passwords on the phone and in a relationship


Well-Known Member
What is your take on this?
Are you the type that think if you don't have anything to hide than there shouldn't be a password or it's his or her phone so she can do whatever he/wants and you shouldn't be going through their phone anyway?

Let's say yal never had passwords on the phone and now all of a sudden he/she has one and you ask why and they say because they put one on at work because their phone is left lying around a lot and they don't want anyone going through their belongings. But they still keep it on when they are home.... should you worry then?
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FH and I know each other's pass codes. I'll admit I had a minor trust issue early on but it was completely unfounded and just my paranoia. :lol: we trust each other and have no secrets. We use each others phones all the time.

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Honestly, if you trust each other it really shouldn't matter either way. It's nice to have the access but if there's nothing to worry about why do you NEED it?

If not having access to his phone is bothering you then there are other bigger issues to work on.

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If there's infidelity, there will be more pressing signs than the password on the phone so I wouldn't be too worried about it. However if it bothers you....he should be willing to remove the password .
I have a password on my phone and I think that he should have one on his too. The password is not to protect me from him or vice versa but in reality my phone can be misplaced, lost, or just lying around in work etc. and I need to have some level of comfort that my privacy may not be compromised.
We have each other passwords. I do not go through his phone. I want to but I also feel like I'll take something out of context or throw it at him. It's not that I think he is really doing anything. But I know what he was like before me, and I see a lot of you disappeared messages pop up. At least at the beginning.

If he goes through my phone I do not know but there is also nothing on my phone. Other than when I talk about him.
I'm single and there is a password on my phone because I have my bank app and eBay and amazon accounts on it. If I lost my phone I wouldn't want someone to be able to go into those or look through my phone and find other personal information I wouldn't want them to know about. As much as we do on phones nowadays I think having a password is a must. If I were married I'd give give it to my husband because I have nothing to hide but I certainly would not take if off to appease him. I wouldn't ask him to take his off either but I hope he'd trust me with the password.
Don't have a passcode but if I did I would only give it to him if we were married since I may need him to access something on there if I can't get to it. Other than that, if a bf wants to use my phone I'll unlock it for him, no need for him to have any of my passwords if he's just a bf.

If they got a passcode later in the relationship I would be suspicious.

Now let me create one now lol got this phone like 2 weeks ago and didn't make one
I'm not the snooping type, nor the type to be extra paranoid. If my man is doing something he's going to do it with or without the pass code. Maybe just bc I value my privacy so much, I can't imagine giving/getting passcodes from a BF. My husband... I guess we could..
We both have a password because if its gets lost we don't want anyone else in it, plus people are nosey as well at work. I know his pw and he knows mine but I don't ever go in this phone, and I don't think he goes in mine.
in my last relationship my ex didnt have a lock on his phone and i would use his phone like if we were out and mine was getting no service. i had a lock on mine just because i feel uncomfortable with an unlocked phone generally - what if you lose it? in the grand scheme of things i dont really care either way.
FH doesn't have one. However, I think it's the behaviour around the phone that is potentially dodgy rather than having a passcode, or not.

Its the people who will not let their phone out of their sight and if they accidentally leave it around their partner they have a panic attack:lol: I've seen this so often around some of my friends bfs that were cheating. FH had an ex that cheated and she was suddenly possessive over her phone too.

If he had to put on a passcode because of work, but still used his phone as usual in front of me, let me use it and still left it around I wouldn't worry. If he did start acting differently all of a sudden I would take note though. AIDS is real at the end of the day. I'm not a paranoid woman generally. However, changes in behaviour I would take seriously.
FH doesn't have one. However, I think it's the behaviour around the phone that is potentially dodgy rather than having a passcode, or not.

Its the people who will not let their phone out of their sight and if they accidentally leave it around their partner they have a panic attack:lol: I've seen this so often around some of my friends bfs that were cheating. FH had an ex that cheated and she was suddenly possessive over her phone too.

If he had to put on a passcode because of work, but still used his phone as usual in front of me, let me use it and still left it around I wouldn't worry. If he did start acting differently all of a sudden I would take note though. AIDS is real at the end of the day. I'm not a paranoid woman generally. However, changes in behaviour I would take seriously.

Exactly with the acting funny thing even with the pass code
Being in a relationship doesn't take away one's right to privacy. Passwords/codes are not the issue, the behavior surrounding phone usage is.
If we are in a relationship I will have your phone code. I do not go through a persons phone for no reason. I'm an introvert and I need privacy at times. I am not all of a sudden the conjoined twin of a person I am with.
My boyfriend and I have passwords on our phone from before we started dating. Eventually over the last couple of months we have learned each others because his phone would die or mine would and he (we) needed it. It wasnt an issue and still isnt, I trust him and he trusts me so neither one of feels the need to go snooping through each others phone.
You need a thumb print to get in my phone. I know my SOs code, but he can't get in mine. It's only annoyed him once, when his phone died and I handed him my phone to call someone and ran into the store. I still haven't turned off the thumb print. Maybe I will.....maybe I won't. :look: Lol

It doesn't bother me that my SO would or does lock their phone. I think all phones should be pass coded even when home. It's easy to forget to turn it back on when you leave. I wouldn't worry about infidelity until I see other signs.
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You need a thumb print to get in my phone. I know my SOs code, but he can't get in mine. It's only annoyed him once, when his phone died and I handed him my phone to call someone and ran into the store. I still haven't turned off the thumb print. Maybe I will.....maybe I won't. :look: Lol It doesn't bother me that my SO would or does lock their phone. I think all phones should be pass coded even when home. It's easy to forget to turn it back on when you leave. I wouldn't worry about infidelity until I see other signs.

I have the finger ID on too but also have the pass code option for FH to use. :yep:

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He does...I don't. I'm too scared that my phone is going to malfunction and I'm locked out or I'll forget the passcode. I tried it and got annoyed with the extra time it took to unlock.
SO and I both have passwords on our phones for security reasons. If I lose my phone or it gets stolen, I don't want whoever gets it to have access to all of my apps, pictures, and contacts.

We know eachother's passcode though. Early in our courtship, I was playing a game on his phone and it locked after I put it down. I tried to give it to him to enter the passcode and he just gave it to me so I could do it myself. I was surprised because we weren't even exclusive at the time. He's had the same code ever since, even after switching phones.

I gave him my code much muuuch later :lol: I just randomly gave it to him one day because I thought it was weird that I knew his and he didn't know mine.

Now we've been together for 2 years and use eachothers phones interchangeably. It's no big deal when there's nothing to hide.
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The extent it would bother me depends on whether there are other suspicious behaviors to go along with it. I'm a private person, but my fiance knows my passcode and I know his. To keep that info secret wouldn't be worth the cost of making him feel like I'm hiding stuff.

That said, I still would expect him to respect my space by not going into my phone and snooping. If you're tempted to do that, there are bigger problems in the relationship than a passcode. I also think it's unreasonable to expect him to keep the passcode on at work and then turn it off at home just to assure you like he isn't hiding anything. You need to ask yourself why this distrust exists to begin with.
FH and I know each other's pass codes. I'll admit I had a minor trust issue early on but it was completely unfounded and just my paranoia. :lol: we trust each other and have no secrets. We use each others phones all the time.

Sent from my iPad mini mini.

We both have passwords on our phones and both know each other's passwords. I also had trust issues when we first started dating (because of my ex), but I don't even remember the last time I looked in his phone. He has admitted to going through my phone in the past, but I don't care. :lol: I wouldn't know if he still did or not. Neither one of us have our phones attached at the hip. We aren't really phone people (besides surfing the internet).
Being in a relationship doesn't take away one's right to privacy. Passwords/codes are not the issue, the behavior surrounding phone usage is.

My thoughts exactly. I wouldn't ask for someone else's password, and I wouldn't be giving up mine.
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Def. about the behavior around the phone that makes my spidey senses tingle.
I have 0 desire to look into his phone. But I can't say the same for my ex.

Chile, he walk away from that phone for 2 seconds and I'm giving it the death stare.
My gut/instinct was just looking for confirmation. I hope I never feel that way again. I was not pretty. Things can always be taken out of context it's happened to me before.
My gauge is def. if I feel that burning desire to search....then I need to figure out WHY...most of the time it's too late....I'm alreay gone LMAO

There was an IG pic of a girl pouncing on her man's phone that he left behind. She moved so fast that she was just a blur. I never laughed so hard because that was so MEEEEEEeeeeeeee........
I just broke up with my ex over this 3 weeks ago over some **** like this. What tripped off the alarm is that a girl he used to screw (that he "claimed" he stopped speaking to, and told her to stop calling him since we got together) contacted him 6 am in the morning.

Yes, I know it's wrong to go through other people's phones, but I had good reason to like the example above. Intentions told me he would deny it if I addressed it. The info I found in his phone was dirtier than a hookers panties.

I had to get rid of him. And now he's showing up to my job with flowers and ****. I got him banned from the premises.

I don't care what anyone says. Unless you and your significant other have the trust of each others pass code, a person with a password protected phone is hiding something.
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I'm single and I had fingerprint security on my phone. There's way too much personal info on my phone that I'm not comfortable falling into the wrong hands.

Personally, I'm not too concerned with being able to see a dude's phone. The guy I'm dating now, I don't feel the need to check his phone. It goes off and I just hand it to him if it's closer to me.