I'll never use another relaxer (PHYTO REVIEW)

Nice said:
Now...if I were to use the Index 1 on my mostly 4b hair, how would my hair come out!!!

I was wondering the same thing. I have used mild relaxers in the past, but I think PhytoRelaxer is really mild. Meaning, I intentionally didn't fully relax my hairline and it is more of a texturized look. I am thinking that using index 1 on mostly 4b hair would not give you a straight look. I am thinking that if I tried it on my coarse 4b hair (like my crown) it wouldn't doo to much to straighten it, but remove some of the tightness of the curl.

ETA: how long was index 2 left on your hair? Did you think your hair was too straight when it was finished?
I am ashamed to say that when I had my relaxer done, I did not pay attention to the time. That was only because Marcia did my relaxer (I really trust her) and I had 4 month worth of new growth. I did find that my hair was a little too straight for my taste. I want switch to milder relaxer because my hair is extremely fine. I was actually thinking of adding some conditioner to my index 2 like sherrylove :)
KAddy said:
I was wondering the same thing. I have used mild relaxers in the past, but I think PhytoRelaxer is really mild. Meaning, I intentionally didn't fully relax my hairline and it is more of a texturized look. I am thinking that using index 1 on mostly 4b hair would not give you a straight look. I am thinking that if I tried it on my coarse 4b hair (like my crown) it wouldn't doo to much to straighten it, but remove some of the tightness of the curl.

ETA: how long was index 2 left on your hair? Did you think your hair was too straight when it was finished?
Happy your experience was so positive ArmyQT. :up:

KAddy said:
Uh oh, let me run before Sengschick sees me as she told me to stop recruiting. :look:

I warned you KAddy!
My hairboutique order hasn't arrived yet. I wonder why???
sengschick said:
I warned you KAddy!
My hairboutique order hasn't arrived yet. I wonder why???


Uh, see, What had happened was...

Uh, it was the snow, yeah that's it the snow is slowing up your delivery.
Phytorelaxer is a no lye right? I researched it a few years ago but I'm trying to figure out why I didn't try it....Is like one of the thio.....something something..... relaxers?

Is it appled in the same manner as a regular relaxer? Meaning...if you took it to a salon, would your stylist know what to do with it? Or is this mainly for the self-relaxers?
daviine said:
Phytorelaxer is a no lye right? I researched it a few years ago but I'm trying to figure out why I didn't try it....Is like one of the thio.....something something..... relaxers?

Is it appled in the same manner as a regular relaxer? Meaning...if you took it to a salon, would your stylist know what to do with it? Or is this mainly for the self-relaxers?

I know it is not exclusive to self-relaxers. I know for a fact that in Miami and Atlanta high end salons use it. And they charge extra for it.
PhytoPusha...can u please convey that the PhytoRelaxer is nothing like Thio -
statements like that scare me:eek:. I'm getting the impression that some folks are nervous about using this...and that's fine. If one is into the the what I'm using ain't broke...that's fine too.

It's applied....just like one would do a 5.99 no lye box relaxer off of the shelf...my Dominican around the way stylist applied it for me...but it is nothing like a box relaxer off of the shelf (I've used Fabulaxer, Vitale and my last one prior to Phyto was Affirm Sensitive Scalp) in terms of the way it makes your hair feel and look. Some may beg to differ, but those who have used the product know the feeling of which I speak.

KAddy...girl...you have done a wonderful job pushing the product...but one can only push so much...you have given tons of info on the Phyto threads as well as Sengs and others.
daviine said:
Phytorelaxer is a no lye right? I researched it a few years ago but I'm trying to figure out why I didn't try it....Is like one of the thio.....something something..... relaxers?

Is it appled in the same manner as a regular relaxer? Meaning...if you took it to a salon, would your stylist know what to do with it? Or is this mainly for the self-relaxers?

Hey Daviine,
The PhytoRelaxer is a no lye relaxer that uses guanidine carbonate as the active agent, which I found out from an LHCF member that it's something like mushroom salt. It also has egg extract and soya extract in the straightening cream.

If you took it to a stylist they will know what to do. It is packaged like any other no-lye box relaxer. If you look at the site, they would say go to a stylist. Many of the ladies here that use it, including myself, self-relax for a number of different reasons, but also because the relaxer is expensive.

If you click on the phytorelaxer link in my siggy it will tell you about the relaxer.
Lindy said:
OMG... that is just hilarious, but TRUE!! :rofl: I'm wondering if I could buy it and take it to the salon... :scratchch I'm just scurred to give up my beloved Affirm... :look: You know... if it aint broke, don't fix it!! ;)
That's my issue too...affirm mild is ok but I would like to try this and sigh...I dunno....
QUESTION...can you use Affirm 5 in 1 after washing the relaxer out...before neutralizing?
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I would play it safe and follow the directions.

Do you use the no-lye Affirm? If so you are prob safe with phyto. If your hair hates no-lyes in general, i would leave the phyto alone.
UmSumayyah said:
I would play it safe and follow the directions.

Do you use the no-lye Affirm? If so you are prob safe with phyto. If your hair hates no-lyes in general, i would leave the phyto alone.
I use affirm lye. Back in the day when I was using no-lye was hair looked red and always felt dry but NOW I'm not sure if it's because it may have been OVER PROCESSED.
i am an affirm sen. scalp user and I will probably try the phyto. I use some of their other products. I would go with the index 1 because I do not like stick straight hair. I like my hair full. In the summer I also like to be able to wash and wear and not having it stick straight helps along with some products.
I have found the relaxer on another site so perhaps I will get it. Are there 1 or 2 applications in the box?