People With Jacked Hair Giving Advice


What do you say? How do you react? How do you keep your face straight? When friends or associates give you advice on how to take care of your hair when theirs looks like a blind stylist loaded on heroin and crack cocaine went through it.

Now that I am natural other naturals at my school want to give me advice. One girl said yea make sure you comb it or it will dread up. I said no thanks combing causes too much breakage for me so I just finger comb under the shower and I CW everyday. I don't have any dreads forming and I've been natural for about 6 months.

She said well I think you need to comb it because dreads will form, you want it like mine so that you can pick through it.

Now let me tell you how her hair looked. I had known her for 4 years her hair was the same length all 4 years. It looked dry ,she had no pattern, it was frizzy and looked broken off. She said to me oh yea..I use to have those curl patterns too but they are gone now..maybe I comb/pick it out too much. HAHAHAHAHAH BBBBBAAAAAAHHHHH! I wanted to laugh but I just turned my back and coughed. lol

Your curls are gone because of picking out too much, but you want me to comb my hair too.

So yea how do you react? What do you say? Especially when these people are consistently trying to give you hair advice.
TrustMeLove said:
She said well I think you need to comb it because dreads will form, you want it like mine so that you can pick through it.

First, I say... Wow, not only is she a hair expert, but she can read your mind too! :perplexed: How is she going to tell you what you want your hair to be like? Suppose you did want dreds?

Second, as for friends who give me bad hair advice... I just say WHATEVER... and let my hair do the talking. I once had a friend who's hair would never grow beyond about 4 or 5 inches in the 6 yrs that I knew her. My hair was always around my shoulders, sometimes a little above and sometimes a little below. She would always tell me what I needed to do to my hair, mostly things that I knew that my hair did not respond well to. If I did those things that she suggested, my hair would have likely fallen out and stayed short too. She was a good friend and wasn't trying to be malicious, so we never fought about the hair stuff. I would just say "Yeah, sure" and stick to my routine.

If she is truly a good friend then take her advice lightly, nod your head, and keep doing what you do. Because you are the one who knows your hair the best.
Funny how it's always the ones with the most jacked hair who think that they know everything. Just like people with no teeth and bad breath always up in your face!! Just take it with a grain of salt and keep it moving!
:ohwell: I have a girlfriend who is over 260 lbs. who keeps telling me her dieting tips! WTF! A fat people can only teach me how to get or be FAT, not how to lose weight and be healthy.

I love LHCF because it is full of women who have acheived the hair health and length that I am aiming for! :)
I come to this board for signoffs on new products or techniques. I learn to not listen with my ears but my eyes. If your hair is jacked up than I am not listening to you for advice. I only comb my hair when I am using my detanglin lotion. I may use a comb when twisting but that's about it. My hair does not dred up when out. I read here that you have to be careful with the twists starting to lock but I never had that problem.
Country gal said:
I come to this board for signoffs on new products or techniques. I learn to not listen with my ears but my eyes. If your hair is jacked up than I am not listening to you for advice. I only comb my hair when I am using my detanglin lotion. I may use a comb when twisting but that's about it. My hair does not dred up when out. I read here that you have to be careful with the twists starting to lock but I never had that problem.

Country gal, I know it's off topic here, but I just wanted to ask what detangling lotion is your favorite. I am not completely natural yet, but I had quite an episode today. Almost brought tears to my eyes.
Alli77 said:
Funny how it's always the ones with the most jacked hair who think that they know everything. Just like people with no teeth and bad breath always up in your face!! Just take it with a grain of salt and keep it moving!

:yep: You took the words out of my mouth.
When this happens I just feign interest and move on. It is quite amusing that people do this when it's clear they've had no success with their own advice but people are strange.
I try to keep a straight face and not make any suggestions since they seem to know so much. I am diplomatic that way and I just keep it moving. I now know what I know and nothing that person with "jacked up hair" can tell me can make me budge on my stance. The proof is in the pudding (and those type of people are clueless as to what ingredients to use)
I was going to post this exact same topic! Somehow hair always comes up when my friends and I are talking, and it's so true that the ones with the most messed up head of hair have the most to say!

One girl thinks she knows everything! She grew her hair out to shoulderlength by wearing microbraids for a year. She took them out and was practically natural and I advised her to give her hair a little break before she relaxed... since she has been wearing braids continuosly. She insisted that her hair would break off if she waited, so she put two Super relaxers in the next day.. on the whole length (including previously relaxed)!

It was ok for a week or two, but then it began breaking off bad from dryness. She was complaining to me about it, and I once again gently advised her to maybe lay off the heat for a bit. She said that using the curling iron isn't bad as long as you use the right products with it that keep your hair healthy... translation: Baby Oil and Hair Food Grease! She thinks it's crazy that Black Women could stay away from mineral oil or grease, "cuz that's what's in all 'Black Products' and they can't all be wrong.":p

She also argues with me over my refusal to use African Gold Braid Spray... she thinks any product that says "botanicals" has some special ingredients that nurture hair... All botanicals means is Plants!! It doesn't mention all the silicone!

The thing is her mother gets away with a lot of the things she does and has beautiful thick hair (but she has to trim frequently) so she thinks she can do it too. She comments on how people think I wear weave too, but she won't even give LHCF or other sites I point her to a shot. So... anyway, now, a few months later her hair is thin, see-through and ear-length and once again she's "giving it a rest with braids".:ohwell:
Toni A. said:
Country gal, I know it's off topic here, but I just wanted to ask what detangling lotion is your favorite. I am not completely natural yet, but I had quite an episode today. Almost brought tears to my eyes.

Biolage detangling solution which can be used on relaxed and natural hair. I love it.
See? This is why I refrain from offering advice...I don't want to be the one people are looking at and thinking...."look at her head! how can she tell me anything?":lol:
that happened to me once. this lady's hair looked like a bird's nest, i'm serious, a birds nest :lol: it was dry, messy and matted to her head. anyway, she walked up to me and said i had nice hair. then started giving me suggestions on how to make it better by using the products she used. while she was talking i was thinking there's no way i would use that sh*t on my head. i finally just lied and said, oh, i'll look into that. they sound really good lol