Paid 7 dollars to find out what type of hair i have: male

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BostonMaria is right you have a very uncommon name and can easily be found. You are on a fun website full of ladies, it is still not harmless. You gave your whole name on FB and with that you left other traces of yourself for other people to find including your work. I do searches for a living and you are too easy to find. On a serious note you should not play with your safety and your personal information. Its all fun and good until something happens. Go back and edit your post so do some damage control.
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poochie167 said:
do you have any pics of what you WANT your hair to look like.
as in celeb pics...or pics you can find on the net

Oh man if by the grace of god I had a choice, it would be these curly ones and secondary the straight ones


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Tamrin said:
BostonMaria is right you have a very uncommon name and can easily be found. You are on a fun website full of ladies, it is still not harmless. You gave your whole name on FB and with that you left other traces of yourself for other people to find including your work. I do searches for a living and you are too easy to find. On a serious note you should not play with your safety and your personal information. Its all fun and good until something happens. Go back and edit your post so do some damage control.

Will be done.
hi aasem, welcome to the forum:):):) you have a great head of hear! i can def feel where you're coming from, in that i too shaved off all my hair in frustration, and almost immediately set out to grow it back lol.

you've actually gotten many good answers to your questions in some of the posts above.

as far as styles, it really depends on how you like to wear your hair & what kind of styles appeal to you? are you adventurous or more conservative?

do you want it to have some kind of shape as it grows? which might entail getting the services of a stylist. supercuts is an option. they're cheap & have gotten pretty good reviews on this site.

just make sure any stylist you go to understands you intend to grow long hair, & can detail for you how they can help you accomplish that.

... or are you comfortable with letting it do it's own thing as it grows. this was my approach, as i'd had some bad run ins with stylists & really wanted to learn to take care of my own hair.

... or you could do an approach that combines the two. learn to care for it yourself, & go to a stylist for occassional trims (once or twice a year).

styling for men is a different game, because although we can appreciate/love a lot of the styles women can wear, because of the way we're raised/socialized you either don't want to or don't feel comfortable wearing those styles -- especially in public. so you have to find styles that you feel comfortable wearing & represent who you are.

i mainly wear twists & braids, although i do straighten my hair a few times a year to check the length/do trims. but i've also come to accept that i like doing some styles that are outside the "norm for men", (waist length yarn braids :grin::grin::grin:) because that's me. you have to find what works for you.

also, it may be helpful for you to come to love the hair that grows out of your scalp. embrace it and learn to deal with it first. you may find it's not as hard to manage as you thought, especially with the right regime for your hair. (you can always come back to chemical options once you learn to care for your hair if you want.)

i follow wms: wet, moisturize, seal ... and i guess i can add another "s" for style:) -- wmss:) i wash once a week with conditioner only, or 2-in-1 (shampoo + conditioner) depending on how my hair feels. (i may co-wash/water rinse more in the week, if it's feeling dry.) i follow that up with a moisturizing spray (i make my own, but you can use wave nouveau finishing mist or a product like that) then i seal with a creamy leave-in (usually a botanical/moisturising/smoothing conditioner), or oil (castor/coconut/olive) depending on how my hair feels. then i style in twists or braids.

but again, this is what works for my hair. some of it, none of it, or all of it may work for you. with short hair, your regime may be as simple as: wash, condition, add some leave-in & go. you won't know until you try. you'll go through some trial & error to find what works, but once you do, it'll be easy sailing ... then it's just about retention & patience :).

how long did it take you to grow out your hair? because you can use that as a guide for how long it'll take to reach that length again. either way enjoy the journey, you'll learn a lot about your hair & yourself in the process. :yep:
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i think you'll be able to get the first pic by a twist out as stated
and the second pic you'll definitely get by a braid-out. (cornrow or braid...then take out when dry).

of course your hair will have to be longer tho. If you do a twist out on your short hair you'll prob just end up with a semi curly top
poochie167 said:
i think you'll be able to get the first pic by a twist out as stated
and the second pic you'll definitely get by a braid-out. (cornrow or braid...then take out when dry).

of course your hair will have to be longer tho. If you do a twist out on your short hair you'll prob just end up with a semi curly top

My thing is if it was possible to alter it so it would be like that hence a perm
tkj25 said:
hi aasem, welcome to the forum:):):) you have a great head of hear! i can def feel where you're coming from, in that i too shaved off all my hair in frustration, and almost immediately set out to grow it back lol.

you've actually gotten many good answers to your questions in some of the posts above.

as far as styles, it really depends on how you like to wear your hair & what kind of styles appeal to you? are you adventurous or more conservative?

do you want it to have some kind of shape as it grows? which might entail getting the services of a stylist. supercuts is an option. they're cheap & have gotten pretty good reviews on this site.

just make sure any stylist you go to understands you intend to grow long hair, & can detail for you how they can help you accomplish that.

... or are you comfortable with letting it do it's own thing as it grows. this was my approach, as i'd had some bad run ins with stylists & really wanted to learn to take care of my own hair.

... or you could do an approach that combines the two. learn to care for it yourself, & go to a stylist for occassional trims (once or twice a year).

styling for men is a different game, because although we can appreciate/love a lot of the styles women can wear, because of the way we're raised/socialized you either don't want to or don't feel comfortable wearing those styles -- especially in public. so you have to find styles that you feel comfortable wearing & represent who you are.

i mainly wear twists & braids, although i do straighten my hair a few times a year to check the length/do trims. but i've also come to accept that i like doing some styles that are outside the "norm for men", (waist length yarn braids :grin::grin::grin:) because that's me. you have to find what works for you.

also, it may be helpful for you to come to love the hair that grows out of your scalp. embrace it and learn to deal with it first. you may find it's not as hard to manage as you thought, especially with the right regime for your hair. (you can always come back to chemical options once you learn to care for your hair if you want.)

i follow wms: wet, moisturize, seal ... and i guess i can add another "s" for style:) -- wmss:) i wash once a week with conditioner only, or 2-in-1 (shampoo + conditioner) depending on how my hair feels. (i may co-wash/water rinse more in the week, if it's feeling dry.) i follow that up with a moisturizing spray (i make my own, but you can use wave nouveau finishing mist or a product like that) then i seal with a creamy leave-in (usually a botanical/moisturising/smoothing conditioner), or oil (castor/coconut/olive) depending on how my hair feels. then i style in twists or braids.

but again, this is what works for my hair. some of it, none of it, or all of it may work for you. with short hair, your regime may be as simple as: wash, condition, add some leave-in & go. you won't know until you try. you'll go through some trial & error to find what works, but once you do, it'll be easy sailing ... then it's just about retention & patience :).

how long did it take you to grow out your hair? because you can use that as a guide for how long it'll take to reach that length again. either way enjoy the journey, you'll learn a lot about your hair & yourself in the process. :yep:

Thank you for your time. I'm not worried about it growing back, I just don't like my hair and would give anything to change it, so I set out to find out my type so I could google what to do with it.
Hi aasem

Welcome to the board. You pretty much got a good amount of info to start with. It is possible to get to your hair goals, but it's going to take some time and patience. Start off with the conditioner suggestions. Its hard to style youre hair when it's short.

I hope that you wrap your hair with a du rag, scarf etc at night to keep it from drying out and make sure to oil your hair lightly on occasion. Start off with less shampoo more conditioner for a while and just report back in a couple of weeks if you have more questions. For your hair, you may have it grown to your back by Dec this year. I have native american cousins with hip length hair so I have some ideas of how they keep their hair, but they dont try to make it kinky because it's pretty much impossible.

Happy hair growing. If you have any other questions dont hesitate to ask. :yep:
PersuasiveBeauty said:
FOR REAL Y'ALL WHAT IN THE HAYLE IS GOING ON IN HERE?! I'm about to start from the beginning. Something ain't right.

Your yelling has me rolling. I can only imagine what you are thinking.
aasem said:
Lol I'm actually used to this stuff. Majority of my upper body has tattoos and my race makes me a prime target for the bold girls.

I just don't know what hair Styles to get that's why I needed to know my type. I get that I'm more handsome with short hair but I hate it

Hmmmm.... You said you don't like ponytails, but what about a banded ponytail? I see lots of men with long hair with that style. Or two big braids? Or cornrows....

Or you can shave the sides and leave the rest long. That would make a statement.

Whatever you do, use conditioner :spank:
Thank you for your time. I'm not worried about it growing back, I just don't like my hair and would give anything to change it, so I set out to find out my type so I could google what to do with it.

I think once you learn how to properly care for your hair type you may come to love your hair. Shampoo is the devil lol.
I honestly don't see the big deal on conditioner. I remember one time before school in HSchool, I washed my hair with it and didn't have shampoo and it's like it wouldn't dry at all that day. I felt embarrassed. That's why I don't use it
I honestly don't see the big deal on conditioner. I remember one time before school in HSchool, I washed my hair with it and didn't have shampoo and it's like it wouldn't dry at all that day. I felt embarrassed. That's why I don't use it

Do you remember what kind of shampoo it was? And how did you wear your hair that day?

You may really benefit from natural oils like grapeseed, coconut, argon, and olive oil. The shampoo just dries out your hair and makes it frizzy, so to eliminate that you have to limit shampoo.
Thank you for your time. I'm not worried about it growing back, I just don't like my hair and would give anything to change it, so I set out to find out my type so I could google what to do with it.

I honestly don't see the big deal on conditioner. I remember one time before school in HSchool, I washed my hair with it and didn't have shampoo and it's like it wouldn't dry at all that day. I felt embarrassed. That's why I don't use it

you've gotta start with your mindset first. you have beautiful hair. learning to appreciate you as you are first -- will do you a world of good (& this really goes beyond hair). your hair's type 2 from your pics, but might actually be a little curlier/wavier with better hydration/care.

the conditioner will help your hair (especially longer hair) be more manageable, not so tangly/knotty. you just have the right one for your hair type. sounds like the one you used before was too heavy for your hair. you'll probably need a lighter one.
sharmeans said:
Do you remember what kind of shampoo it was? And how did you wear your hair that day?

You may really benefit from natural oils like grapeseed, coconut, argon, and olive oil. The shampoo just dries out your hair and makes it frizzy, so to eliminate that you have to limit shampoo.

Conditioner? It was tresemme. I wore it in a ponytail but the end was like in a curly ball, it looked like a bun from what I could remember, my hair was shoulder length. I can't remember the top
aasem said:
I'll stick around a bit since I mean I already paid.

Anyway when I tried to ponytail it I couldn't make it a smooth one, hair stuck out and everything. I couldn't wear it down because it was at my waste and got in my way, and my bosses boss didn't like it

I know I keep harping on it, but you are getting the fly aways because your hair craves moisture.

Conditioner, conditioner, conditioner...
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aasem, conditioner is the holiest of holy grail for people with naturally curly hair. You'll find that the majority on this board are conditioner junkies. We've come to understand that while shampoo cleanses the hair, the ingredients found in most shampoos strip the hair of its natural oils and moisture leading to dry, frizzy, flyaway hair. Conditioner does the opposite to naturally curly hair, the ingredients will add softness, moisture and tame the frizzies. Try it and you might just make you fall in love with your hair. One last thing, ignore the negative and focus on your hair goals. The advice you have gotten so far about adding condiioner to your regiment is golden so give it a shot, then come back for more advice as you need it. HHJ.
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I don't get what the side eye is lol

if you live in anywhere in georgia..i can come show you what the side eye looks like first treat..:look:
lol ok let me stop messing cause i have a feeling sometime in the future..maybe like years from now im gonna say something and LHCFBI is gonna attack me saying "well yo thirsty arse was all ova aasem in that thread back in 2012 ******!" and theyre gonna post the link :lol:

can someone post a gif of a side eye so he can see?im too lazy to look for it lol

ETA: dang i didnt know they blocked the word h3iffa on here wth:lol:
Maybe instead of posting outright, you should look and read some other threads about people with your hair type or similar hair types and just participate in threads, that way the focus isn't on YOU. everyone seems to think that a man can't care about his hair. I'm sure the jump offs are flattering but that's not your fault that a lot of women here are throwing their cyberpanties at you. Just try to get as much helpful information as you can from the useful threads and people on the site.
aasem I'm still stuck on you saying that your race makes you a target for the bolder girls. What do you think is so irresistible about your race? Do tell. Because quite frankly, though there are cute mixed/latino/light skinned men, I'm not attracted to you in the slightest.
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