Paging Pebbles


New Member
Hey Pebbles,
I remember you telling me that you have 6 or 7 more inches before you reach bra-strap length and I just wanted you to keep me posted on your progress /images/graemlins/smile.gif. Take a look at my pictures and let me know if your hair looks about the same length. Maybe we can be hair twins /images/graemlins/cool.gif. Keep me posted Pebbles and Happy Growing! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hi Azalia, /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Judging from your pictures, I would say that your hair was about 2 inches longer than mine, if not a little more. I do have 6 inches to go for bra strap and 7 inches to go to the bottom of bra strap, which is my ultimate goal. I think you have maybe 5-6 inches to go for bra strap? Is that your goal? I would definately say that we were hair twins in that regard! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

My hair is growing, but this is a long process. I estimate reaching my goal in 2 years time. I want to say that I can do it in a year, but I'm allowing for trims and any set backs. Oh Lord! Every time I think about it in terms of years, it always seems so impossible! But, we have to hang in there!! I will definately keep you posted! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Thanks.
Good Morning Pebbles,
Thank you for responding /images/graemlins/smile.gif. I just viewed your pictures again and I see that you updated I think. Your photos look so good Pebbles. I think the only difference with our hair is your hair looks all one length. My hair is about 3 different lenghts starting from the front. Right now I wearing a sew-in and I'm scheduled to get my hair done Jan 17, and I did have a goal that I was going to try and wear my hair sewed in until May but for some reason every time I visit the board I feel the need to wear my natural hair I feel that I could care for it alot better and maybe it just might grow a little faster. I'm excited and nervous about it. Girl your hair is so full and shiny! /images/graemlins/cool.gif. I want talk your ear off but I will keep you posted and I'm going to take pictures of course. Happy Growing!
Hi Azalia,

My hair is also 3 different lengths! It's shorter in the front and gets longer towards the back. One of the biggest goals for me is to get my hair all one length. The front does not grow as fast as the middle and the back do. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif I really wish there was something I could do about it. I thought of cutting my hair to all the same length, but not only do I not want to lose the length I've gained, but I still think the front wouldn't grow like the back does. /images/graemlins/confused.gif What's a girl to do?
Hello Pebbles,
I know what you mean that's exactly how my hair is and right now I can't stand the fact that I have this sew-in weave /images/graemlins/mad.gif. I ordered the Elucence relaxer and I can't wait until it arrives. Girl I'm changing relaxers again /images/graemlins/crazy.gif. I spoke with Lisa I think that's her name and she told I can't go wrong and I heard nothing but great things about this line so I'm really excited. I do have some length so I guess it won't be too bad. That is a shame though to get so used to weave you feel like you can't live without it. My fiance' is going to turn cart wheels when I come from the salon wearing my natural hair. He has always told me that I had nice hair and wanted to see me wear it without the weave but I could never do it. I'm going to make sure that I take plenty of photos with it styled. I was afraid that if I got a roller set without having a good length my hair would look like one of those old fashion big wigs /images/graemlins/grin.gif. I guess we are really hair twins child he he. Yes my gold is bra-strap it's like a dream that is taking too long to happen. The funny thing is I can't wait 2 years girl so hopefully affirmation will kick in and speed my process up /images/graemlins/tongue.gif. Look out for my update. What is your vitamin regimen right now? Talk to you later Pebbles. Happy Growing!

Oh! I love the pictures with your hair curled what kind of rollers do you use and where can I purchase them?
Hi Azalia,

I know what you mean about the weave. I wore a weave for over 5 years straight. Unfortunately, at the time I wasn't trying to protect my own hair. I was just trying to hide what I had. /images/graemlins/blush.gif

As for vitamins, I take 2 Ultranourishair tablets, 2- 11mg tablets of Silica, 2- 500 mg soft gelcaps of Evening Primrose Oil, 2-500 mg of Pantothenic Acid(Vitamin B-5), 2-2500 mcg capsules of Biotin, 2-500mg soft gelcaps of Flaxseed oil, 2- 500mcg tablets of Vitamin B-12, 2-1000 mg Capsules of MSM, 1-500 mg tablet of Vitamin C, 1-30 mg tablet of Zinc, and 1Centum tablet.

The hair rollers I use are the magnetic hollywood brand with the tight locking clasp. I find them in the beauty supply stores.

I have a question for you about the Elucence relaxer. Did you order the lye or no-lye formula? I was going to page Armyqt because I can't tell which is which from their website. I wanted to switch to Affirm or Mizani relaxers. Since I can't find a hairdresser that I want to deal with and those relaxers are only available at salons, I think I'll give the Elucence a try. Everyone says such wonderful things about it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hello Pebbles,
Our vitamin regimen is pretty simular as well. About the Elucence, I ordered the no-lye relaxer but she told me that it won't dry your hair out. Most no-lye relaxers are rumored to dry your hair out but she just explained to me that their ingredients are different and she reccommends this relaxer amoung all othes. The relaxer that I ordered was for sensitive scalp. I will receive my relaxer tomorrow so I will keep you posted /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I hate to be a butt-in-ski again /images/graemlins/blush.gif but you can buy the Mizani relaxer here:

Mizani Rhelaxer

If you decide to try the Mizani PULEEEEEZZZZZZZ posts your results!!! I want to try it myself, but I want to use up the rest of these other perms that I have.

I almost fell out of my chair with joy! I have tried to find this relaxer to buy and had no luck!! I am going to order this bad boy and use it for my next touch-up at the end of January. Now, I hope these are lye relaxers. I don't do the no-lye anymore.

Thanks a million Rayne!! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
You're welcome Pebbily Poo! I've always wanted to say that /images/graemlins/tongue.gif From my understanding all of them are lye. However, the sensitive scalp may be no-lye, but don't quote me on that one. If I can remember the site where I read about the sensitive scalp I'll be able to give you more definite answer.