People are asking ME for hair advice!


New Member
I know this is really corny..but I'm super duper excited that ppl are asking me for hair advice. I absolutely love it. My home girl was asking me about what conditioner to use..and techniques and stuff. Like she really cared what I had to say:drunk:. I guess I'm excited because someone sees me as a voice a wisdom. I've been down in the dumps it made me feel good to help someone. The longer and healthier my hair gets..the more ppl will want my advice..can't wait:grin:
It is so nice of you to be willing to help.

I'd give advice freely if someone asked me. But with a TWA, I don't think so! LOL!
Aww that's nice. You must be doing something right and hair is looking healthy enough for ppl to want to ask. That's wonderful and sweet of of you to give advice
Me too! And I swear nothing makes you happier than getting a phone call or email with a hair question:) Comparable to that excitement is when I was like 6 weeks post relaxer and my mom asked if I had just gotten one....hehehe:)