Paid 7 dollars to find out what type of hair i have: male

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aasem said:
I meant my race attracts bold girls. But that's unrelated to your spouted ignorance and throwing a stone at someone else.

His statement had nothing to do with color IMO. For example, my brother is dark skinned and he keeps his hair in a fade so u can't see his texture but he gets stopped a lot because he looks exotic. People ask if he's Hispanic or where he's from and a lot of girls like him. It's not color it's mystery
PersuasiveBeauty said:
You don't see what is wrong with this statement?

From a logical stand point who says its not true? It would have to be false to be misinformation aka ignorance

Do YOU even believe what you just typed?

What did you mean by the statement, "My race attracts bold girls" what did you mean? WHAT DID YOU MEAN?


ommmgg i really havnt laughed this hard in a lonng tiiimme i literally have streams of tears falling from my eyes like i really dont think yall will ever understand

LOL I'm dying laughing at my title

OMG :lol::lol: I'm sooo done with you!!

:lol::lol::lol: i couldnt help it okok im going to take a break now and try to go to bed but im pretty sure i'll be back soon lool
virtuenow said:
Yeah, I think they keep their curls popping by putting extra virgin coconut oil (evco) on their hair before washing. Its called a pre-wash or pre-shampoo (pre-poo). You could just dampen your hair w/a little bit of water and add the evco and leave on about 10min before your wash. Doing this has moistened my hair so much. It can be used as a leave in too if u put it on damp hair.

So when I have a tiny bush would this still work?
If I try and teach him what is wrong with what he is saying, it doesn't help when other members are running in here caping for him like his name is Gwyneth Paltrow.
Honestly no one is going to learn anything about African American/black racial politics from one night on lhcf :ohwell:
His statement had nothing to do with color IMO. For example, my brother is dark skinned and he keeps his hair in a fade so u can't see his texture but he gets stopped a lot because he looks exotic. People ask if he's Hispanic or where he's from and a lot of girls like him. It's not color it's mystery

abcd09 You see this? Smh. Goodnight.

Yeah, I think they keep their curls popping by putting extra virgin coconut oil (evco) on their hair before washing. Its called a pre-wash or pre-shampoo (pre-poo). You could just dampen your hair w/a little bit of water and add the evco and leave on about 10min before your wash. Doing this has moistened my hair so much. It can be used as a leave in too if u put it on damp hair.

I agree. Coconut oil can be your miracle oil. Apply it before you shampoo or just as a moisturizer and you will see a drammatic imporovement.

How is the climate where you live? Is it hot, mild, humid, dry, or cold? Does it snow there? You may need to change up what you do based on your environment.
I'm up! Do you have any of that orange left?

i had 6 oranges and it was like as things got more intense in this thread the more oranges i would cut up. things got so intense to the point where i cut up and ate all the oranges so now i only have orange peels left lool
OP, you would have been better off doing research on YouTube. Less drama :look: But I agree with washing with conditioner only. It might have been a little easier to implement some of this advise, if you had asked for help before you cut your hair. But try this conditioner, and search it out videos on YT. You can get it at Walmart for about $5.00. Good Luck :yep:

sharmeans said:
I agree. Coconut oil can be your miracle oil. Apply it before you shampoo or just as a moisturizer and you will see a drammatic imporovement.

How is the climate where you live? Is it hot, mild, humid, dry, or cold? Does it snow there? You may need to change up what you do based on your environment.

It's shifty. Very shifty right now.
i had 6 oranges and it was like as things got more intense in this thread the more oranges i would cut up. things got so intense to the point where i cut up and ate all the oranges so now i only have orange peels left lool
:lachen::lachen:Dang! No wedges to spare? You must've been Top Chef in your kitchen tonight! Go to bed, I know your arms are tired :lol:
i had 6 oranges and it was like as things got more intense in this thread the more oranges i would cut up. things got so intense to the point where i cut up and ate all the oranges so now i only have orange peels left lool

:lol: damn 6 oranges? I want an orange lol.

I'm eating grapes now. I was right about to go smear peanut butter in some 4 day old cookies but I realized I'd finish these grapes. I love grapes so much.
It's shifty. Very shifty right now.

Ok well you will probably have to keep it moisturized but not damp. Coconut oil can still work if you have short hair. It is even better because you can see how your curl pattern can form b y starting to use coconut oil. You can buy it at any health store. Vitamin shop has it, just make sure it is extra virgin coconut oil.
:lol: damn 6 oranges? I want an orange lol.

I'm eating grapes now. I was right about to go smear peanut butter in some 4 day old cookies but I realized I'd finish these grapes. I love grapes so much.

mmm Im eating frozen grapes right now. :lick: I only eat the red ones, had a traumatizing experience with the green ones. :lol:
I have green ones.
:look: is there something about green grapes I should know? :look:
I hope not.

No just something that happened to my sister and I when we were younger. We were eating the green ones and a live spider jumped out of them. She doesnt eat the green ones anymore either. :lachen:

I have a terrible fear of spiders,and Im sure to check all of my grapes very thoroughly now.
PersuasiveBeauty said:
abcd09 You see this? Smh. Goodnight.

You seem to think that people are saying that something other than black is better. That is by no means what I am saying. I HATE when people question my heritage. BUT that doesn't change the attraction and mystery of it. It even works the other way around. When people see a white or hispanic person with kind of kinky hair or a bronzed skin tone or bigger lips, they become fascinated asking if they're black... Idk if you've seen this but I see this A LOT in southern California. It's mystery not race or color
:lachen::lachen:Dang! No wedges to spare? You must've been Top Chef in your kitchen tonight! Go to bed, I know your arms are tired :lol:

lool you shouldve seen me go at it it was like with each post i was like "ohmygawd!" and cut up another orange:lol: and i was sitting in front of my computer eating them with this look on my face
now i have orange drippings on my kitchen counter cause i was in too much of a rush to cut the oranges on the cutting board lol
:lol: damn 6 oranges? I want an orange lol.

I'm eating grapes now. I was right about to go smear peanut butter in some 4 day old cookies but I realized I'd finish these grapes. I love grapes so much.

loool i looove grapes too! i wanted to smear some nutella on my apple but when i opened the nutella it was finished :nono: so now i have nothing to eat while reading this thread =[
but its starting to get boring now cause theyre talking about hair again.booooo lol
Yes. Yes I did. Because although dark girls are not represented in the media, a lot of dark skinned men get PICKED ON as children. And still as adults, by moronic people like him, who somehow feel superior. "Shut yo dark *** up niqqa" I hear and see comments like this between "friends" all the time. And although men may not cry and complain about it like women do, it definitely does happen, and it does take a toll on them. And then they start to resent their own skin color, and the self hatred begins. I can't stand people like the OP. He's ugly as hayle in the face too. And quite frankly I'm surprised ANY girls approach him at all, because he looks more like Raz B's type if anything.

Get a grip!
... and FAST!
lool you shouldve seen me go at it it was like with each post i was like "ohmygawd!" and cut up another orange:lol: and i was sitting in front of my computer eating them with this look on my face
now i have orange drippings on my kitchen counter cause i was in too much of a rush to cut the oranges on the cutting board lol

loool i looove grapes too! i wanted to smear some nutella on my apple but when i opened the nutella it was finished :nono: so now i have nothing to eat while reading this thread =[
but its starting to get boring now cause theyre talking about hair again.booooo lol

Nutella on apple???????!!!
actually that kinda sounds tasty...:scratchch
lool you shouldve seen me go at it it was like with each post i was like "ohmygawd!" and cut up another orange:lol: and i was sitting in front of my computer eating them with this look on my face
now i have orange drippings on my kitchen counter cause i was in too much of a rush to cut the oranges on the cutting board lol

loool i looove grapes too! i wanted to smear some nutella on my apple but when i opened the nutella it was finished :nono: so now i have nothing to eat while reading this thread =[
but its starting to get boring now cause theyre talking about hair again.booooo lol

LOL!:spank: Thats for trying to stir up trouble. :lol:

And you're making me hungry? :spank::spank:

Nutella on apple???????!!!
actually that kinda sounds tasty...:scratchch

its soooo so sooo gooooddd but the apple has to be nice and crisp and sweet like a Fuji apple the applecrispyness plus the nutella chocolatey-nutty taste= orgasm in my mouth that trancends through the rest of my body:look:
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