People's Court/Relaxer


New Member
Okay I am a court show junkie....hahaha, I laugh a folks airing their dirty laundry to the world... :lachen:

Anyways, today this lady tried to sue a salon owner for burning the back of her 6 yr olds head/neck. The judge went off. She basically stated why would the mother already try to instill in the girl to try and have something she doesn't and don't teach her to appreciate what God gave her (her natural hair).

Needless, to say the mother didn't get up when the baby stated she was burning, cause she was getting her own perm. But! She didn't take her to the hospital afterwards neither because she has a current child abuse case pending.

Oh and she took her own "just for me" perm into the salon to use. The owner said he told the mom he did not know anything about that perm, but she insisted on him using it because her sister had used on her baby a year prior when she was 5 years old.

I was like wow, for a judge of another race to rip the mother up and down about letting her daughter learn to embrace the hair that God gave her. She also was mad that the salon would put chemicals on someone that young.

Brought my mind to this board.

How old was everyone when they got their first perm/relaxer?

I was 8 and thought I was fly (hahaha). I then went to a curl with touch up's only when school started, then when I got to high school, I moved into a perm/relaxer.
I was probably around 8 or 9. :ill:

I can't even imagine a kid that young getting those kinds of chemicals on their head now. :(
My mom let me get a Vigorol at 16. My first perm was probably not until 18 (when I was old enough to go get it myself).

I wouldn't let my child get a perm before at least 16.
I saw that today...

You know whay I got a relaxer early. Probably earlier than 6! Can you blame her though? Most of us may say yes but that's because we're all ON this hair board, so we have some type of common sense. But think about the brainwashing that a lot of black women have had about their hair!

We have about 50 topics of "Good hair/Bad Hair and What our Mothers Told Us" and I mean, Judge Milian doesn't really know how it is with the 'black hair mentality' that the children should have managable and not curly "hard to manage hair" (plus that mom looked like she was the type to say 'good huur') lol. I didn't like the way the case was handled

But at the same time, it's true, the mom didn't take the baby to the doctor for fear of her ACS case????? :eek: Please..... :rolleyes:


back on topic,

I got my hair relaxed before the age of 6.
Eiano said:
Judge Milian doesn't really know how it is with the 'black hair mentality' that the children should have managable and not curly "hard to manage hair"

I think she may. She's Cubana and I don't think her hair is naturally straight. They have that same "I want straight hair too" complex in Miami and Cuba.

I got my first relaxer when I was six or seven. Who knows why they put it in my head. It was pure torture. My hair looked a mess afterwards, short and thin. I'd never put one of those in a little girl's hair-- I don't care how unmanagable their hair is.
I was 8. My hair used to break combs and brushes! :lol: My mom couldn't handle my natural hair, so the cycle began! :( This year finally got the nerve to break the cycle myself, thanks to the kind encouragement by you all! Thanx! :notworthy I think remembering my mom's frustration and the combs breaking made me so traumatized, I actually forgot the texture of my natural hair. :lol: I can now find out for myself how beautiful my God given hair is! All I remember is that it was long(bra strap level) and thick! That's my new goal. to keep my hair natural and grow it long!
anky said:
I think she may. She's Cubana and I don't think her hair is naturally straight. They have that same "I want straight hair too" complex in Miami and Cuba.

I think your right, she did make mention of chemicals to straighten her hair as well.

I'm 31 (shhh, don't tell I'll continue to say 25 till I die :lol: ) and just found this board. I sent a link to my beautician so she can check it out as well. But why can't there be some other type of hair education when it comes to African American hair? I don't see why this isn't taught in hair schools or something.
Eiano said:
I saw that today...

You know whay I got a relaxer early. Probably earlier than 6! Can you blame her though? Most of us may say yes but that's because we're all ON this hair board, so we have some type of common sense. But think about the brainwashing that a lot of black women have had about their hair!

We have about 50 topics of "Good hair/Bad Hair and What our Mothers Told Us" and I mean, Judge Milian doesn't really know how it is with the 'black hair mentality' that the children should have managable and not curly "hard to manage hair" (plus that mom looked like she was the type to say 'good huur') lol. I didn't like the way the case was handled

But at the same time, it's true, the mom didn't take the baby to the doctor for fear of her ACS case????? :eek: Please..... :rolleyes:

I bet Milian is familiar with that... she's cuban.

I got my first relaxer at 12... because I had too much hair for me to handle.
mizbizzyb said:
Okay I am a court show junkie....hahaha, I laugh a folks airing their dirty laundry to the world... :lachen:

Anyways, today this lady tried to sue a salon owner for burning the back of her 6 yr olds head/neck. The judge went off. She basically stated why would the mother already try to instill in the girl to try and have something she doesn't and don't teach her to appreciate what God gave her (her natural hair).

Needless, to say the mother didn't get up when the baby stated she was burning, cause she was getting her own perm. But! She didn't take her to the hospital afterwards neither because she has a current child abuse case pending.

Oh and she took her own "just for me" perm into the salon to use. The owner said he told the mom he did not know anything about that perm, but she insisted on him using it because her sister had used on her baby a year prior when she was 5 years old.

I was like wow, for a judge of another race to rip the mother up and down about letting her daughter learn to embrace the hair that God gave her. She also was mad that the salon would put chemicals on someone that young.

Brought my mind to this board.

How old was everyone when they got their first perm/relaxer?

I was 8 and thought I was fly (hahaha). I then went to a curl with touch up's only when school started, then when I got to high school, I moved into a perm/relaxer.

I saw that episode too. Mother and daughter had some beautiful hair though.
First relaxer: From what I understand I was around 7 and my hair fell out. My hair grew back (had press and curls during that time) and I got a relaxer again at 12 (7th grade). My grandmother and mom say my hair was super tangly (this I can attest to) and tightly curled and I was tenderheaded to boot.

I will not suject any daughter I have to a weekly ritual of press and curls nor of a relaxer. She might get occasional press and curls, but I am still traumatized by the press and curl experience.
The way she was speaking seemed otherwise. She spoke as if she's never heard of it and just bashed her (you all saw it). I think it was excessive, whether or not she knew. If she did, she would know that this practice is COMMON, whether or not it be a good one.
I was 18 when I got my first relaxer. And it was because my hairdresser since I was about 6 didn't want anyone getting into my hair while I was away at college :lol:. If I only knew how to style my natural hair then, I probably wouldn't have ever relaxed--

But I can't imagine a relaxer at 6 years old--however, I've seen it done on little girls quite a bit of late. I wouldn't want to impose something so permanent on a child, so that they can make their own hair choices, form their own identity, etc.
The first relaxer I remember was when I was 5. I remember it clearly because it was a 'full head' touchup for kindergarden picture day. I know that couldn't have been the first perm because I knew I was supposed to speak up when it started to burn.

It's funny ironic, (not funny ha-ha) that the first symbol I recognized as a child was the skull and crossbones poison warning on Lye Relaxer.
got my first relaxer at 12 for my birthday.I was visiting my father and he had a co-worker who freelanced as a hairdresser come over and hook me up.
I have soooo HAPPY :clap: ....because all the other girls had a relaxer and i was still getting my hair pressed.

My mom freaked out though.She wanted to preserve my hair..and thought the perm may be damaging to me.I do lose a little hair,but i thought i was the sh*& when I came back to school in september with a big girl perm!! :lol:
i was about 12 or 13 and convinced my dad i had to have a perm. my mom was SOOOOO PISSSEEEDDD. whew i felt bad for starting that arguement.:(

i have a 6 yr. old and god-willing she wont want a perm.
I was 7 or maybe 8. :( I thought it was great the first couple days.

Strangely enough, my mother has never had a relaxer. She had a curl for a few years.
I was 9 years old when I got my first relaxer. I can't remember if I asked for it or if my mother was tired of dealing with my hair. I have always had thick hair all my life. I remember my mother putting eggs in my hair to soften it up and make it more manageable. Those press n' curl sessions were the worst! All that time spent hot combing and getting burned and the next day my hair would draw right back up.

The women who did my relaxer was a bald headed, wig wearing *****! She told my mother that I would need to get a touch up every four weeks :eek: ! Needles to say, while my hair was still thick, it was also breaking off and never any longer than just above my shoulders.

Oddly enough, my mother just started getting her hair relaxed maybe 5 or 6 years ago (but she has thin hair).
I was 13 and I had to beg me aunt, who owned a beauty salon to get her to do it.

I permed my daughter's hair at 13 too, a year later I had to cut off her overprocessed ends from a bad perm at the salon. Now at 19 her hair is brastrap length and she is going natural and thinking of getting locs.
I don't even remember way back then. I do know I was getting my hair pressed for the longest. But I may have been in the 5th grade when I got a relaxer.