People's Court - Woman's Hair Disintegrated by Relaxer!!!


Well-Known Member
Is anybody watching this! She has bald patches all over her head! The relaxer kit is from like 2006!!! She said her hair washed down the drain when she washed the relaxer out!!! OMG!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Awww! She lost the case. The judge said she didn't follow the directions by doing a strand test. She was suing the black owned BSS :look:. She should have went to Judge Mathis instead. I'm sure he would have been more hip to the game. I've never done a strand test in my life.

She didn't notice the exp. date until after the fact. Oops! The BSS owner was all "How do I know she bought it from my store?" He laughed when she showed some of the hair she collected into a zip lock baggy. What a mess...
I wish i was at home! I'm sick at work with zebra-pig-elephant flu ugghh i shouldn't have come to work today!!!!

Off Topic:uhh EXSUSE ME! *rolls eyes with hands on hips* Whatcha doing with my baby daddy laid up in yo' siggy like he yo' man?! Its not popp'n like that hunny! I demand you remove my hubby RIGHT NOW *puts vaseline on face*
and, how long does it take to get a case heard on People's Court that she *still* has bald patches?

WHy not sue the manufacturer? I trust Mizani, the company, more than I trust KimChee's beautiful nail and hair supply.

I suspect user error.
I saw that episode but they raised an interesting point. I always thought relaxers got weaker as time went on not stronger. It's crazy because how many people think to look at the expiration date on a relaxer box? Especially if they buy it today and use it today why would they think it's expired? Crazy. She really should've called the company as well and done more research before suing just to be sure that it was because of the old relaxer.
WOWWWWWWW......this is quite something. I definitely agree that she should have checked the date, and not used a relaxer that old. But yeah...I haven't done a strand test in a long time!!! And who is to say that would have been accurate. I think that the blame lies in what Still Sexy says, did she buy an old relaxer in 2009, or did she keep that relaxer under the cabinet for 3 years.
This is why they tell you to do a strand test.

Don't follow the instructions, and you have no case. That's the whole point of the warning labels - to cover their arses so that when ish like this does happen, they can say - see, user error! Not our fault - we PUT the directions on the box. :nono:
Thats like me suing a grocery store because i got sick off some expired milk and i didn't do a sniff test or check the date. Buyer beware!

Doesn't old relxer smell really fishy??
Oooh I saw that today too. When the judge was reading the box she said it was super super super strength lol. That woman knew better than to even have a relaxer that just had one super on the box because she said herself she had thin hair to begin with. After 3 years the strength of that relaxer was still as strong as super so that's probably why her hair fell out.
Yep i better start reading directions. I have never read directions or dates on a relaxer. I've noticed when I have bought old relaxers it gets that crusty white flaky stuff on the top. How do you not notice that?
wow! how does a relaxer slip through the cracks in 2007...2008...2009...if she hadn't bought, I could only imagine how much longer it would have been on the shelves....
This is why they tell you to do a strand test.

Don't follow the instructions, and you have no case. That's the whole point of the warning labels - to cover their arses so that when ish like this does happen, they can say - see, user error! Not our fault - we PUT the directions on the box. :nono:

JustKiya, as a fellow natural, you may or may not know the answer to this, but someone else may: do the instructions on a relaxer say "Check the expiration date?" Do those of you who are relaxed routinely check when you buy?

Back when i was relaxed, I sure didn't...
Yeah. It sucks she lost but the judge is making sense. Had she done the strand test she would've known the relaxer was going to melt her hair away but at the same time shouldn't the BSS get some type of penalty for selling products THAT old?

It's like someone mentioned earlier. Going to a restuarant, and being served old milk then losing a lawsuit because the judge said "Well if you would've sniffed the milk, you wouldn't have drank the old ****" I mean to me it would be understandable if the relaxer expired in 08, but 06 and NO penalty? *in referee voice* thats below the belt son!
JustKiya, as a fellow natural, you may or may not know the answer to this, but someone else may: do the instructions on a relaxer say "Check the expiration date?" Do those of you who are relaxed routinely check when you buy?

Back when i was relaxed, I sure didn't...

:look: I doubt that it tells you to check the expiration date, but the instructions definitely say 'Do a strand test before every relaxer, even if you have used the product before'. :lol: I've done enough chemical treatments to my hair to know that much. ;)

And stuff like this is why I always did a strand test and a skin test when I was dying my hair. Always. Taint worth being too impatient to wait for the results, and end up bald or with a severe allergic reaction. :nono:
Yep i better start reading directions. I have never read directions or dates on a relaxer. I've noticed when I have bought old relaxers it gets that crusty white flaky stuff on the top. How do you not notice that?

True That - not too mention a 3 year old box of anything sittin' in a BSS would be dusty as h***!!!
I'm not relaxed anymore but I know when I was I dang sure didn't do strand tests, and I didn't check for expiration dates either. Especially since I had been relaxing my hair over 10 years. She was an older woman too I'm sure she figured it was just a routine touchup. She even said she only applies to the new growth. I felt bad for her because she had so much hair in the ziplock bag. I would've been bawling! Well I guess for the relaxed ladies if you buy your relaxer from the bss check it because either way it was still on the shelf.
:look: I doubt that it tells you to check the expiration date, but the instructions definitely say 'Do a strand test before every relaxer, even if you have used the product before'. :lol: I've done enough chemical treatments to my hair to know that much. ;)

And stuff like this is why I always did a strand test and a skin test when I was dying my hair. Always. Taint worth being too impatient to wait for the results, and end up bald or with a severe allergic reaction. :nono:

I see your point. If she had done a strand test by coating her hair with relaxer, then, after 5 minutes, looked up and realized that strand was missing, she wouldn't have done the rest of her head. BTW, never a better time than to use this smiley: :pullhair:

But I'll bet you 100 more keystrokes that MOST DIY relaxer users don't do a strand test every time -- especially if it's a brand they've used before.

I really sympathize with this lady.
I see your point. If she had done a strand test by coating her hair with relaxer, then, after 5 minutes, looked up and realized that strand was missing, she wouldn't have done the rest of her head. BTW, never a better time than to use this smiley: :pullhair:

But I'll bet you 100 more keystrokes that MOST DIY relaxer users don't do a strand test every time -- especially if it's a brand they've used before.

I really sympathize with this lady.

Wouldn't even take it, as it's a suckers bet. :lachen: But this kind of stuff is why they tell you do to it. It might only happen once in a 100K heads, but do you really want your head to be the one it happens to? Shooooot. :nono:

I do sympathize with the lady - but I also understand why the judge ruled the way he did.