Oil Breakdown


New Member
Okay this may be a lot to ask but I was wondering if someone could list a breakdown of all the oils and what they are known for..Like

Coconut Oil- Mositure
Olive Oil
Alma Oil
Castor Oil


I was just pondering if I should maybe add another oil to my rotation..right now I use EVOO and Coconut... I used to use Peppermint for my edges as well.

Thanks Ladies!!
Peppermint oil - promotes growth
Macademia oil - protects against heat
Rosemary oil - promotes growth
Ylang Ylang - promotes growth
Avocado oil - nourishes the hair

Great thread, hope more people chime in!
Feel free to edit or improve on these, but from what I know:

Soybean oil - a light oil that aids growth

Mahabhringraj oil - an Indian oil that is a blend of herbs mixed in till (sesame) or coconut oil. It is supposed to be great for promoting growth

Olive oil - a heavy oil that is good for pre-poo

Argan oil - a light oil that is excellent for smoothing and nourishing the skin and adding "slip"

Coconut oil - a medium-weight oil that moisturizes, and contains protein so it is great for strengthening the hair shaft

Shea butter - super moisurizer and sealant

Others are:
Amla- promotes growth and darkens the hair. It also strengthens the hair's roots.

Castor- is antiseptic which keeps the scalp healthy, it also promotes growth and softens the hair.

Grapeseed- is anstringent, it keeps the scalp healthy by helping with dandruff etc. It also softens the hair.

Avocado- moisturzes
Essential oils should be put in a separate category as they have to be diluted.
Grapefruit, cedarwood, and yarrow essential oil also promote growth.