left me with dry parched grass in the middle of a desert. :nono: So I walked away from it thinking that clarifying was the debbil.

Now I clarify because I co-wash, use alot of gel, and have alot of chlorine in my water. There are times when my products seemingly stop working. When this happens I whip out my CP (clarifying poo), lather up once or twice (a little goes a looooooong way and it doesn't strip my hair) and voila.... I'm good. I had to find the right one for MY hair though. :look: I use Quantum Clarifying Shampoo because it clarifies and chelates (removes hard water deposits) and I :love: it.
I don't use styling products or have any buildup that my regular sulfate free shampoo doesn't remove.
I don't clarify because my shampoo cleans my hair pretty well. I don't avoid SLS shampoos but I also use shampoos w/o SLS. In both cases, my hair gets pretty clean for two reasons:

  • 1) I can go a whole year without applying any sort of leave-in moisturizer on my hair. Meaning once I rinse off the conditioner, my hair stays no risk of buildup here.

  • 2) When I do use a leave-in, it's usually when wearing my hair out and I use easily washable S Curl No Drip Activator. I use it only on the day I wash my hair and that takes me through the days until the day I wash it again. When not wearing my hair out, I've started trying (I seldom do it though) applying S Curl only on the ends of my hair and so far it's been once a week...and not every week either. Again, buildup isn't a risk here.

So you see, I do not layer my hair with gunk/products like most people nor do I have a ritual of daily applying stuff to my hair, so there's really no need for me to use clarifying shampoos. Even when I would use a serum full of cones, regular shampoo would wash it off with ease because that was usually the only thing on my hair and it would have only been one layer of it applied once for all the days between washes.

Nonie how are you able to use s-curl without getting buildup? I have fine, but alot of it hair, and every time I used s-curl it made my hair have a coated build-up feel to it. How do you use it.
@Nonie how are you able to use s-curl without getting buildup? I have fine, but alot of it hair, and every time I used s-curl it made my hair have a coated build-up feel to it. How do you use it.

I have fine hair too and lots of it. I use it by itself. I don't seal with anything else or mix it with anything else. I apply it to damp hair and it usually dries up hard, so I apply again once my hair is dry to make it moist. That's it. I don't drench my hair with it like I'm in a juice dripping contest. I don't apply again till after my next wash which is usually 2-3 days later. I shampoo with any regular shampoo and it gets my hair clean.

I am talking about the no-drip spray not the gel, if that makes a difference. Do you use it with other products? **SaSSy**
I never used too but I will try it out in a few days because I believe I still get residue from MT and sulfur oil. I never used to because I only used oil on my scalp, no other styling products but now I see that I need to at least try it out.
I have fine hair too and lots of it. I use it by itself. I don't seal with anything else or mix it with anything else. I apply it to damp hair and it usually dries up hard, so I apply again once my hair is dry to make it moist. That's it. I don't drench my hair with it like I'm in a juice dripping contest. I don't apply again till after my next wash which is usually 2-3 days later. I shampoo with any regular shampoo and it gets my hair clean.

I am talking about the no-drip spray not the gel, if that makes a difference. Do you use it with other products? @**SaSSy**

@Nonie I used this one:

I first shampooed, DC, rinse with cold water, dripped dried my hair, then waited until my hair was damp, but not fully dried to apply the spray. I sprayed 3 full pumps from root to tip then massaged in. Air dried, then went about my day. I didn't spray again until the next day. It was the only product in my hair.

When wash day came which was the end of the week, it felt like I had product in my hair, but oddly it made my hair very moisturized and full which was a plus.
@Nonie I used this one:

I first shampooed, DC, rinse with cold water, dripped dried my hair, then waited until my hair was damp, but not fully dried to apply the spray. I sprayed 3 full pumps from root to tip then massaged in. Air dried, then went about my day. I didn't spray again until the next day. It was the only product in my hair.

When wash day came which was the end of the week, it felt like I had product in my hair, but oddly it made my hair very moisturized and full which was a plus.

**SaSSy** That's the same one I use.

What shampoo do you use? Also after you sprayed S Curl the next day, did you keep that up the day after and every day thereafter?
@**SaSSy** That's the same one I use.

What shampoo do you use? Also after you sprayed S Curl the next day, did you keep that up the day after and every day thereafter?

Nonie at that time I think I used the TJ's Nurish Spa shampoo. I don't know if that made a difference. Now I use only Chargin Valley shampoo bars. Ever since I incorporated those bars, my hair is so much softer, but clean as well.

I sprayed consecutively for 5 to 6 days once a day until wash day.
@Nonie at that time I think I used the TJ's Nurish Spa shampoo. I don't know if that made a difference. Now I use only Chargin Valley shampoo bars. Ever since I incorporated those bars, my hair is so much softer, but clean as well.

I sprayed consecutively for 5 to 6 days once a day until wash day.

**SaSSy** I don't use as much as you do, so that's one difference. I do use Trader Joe's Shampoo but can't say for sure if I have used it on days I've used S Curl, but I have never known any shampoo that I use not to leave my hair squeaky clean.
@**SaSSy** I don't use as much as you do, so that's one difference. I do use Trader Joe's Shampoo but can't say for sure if I have used it on days I've used S Curl, but I have never known any shampoo that I use not to leave my hair squeaky clean.

Ohh, I see. I'll try it again one day, and won't use as much. Thank again Nonie