Phyto Friends & Family Sale 2009!

Has anyone received their order yet?

When did you place your order?

My order came in on Thursday. I was a little suprised how it was packed:ohwell: considering how small the items were, They could have put it all in one box instead of 3 and saved themselves some money really.

Wishing I had bought a bottle of the phytomist (if anybody has a bottle you want to get rid of pm me:look:)

but I did receive everything I ordered.

I ordered November 13 and have not received my order. When I called the 800 number, it just rings and rings. I hope I won't have to get ethnic with these folks!!!
Same here! And no response to my email yet. :nono:

Ok, just talked with a Phyto Rep. My order was delivered Nov 21st but FedEx jacked it up.:perplexed They attempted delivery to the wrong address. Called FedEx and I should received it tomorrow.
PDub and Beana - Imma need your regimes in my life! Your hair is blingingly shiny!

Regimes please ...

Thank you for the compliments!

Right now I'm all Phyto shampoos and conditioners once a week. But after the new year, I'm going to switch to all Nexxus shampoos and conditioners. I want to see how my hair reacts. I've used Nexxus products in the past and my hair was very, very healthy. It's still healthy after switching over to an all Phyto regimen, but I think the ceramides in Nexxus took my hair to another level. I'm not going to abandon my Phyto stash altogether, but I am going to put it on hiatus for a minute!!

Oh, and I think the shine is because I use a semi-permanent rinse (Clairol) and Aveda Black Malva conditioner on the regular.

Thanks for the compliment!! Now only if it would just GROW ALREADY!!!:wallbash:
Yes, see if you can get through to a Phyto Rep and get the FedEx tracking number. Hopefully your items will be on their way!!!

Just spoke to a Phyto rep who could only tell me that their tracking system is down. She will talk to a logistics rep and call me back as soon as she has info for me. She also said they are trying to process all of their orders before Thanksgiving.
I am not happy with this. I know I will never order from them again. :nono:
Just spoke to a Phyto rep who could only tell me that their tracking system is down. She will talk to a logistics rep and call me back as soon as she has info for me. She also said they are trying to process all of their orders before Thanksgiving.
I am not happy with this. I know I will never order from them again. :nono:

I totally understand! I'm not big on ordering online to begin with. I'm fortunate enough to live in a city where I have virtually anything and everything at my fingertips. Plus I don't like the waiting!! If I want something, I want it NOW!!!
It's easy to track my order using Google Checkout...I ordered on the last day and my products have not shipped yet. I'm pretty patient with online orders, so it's cool...considering the huge price cuts, I figure they are dealing with a large volume of orders.

ETA:'s now November 28th and the orders haven't even shipped. Even MY patience is wearing thin.
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My patience is wearing thin also. They are literally a Path train ride away from me. I feel like just going to pick it up! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
My Google check out status hasn't moved. It still says my order was sent to Phyto. They never replied to my email. I spoke with a rep again this past Tuesday and even after giving her the tracking number from Google, the most she could tell me was that my order was being processed. She had no shipping info at all and didn't want to commit to telling me any more than that.
I understand being swamped with a great deal of orders during sale time, but how could you not provide any updates to order status. :perplexed
I have ordered so many things on line since I placed this order and received everything except this.
My hair is screaming for a touch up. :blush: I may have to go to the BSS anyway.
They took the money two weeks ago. I could just do with a little info....
I'm just sayin...:ohwell:

I know, right? They CHARGED us on the same day we ordered....yet it's been like weeks and nothing! I'm itching to cancel my order, but I don't want to feel silly later. I tried calling and the phone just rang....this is weird. Even slow Sally Beauty Supply doesn't take this long for shipping. Maybe they are out of stock on some products???

Any one else received their order? Please update and let us know. I'm glad I didn't plan on relaxing until the end of December because it looks like it'll take that long before I get my products.
Have you tried emailing them at [email protected] AND [email protected] - I know the latter does not have to do with sales but it will get someone's attention...this is ridiculous. (I didn't even order anything)

I had a similar issue with them and I went straight to corporate and got a few free items in the process. I definitely let them know how they have inconvenienced me as I was going on a trip...blah blah blah and that I know that considering the quality/prices of their products that their delivery practices should be reflective of that...blah blah blah....
Have you tried emailing them at [email protected] AND [email protected] - I know the latter does not have to do with sales but it will get someone's attention...this is ridiculous. (I didn't even order anything)

I had a similar issue with them and I went straight to corporate and got a few free items in the process. I definitely let them know how they have inconvenienced me as I was going on a trip...blah blah blah and that I know that considering the quality/prices of their products that their delivery practices should be reflective of that...blah blah blah....

Thanks for the info. I will have to do that as I still have not received a thing. The only email I got today was from Google checkout asking me to rate my experience with Phyto. I'm gonna love filling that one out! :lachen:

(By the way, my status is still the same - my order has been sent to Phyto for processing 11/16/09! ) :drunk:
I just called again (before I fire off an email) to check the status. The same rep is telling me the same thing she says everytime I call! (I see it's been processed and is in the warehouse, but I can't track it from here. It may have already been shipped or it may go out today. Either way you should definitely get it this week). I told her she has said the same thing for the last two weeks, and I would say it with her next time. :spinning: I asked if I called back later today or tomorrow, would she still tell me the same thing? She couldn't tell me anything different. I said I would probably cancel my order if I find that it has not shipped by today. She told me there was no way to do that, but I could refuse the order when it comes if I still felt this way.

Off to type my email!!!
I just called again (before I fire off an email) to check the status. The same rep is telling me the same thing she says everytime I call! (I see it's been processed and is in the warehouse, but I can't track it from here. It may have already been shipped or it may go out today. Either way you should definitely get it this week). I told her she has said the same thing for the last two weeks, and I would say it with her next time. :spinning: I asked if I called back later today or tomorrow, would she still tell me the same thing? She couldn't tell me anything different. I said I would probably cancel my order if I find that it has not shipped by today. She told me there was no way to do that, but I could refuse the order when it comes if I still felt this way.

Off to type my email!!!

Make sure you get her name and recommend that they pull the calls to see what these reps are tellin' you guys
How often does Phyto do this sale? Is it annually? As I am now itching to relax at 20 weeks and throw in the tail on this transition attempt. Yet, I feel terrible for not coming to this conclusion weeks ago. :-(

I hope you all get your orders soon. Bad customer service sucks!
I received my relaxer but I did not receive my treatment. I called them last monday they told they did not have anymore in stock but I should receive them shortly. I am becoming a little impatient I am going to call them now.
Just got this response from my email. Now I will have to go home and see if this is real! :lachen:

Good Afternoon,

I’d like to begin by thanking you for your continued loyalty and business as a customer.
I have reviewed your order, your accounted experience with us as a company and completely understand your frustration to date.

As you’ve already been told on numerous occasions, we did experience a heavy delay on the processing of orders from our Friends and Family sale. For that we truly apologize to our customers who experienced this delay.
To explain the financial part of your situation:
Google charges the customer’s card which then lets us know that the order is free to ship. It is then our responsibility to ship the order in a timely fashion.
We received your order via Google over the weekend on Saturday the 14th of November. That weekend was also the largest volume weekend of our sale.
From the date of receipt, we took 7 business days to process the order.
From the date that the order was processed, the warehouse shipped the order within one full business day. However, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, the delay seemed much longer.

Tracking for your order became available as of 12pm today. I have tracked your order and can see that it was delivered to you today at 11:30am.

Again, we appreciate your business and most importantly appreciate your feedback so that we can improve our level of customer service response.
My response to them:

Thank you for your response:

While I understand the delay due to the volume of orders and the Thanksgiving holiday, the most frustrating part was the lack of communication regarding what was going on with the order. To be told consistenly that it is unable to be tracked, but you should receive it this week - for three weeks - is not good customer service.
Their reply:
We agree and that’s why we appreciate your response so we can work on our end to improve our communications with our warehouse and our customers.

They responded to me, too:


First off we would like to apologize for the delay. Due to the large volume of orders as well as the holiday weekend, the ship time is longer than normal. Your Phyto sale order number is (-----), and has an estimated delivery date of December 7th. Once again, we are sorry for the delay and any inconvenience it has caused. We appreciate your continuing use of Phyto! Have a great day!

Thank You,

No comment :rolleyes:
OMGoodness. My order that was placed on 11/18 just came in right this moment. I am so glad that DH is taking nap 'cause the box is HUGE :blush: ! Two other big boxes from Amazon came in as well (Thermasmooth and some Henna/Indigo).

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Has everyone's order arrived? :look:

I was lucky! I got mine about a week after placing my order. And that was because FedEx went to the wrong address.

Go figure - Ordering on-line is a LAST option for me and I had the least amount of issues!!