Please BELIEVE WITH ME!! Intercessors, Need Ya Help!


Well-Known Member
I used to host a monthly young adult bible study at my house when I had my own apartment. It was really a powerful time and people used to attend who weren't comfortable in the traditional "church" setting which was a HUGE bonus.

Anyways....after about 4 month hiatus, primarily because I didnt feel "comfortable" having it where I live now , God has laid it STRONGLY on my heart to have it again THIS FRIDAY. I now live with my aunt/cousin, her husband, and her daughter. I just emailed her and asked if it was okay to have it in the basement.

I am asking that you all pray and agree with me in several areas.

1) That I would have continued favor with my aunt/cousin and she would let me have it there and that it wont be "akward" hosting the bible study at the house OR that another appropriate location would avail itself.

2) That God would remove any barriers from people's attendance such as transportation as the location is 30-40 minutes away from where I used to live. That God would touch the hearts of those that need to come.

3) That God would use me as a mouthpiece to bring forth the Word that He wants on Friday and that the Spirit would move MIGHTILY! A saturated in His presence, drunk in the Holy Ghost, yolk destroying, bondage breaking experience, type of move of the Spirit :)

4) That we would have FUN!! Good ol' Christian Fellowship!!

There are soooo many variables about this bible study and hosting them ALWAYS made me nervous, but GOD is faithful and comes through. I just have to be obedient to what he lays in my heart and stand in faith.

Please pray for me and stand in agreement about these things. Thanks in advance to my prayer warrioring LHCF sistas in Christ ;)
I cyber-touch and agree that your bible study will be an enlightening time of fellowship and growth in the Lord!
PRAISE REPORT! I emailed my aunt/cousin Monday, on Tuesday morning I talked to her and she told me that her initial reaction was "no" as she didnt want to commit anything and tie up her space but she said that she was open to it and we could talk about over the weekend. Which meant that it wouldnt happen on FRIDAY...but I didnt feel led to point that out. So I went to okay God I know you are going to work it out. So later on in the day she sent me an email that said that she had talked to her husband and I could have my bible study THIS WEEKEND.

PRAISE GOD! He works on the hearts of men and honors our prayers! Thanks ladies!
I'm a little late as I have just seen this post today. Nevertheless, I will touch and agree with you in prayer.