passwords on the phone and in a relationship

I just broke up with my ex over this 3 weeks ago over some **** like this. What tripped off the alarm is that a girl he used to screw (that he "claimed" he stopped speaking to, and told her to stop calling him since we got together) contacted him 6 am in the morning.

Yes, I know it's wrong to go through other people's phones, but I had good reason to like the example above. Intentions told me he would deny it if I addressed it. The info I found in his phone was dirtier than a hookers panties.

I had to get rid of him. And now he's showing up to my job with flowers and ****. I got him banned from the premises.

I don't care what anyone says. Unless you and your significant other have the trust of each others pass code, a person with a password protected phone is hiding something.

That is classic! :lachen:

I'm actually paranoid about phones because of my ex. This dude will ask me to go look into his phone for something and I'm all shook.
We have each other passwords. I do not go through his phone. I want to but I also feel like I'll take something out of context or throw it at him. It's not that I think he is really doing anything. But I know what he was like before me, and I see a lot of you disappeared messages pop up. At least at the beginning.

If he goes through my phone I do not know but there is also nothing on my phone. Other than when I talk about him.

I have to retract this statement
I have and know all his info including his passwords, codes, pin, SSN, account numbers everything! This is only because he may have given me this info in the past and my brain holds on to numbers. No i dont look through his phone but every now and then he will ask me to check something and he has so MANY notifications on his phone, it aggravates me. How does one have 500 unread emails?!!!
He knows my stuff but im sure doesnt retain them because im smarter duh :lol:
FH and I know each other's pass codes. I'll admit I had a minor trust issue early on but it was completely unfounded and just my paranoia. :lol: we trust each other and have no secrets. We use each others phones all the time.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.

same here, he has a password, i don't but i know the password and uses his phone daily. Even emails and bank card password, its very comforting to know he has nothing hiding (at least not that i know of)
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Absolutely not. I dont want his and he shouldnt want mine. My phone has tons of things on there of a private nature...period diary, actual diary, bad selfies, etc etc. i cant think of one circumstance where i would feel comfy about anyone having that kind of access to my phone.

Now if we were married, that's that case, i think it should be given upon request, but i wouldnt ask for it and would have tons of questions if it were asked of me.
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I have a password on my phone and I think that he should have one on his too. The password is not to protect me from him or vice versa but in reality my phone can be misplaced, lost, or just lying around in work etc. and I need to have some level of comfort that my privacy may not be compromised.


Me and DH both have passwords on our phones and iPads. It's for security.