Peppermint Oil?


New Member
I went to GNC today and I saw that they had 100% pure peppermint oil. Should I buy it? If so, when should I use it and how much should I use?
I'd go ahead and buy it...just remember a little goes a long way, it's powerful stuff.
You can put some in your shampoo or leave-ins (gives the scalp a nice tingly feeling!), or use it to make stuff like MTG smell better.
I'm a newbie, so I'm not sure if this is good...I put it in my cheap conditioner--Suave Coconut and Honey. It smells wonderful and it's a good stimulant too.
How much is everyone using? I bought some on tuesday and it had my house smelling lovely :D . But how much are you ladies using in your hair procducts?
I spike my Surge with peppermint oil and I also use in when mixing my dominican conditioners.
I just add it to my shampoo, I loooooove the tingling sensation. I put about 6-10 drops in with each shampoo lather.
I put a few drops in my WGO, and if I'm wanting scalp stimulation, I'll add it to my conditioner concoction.

I agree that only a few drops are necessary b/c it's very strong. If you're trying to mask an odor or gain a tingle, it's perfect. :up: