People who have experienced bad MSM effects


New Member
Hi Ladies,
am new here and reading the forum i saw that a lot of ladies have experienced bad side effects with msm. I have been taking MSM for over a year and i have taken up to 20,000mg a day. I am about to have surgery now so i have to stop MSM for now, because of its blood thinning effects.
The trick to this problem is Drink lots of water, when taking at least 5,000mg of msm, you must drink at least a gallon of water daily and if taken more than that does, you have to drink more water. However, you can stop it when you start getting the side effects and start it back up later, this will only make things worse. You could however reduce the dosage but once you start taking it, its probably better not to stop it even when you have negative side effects. Also it should be known that MSM brightens the skin, i cannot rant enough about the benefits of MSM.
MSM for some reason plays a role in melaning production and my eyes have changed color as well from the high dosage i have been taking, they have gone from a deep brown to a very light brown and i attribute this to its cleansing effects. Because for some reason whenever i go on a detox diet as well my eyes change color and become lighter. At first this was scary because i am 100% black, until i found out that these happens sometimes.
i had my period for a month.. i dont mess wtih the MSM anymore!

lol, girl:grin:. This is a drastic effect and everybody's body is different. There are a lot of questions to be asked as to why this happened as well. Were you taking pure msm? becos some sellers mix theirs with all kinds of things. However with a side effect like that, i do not think trying MSM is worth it.
I didn't have mine for two! No thanks....

Wow, this is drastic i must say. I guess everybody's body is different. The side effects am talking about though are more like headaches, breakouts, fatigue and others, regular signs of detox, not drastic signs like not seeing your period for two months, so yes i definitely concur that you should stay far away from it.
Why are you taking that much MSM? That far exceeds recommended dosage.

Messed my period up, so no more for me.

Actually you can take up to 30,000mg of msm. You take it at that dose to get the maximum benefits for about a month.

There is also a book written by a very famous Dr. that explains the benefits and the maximum dosage of MSM. It has no side effects on the body.
I had no adverse effects with MSM except for bad detox symptoms if I didn't gradual increase the dosage.

My cycles became lighter, skin clearer and my hair became easier to manage, I am guessing this is because of the MSM. I haven't taken it in a long time though.
Actually you can take up to 30,000mg of msm. You take it at that dose to get the maximum benefits for about a month.

There is also a book written by a very famous Dr. that explains the benefits and the maximum dosage of MSM. It has no side effects on the body.

One doctor saying that does not have me convinced.

Let's be clear. It clearly does have side effects on the body from the reports here.
Msm has brightened my skin, and helped with joint pain as well as slightly loosening my curl pattern. I was taking approximately 11,000mg but, my cycles were a few days early and lingered on, long after it should have stopped. I currently take 5000mg. I think this is where I will stay. I have been taking MSM for about 3 years or more.
One doctor saying that does not have me convinced.

Let's be clear. It clearly does have side effects on the body from the reports here.
I am not trying to convince you, I am however just stating the source of the information i stated. I do not have to convince you. MSM has no side effects when taken in that amount for those who do not react badly to it. If you take 500mg or 30,000mg, if your body doesnt agree with it, it wont, it doesnt matter how little or how much you take. However, if your body can tolerate MSM if you take up to 30,000mg there are no side effects. I think MSM either works for you, and happens to be the best thing, or it doesnt work for you and gives you all these negative side effects, you happen to be one of the people with the bad side effects.

The main reason for my post is simple: For those who have headaches, strange dreams, and other minor side effects of MSM, before giving up on MSM try drinking a lot of water to see if it elevates these symptoms thats all.
I had detox symptoms when I first started MSM. I increased my water intake and decreased the amount I was taking, gradually building back up. The symptoms subsided, and I continued taking it up until I became pregnant.
I am not trying to convince you, I am however just stating the source of the information i stated. I do not have to convince you. MSM has no side effects when taken in that amount for those who do not react badly to it. If you take 500mg or 30,000mg, if your body doesnt agree with it, it wont, it doesnt matter how little or how much you take. However, if your body can tolerate MSM if you take up to 30,000mg there are no side effects. I think MSM either works for you, and happens to be the best thing, or it doesnt work for you and gives you all these negative side effects, you happen to be one of the people with the bad side effects.

The main reason for my post is simple: For those who have headaches, strange dreams, and other minor side effects of MSM, before giving up on MSM try drinking a lot of water to see if it elevates these symptoms thats all.

That sure does sound like side effects to me. :rolleyes:

Water or no water, be careful ladies.
i've been taking it for about 9 mos now and haven't had any adverse side effects. i've been slacking off as of late. but when i was very regular i was taking it twice a heaping tablespoon at a time in a cup of orange juice. i drink alot of water regularly anyway so maybe that's why i've been ok.
I take 3gms with milk before bed. I used to split it up once in the morning and night but I needed to simplify. The only bad thing I have noticed are my dreams are really vivid now. It feels/seems so real. The good and the bad ones.
As far as the OP I wouldn't mind an eye color change. My father has hazel eyes and I, dark brown. I would try just for the sake of them potentially lightening.
When I first started years ago I had bad side effects: headaches, bad dreams. But I hung in there and that all subsided, now I'm seeing benefits.
I took NOW MSM and I had more period cramps that were far more painful than usual. In addition to this the periods were longer and the cramps were recurrent throughout the cycle.

Bottom line, if it is messing with my reproductive cycle and I don't know why I have to stop taking it.
Increase in breast size by 3 cups in one month! No exercise is going to help that. Making the call now to the plastic surgeon with my gyno's best wishes.
Increase in breast size by 3 cups in one month!

Im sure some might not see this as a bad side effect :-) i get how it all coming in a month could be hard on u

So... What dose/brand of MSM and for how long were u takg it before u had this happen to u? I personally wouldnt mind an increase in cup size. Just one cup though :-).
I was taking MSM consistently, no more than 3,000 mg, and I experienced fuller larger breasts. It just sorta creeped up on me. Other people noticed as well. They were perky too. But those dreams were no bueno. Super vivid. Always very interesting. The were hard to untangle myself from when I woke up.