Placebo effect?

webby said:
It occured to me, that even when we shave our legs in the morning, by the end of the day it's possible to feel stubble, right?

So, that means that most of the products that promise amazing hair growth, cannot possibly do anything to speed up the process. Our hair is going to grow at the rate is it supposed to grow at, unless it is slowed down due to meds or stress.

Are we experiencing hair growth, or is it a placebo effect? What do you think?
I don't believe in "miracle products". I'm glad you posted this! :up:
This is true, my mom looked at my hair and was like how did your hair get thicker, what was happening is that my layers are starting to grow and make my hair look thicker than it was before.

Mahalialee4 said:
Re: No big diff in length...A couple of other factors need to be considered. For example.: People who have layers in there hair. When the layers start to catch up to the longest layers, a lot of growing is going on and although it is not showing up in the length it is showing up in the thickness and filling in areas. If people are measuring those areas and seeing obvious growth as compared to a time frame when those were the slowest growing areas....I think they are absolutely certain that a lot of growth has occurred. Hair seems to grow that way, first the layers fill out and then the longest layer starts to grow out. It may appear that their length is the same but actually the growth was happening in other areas. I know that happens with me, and that is what gets so frustrating. When it thickens and bushes out, you see less length too. When you start to get the curl wave thing going on, you see more volume and the length is less noticeable. I do think that a variety of products promote hair growth and faster growth, maybe not specifically faster than what it would normally grow at its maximum speed potential, but definitely more than it was in the past, when there were factors operating that were slowing or hindering maximum speed potential. Hope this helps. I also believe that the msp is subjective or individually based. Bonjour
This is a great topic. Personally, I think it's a placebo effect. I doubt the effectiveness of any product that claims to make hair grow faster. From my research it's not scientifically possible to grow hair any faster than you were genetically predisposed. I think the problem most people have is maintaining their length.
Here are some interesting excerpts from a article about hair growth I found online:

"Sunlight, hormones, temperature, and nutrition all affect the rate of hair growth and its strength, as does body location ... for example, head hair grows fastest, averaging about a third of a millimetre per day, or a centimetre per month."

"Hair does not grow all the time. Of the 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on an average human head, 90% of them at any one time are growing. Hairs may stop growing for a while, and then begin again. Sometimes when a hair stops growing, part of the root dies, and the shaft breaks off. The hair may fall out, or be pushed out by the next hair growing from the follicle. Normally, up to 100 head hairs are shed each day. So some of that shed hair in your brush is quite normal.
Head hair will last a long time before it naturally dies and falls out ... sometimes up to 5 years. Eyebrow hairs, on the other hand, last only about 5 months before they are shed.
When newly growing hair on the head doesn't appear as fast as hair is shed, the number of hairs on the head starts to decrease, eventually leading to hairless (bald) areas."

"Crash diets can make your hair fall out faster."
webby said:
Great response!
I thought of this too, but based upon my research, it seems that there is nothing that can speed up rate of hair growth, scientifically. Now, I'm not stating this to be fact, just recalling what I've read. In fact, just yesterday, in a Spanish exercise we were doing, in the OT section, we translated something that said that there is no "magic" to speed up hair growth.

Well, I guess this is not a question with a cut-n-dry answer :)

Hmmm. I think it's all relative. There HAS to be things that have been proven to improve hair growth rate. How else could we account for treatments for alopecia? Black women with relaxers typically have a tougher time growing their hair out. BUT, everyone else in the world, INCLUDING Black MEN who grow their natural hair out long don't have a problem at all sporting long, lush, shiny, pretty strong hair. Perhaps relaxers have an effect on our hair follicles to the point that they do not produce at the same level.

Either way, I guess we are at a crossroads in this thread. I believe hair growth rate can change and improve. The human body transforms and changes and reinvents itself on the most basic cellular levels each year. If everything else in the body is changing, it's hard to accept that the hair follicles would maintain status quo the entire life of the person. People change their conditions all the time either with medication or non-traditional medicine. Heck even Pilates changes the very SHAPE of a person. So, I would think there'd be plenty of scientific research done on whether hair growth rate can be altered.

And, if/when all else fails, nothing can fail God Almighty. With only a mustard's seed worth of faith, He can revitalize the deadest, most impotent of hair follicles. Don't we believe in miracles ladies?! :) HEY! Where's DON'T SPEAK DEFEAT?!?! :look:
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CantBeCopied said:

And, if/when all else fails, nothing can fail God Almighty. With only a mustard's seed worth of faith, He can revitalize the deadest, most impotent of hair follicles. Don't we believe in miracles ladies?! :) HEY! Where's DON'T SPEAK DEFEAT?!?! :look:

AMEN to that!:)
MonaLisa said:
Okay, I do have to go with this...cause Surge did help me with my hairline...

this thread has me complexed now...:lol:

:lachen: :lachen: I would have to say I believe some things such as Surge/Mtg do make the hair grow....or least attribute to hair growth. At the end of the day do what ever you believe in, and what ever works for you. ;)
london honey said:
I believe that some can grow from 1/2 to 1.5 inches a month if their hair was previously not growing at the optimal level. If you are currently achieving the best growth at the moment no additional topical product can improve that. MTG/Surge can stimulate inactive follicles and make hair grow faster.

Even though i'm a strong believer in the placebo effect, i'm still undecided on the effect on growth stimulants because the horses do not know what its being applied to their tail so these physological effects cant possibly increase growth on horses.

this is a good way to put it. because i know surge has worked wonders for me some times and not so much at other times. ive resumed using it to help jumpstart my follicles after my stress-induced-hairloss-tragedy. at the very least, im using it as a bonafide strengthener for my hair.

i personally have a theory that when something new is introduced, vitamins, a stimulating product, oil massages, your hair WILL get a boost; however this cannot be maintained; it'd be too taxing on the body. i think alot of products work in the beginning because a)the body is initially responding to a serious jumpstart, b) the product is only supposed to be effective in extreme situations and not with long term consistent use (ie, fixing damaged hair, hair loss, etc). i know i can use as many products and techniques i want but my optimal rate won't exceed 3/4"- 1" per month in the front and and inch plus in the back.