Phyto 30% off - Ends 5/16/08


Check everything in your orders to make sure everything is there. I opened one of the relaxers and the Milky Restructurer was missing. I opened the second relaxer and it's there. This is clearly a problem that was created at the plant because both boxes were still in that heavy duty clear wrap. But, I'm glad I looked long before I will need that second relaxer.

Check everything in your orders to make sure everything is there. I opened one of the relaxers and the Milky Restructurer was missing. I opened the second relaxer and it's there. This is clearly a problem that was created at the plant because both boxes were still in that heavy duty clear wrap. But, I'm glad I looked long before I will need that second relaxer.

They did you a favor. That stuff is :perplexed:lachen: On the up side, that tube is so huge you should have enough for at least 2 uses from one tube.