Phyto relaxed girls...Question????


Well-Known Member
I was told by a well respected stylist (referred by others on this board) that phyto is not for everyone. She said it is for people with naturally curly hair... already have some curl pattern.( like those who are 3). I have am about 30% 4a tight coils and the rest 4b. My hair is very fine and soft. Are there any 4b or 4a who use phyto successfully? (and wearing it texlax?)
I'm a 4a/b and I have used Phyto twice. I'm mostly 4a in the front and 4b past the crown. I relax bone straight with Index II and it has been working well for me. My hair is fine and the relaxer works pretty quickly. I haven't experienced any problems and even though I like my hair bone straight, Phyto still leaves it with body. I used lye for years and I'm 11 weeks post and I'm getting ready to touch up next week at 12 weeks so it will be my 3rd time with Phtyo. You can't believe everything stylists tell you.
I'm a 4a relaxed and I use Phyto index II, my hair is thick and coarse and I relax bone straight too. I have no problem with this relaxer, I love it!!!:)

The last time I relaxed my hair with phyto, I was 7 months post relaxer, I had a lot of newgrowth, but it relaxed my hair very well!
nycutiepie said:
I'm a 4a/b and I have used Phyto twice. I'm mostly 4a in the front and 4b past the crown. I relax bone straight with Index II and it has been working well for me. My hair is fine and the relaxer works pretty quickly. I haven't experienced any problems and even though I like my hair bone straight, Phyto still leaves it with body. I used lye for years and I'm 11 weeks post and I'm getting ready to touch up next week at 12 weeks so it will be my 3rd time with Phtyo. You can't believe everything stylists tell you.

Same here! I'm 3ab/4a (:perplexed) in the front, and 4b past the crown. My hair isn't fine, but kind of thin, and I absolutely love what Phyto II does for my hair. My hair is very straight, but still has lots of body and still gets very wavy/curly when wet. I'm 2 weeks post relaxer and haven't even washed yet, and my hair is still full of bounce.
I'm a 4a/4b and used phyto for the first time 7 weeks ago. I will be doing a touch-up at 8 or 9 weeks post and I am very pleased with how it performed. My hair was straight, yet full of body immediately and it felt much stronger.

Has this stylist used Phyto on any of her clients? Or, because Phyto is made with plant extracts, is she just assuming that it works only for naturally curly hair 3's?
4a/b Phyto user here. I've only used it once, at my last touchup. It was my first time and my stylist (first time going to her too, she was recommended on the board and I love her!) told me that it doesn't take well in everyone's hair. But I guess the only way to determine whether or not it works for your hair is to try it. It took great in my 12 week post relaxer hair. My hair was straight, but I still had lots of body. That is the thing I love most about the Phyto, it leaves my hair with body. When I was relaxing with lye, it would take like 2 or 3 weeks post relaxer for my hair to get some body and lose the pasted to the scalp look.

The pincurl pictures in my siggy were taken 2 days after my Phyto touchup. I'm scheduled for my second Phyto in Jan.
No, phyto isnt for everyone but again, no relaxer is.

Plenty of ladies here who have type 4 hair use it successfully. But there's also ladies here who have type 4 (and even type 3 hair) that don't like phyto at all.

I'm a type 4 girl and it does a great job on my hair. I always have body afterwards, the plus side is that I never get a jacked up scalp which can happen with some relaxers.

I stretch relaxers pretty far out and using phyto imo has allowed me to do that. It dosen't dry my hair out like past relaxers and I don't seem to get a bunch of tangles either. Last stretch was from August to December 2, Next relaxer may be in may/june if the new growth don't get too crazy.

I'm a 4a, who texlaxes with Phyto and I love it. Lots of body, never do I have that sad, flat, 'just relaxed' look. My mom is a very fine 4a and she relaxes straight with Phyto and she loves it and my sister is a very thick and coarse 4b who also relaxes bone straight with Phyto. Both are quite pleased with their results (no breakage, lot's of body and strength left in the hair). HTH!
I'll just cosign what everybody has said. I'm 4a/b fine, and very slightly underprocessed by choice. I think Phyto is great. my friend.

I pretty much agree with everyone else. I have used Phyto on a type 4 client with wonderful results.
okay so somebody clue me in: What is Phyto? Yeah, I've been under a rock for awhile. A link to a thread that already addresses my question will do also.
delp said:
I was told by a well respected stylist (referred by others on this board) that phyto is not for everyone. She said it is for people with naturally curly hair... already have some curl pattern.( like those who are 3). I have am about 30% 4a tight coils and the rest 4b. My hair is very fine and soft. Are there any 4b or 4a who use phyto successfully? (and wearing it texlax?)

Did she say why it was for people with 3ish hair? Just curious, cause is got my 4a/b hair bone strait, like the other ladies.
I am one of those ladies who didn't have that much success with phyto. It was okay, it just didn't get my hair as straight as I wanted. I think I will give it another try and see what happens.
I'm a 4a/4b with fine hair and it works great for me. I have used it for my past two touch ups and I'm kicking myself for not trying it sooner. There is a noticable difference between my Phyto relaxed hair and Affirm hair. The Phyto relaxed hair is much thicker and it seems stronger. My stylist didn't think it would work for me at first either (my hair is extrememly resistant) but now she loves the way my hair turns out w/ it.
I have 4a hair and i used phyto 1 for the first time my last touch up and so far so good. Phyto is a great relaxer but i didn't feel like i was retaining enough thickness with the phyto 2 (which ive used for the past year and a half) so i switched... my hair is pretty straight and i left it on for 20 minutes and smoothed and i like the results. I've always used mild relaxers with success, but when i switched to phyto i kept hearing how mild it was so i thought i'd HAVE to use phyto2... anyways i said all that to say that phyto WILL straighten your hair, especially if you smooth
Sorry to bust up in here and be a meanie, but I hate Phyto. I tried it and had a very bad reaction. I'm 4a and it got my hair silky straight and it didn't burn etc. However as the days went on my hair started coming out in clumps, my scalp was sore and I got horrible dandruff. It took me a little over a month to get back to normal and now I'm growing out my relaxer. That experience scared me too much and I don't see myself using any relaxer in the future and I have to warn you that if you are hypersensitive or have reactions to products in general you will want to be cautious about using Phyto.