Perm rods video

She's gorgeous but did she sit under a dryer after she finished rolling or she let it airdry?
the style is cool
i do my 2 strand twists the same way (the pic in my avater) only things are i use flex rods and don't wet my hair

i would try it her way for more fullness
I love her hair and she is super cute also. So happy and bubbly! She says that she sat under the dryer to dry them.
Her hair is great and I loved the final product. The video was so cute and her personality made the video very enjoyable. I finally know how to use those perm rods now, yay. Thanks so much for for posting this
This young lady is so cute and joyfull and the style is really beautiful. What a nice personality. !! i am going to share the video with a friend who has locks