Paging Pebbles: Product Junkaholics Annonymous


Indy Girl Growing Strong
<font color="purple">Pebbs, I have an idea for all the Product Junkies to get together and confess their weakness for more hair products. I think we should form the PJAA (Product Junkaholics Annonymous)Post. This way, all of us will give in by telling everyone why they need a certain hair care item to add to their collection. And I want you to give each person at least 30 days to not purchase an item for their hair until they run out. I don't want to see all of us going into our wallets and go bankrupt for another hair care product. That's my challenge to all PJs. Please pass this along to everyone. I'll have my Product Junkie's Confession post up and running ASAP. Thanx in advance, Pebbs. </font>
Hi BabyCurls,

Go ahead and start the post. We did one last November where a few of us swore off buying products until February of this year. That was a long time. I was part of that and did pretty well for the most part.
Our poor NayNay, however, had a much harder time. It would be nice to see again.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
pebbles said:
Hi BabyCurls,

Go ahead and start the post. We did one last November where a few of us swore off buying products until February of this year. That was a long time. I was part of that and did pretty well for the most part.
Our poor NayNay, however, had a much harder time. It would be nice to see again.

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="purple">Yeah! We should do it again. BTW, I have a few of our gals ready for the challenge on Thursday. I can last a whole month or 2 without buying a single item for my hair. Let's see how long they can withstand their weakness for hair care products. Are you in, Pebbs? </font>
Uh oh, I'll try...
Whether I succeed will be a whole other story!
By the way, yesterday I went to CVS and got some more Smooth and Sleek.
<font color="purple"> I'm happy that you did, Pebbs.
Now, do you promise that you will have the conditioner in your possession for the whole month of May, so help me, God?
<font color="purple">Have you tried paging NayNay about the upcoming challenge? I want her on this. BTW, some of our challengers want to wait until Saturday. They get paid on Wednesday or Friday and they want to get their needed supply before then. I would like to mention it because it wouldn't be fair to them if they can't start the challenge two days after the start date. I hope to pass this along to those who want to wait a few days to get started with their stash. For the rest of us, 5-1 we go, with the exception of those who want to start later. </font>
Hi Babycurls,

NayNay probably hasn't had a chance to log on, but she will. I'll send her a pm to make sure she doesn't miss these threads. I think it's fine if some of the ladies start the challenge when they can. I certainly wouldn't want anyone to miss the chance to buy up all the supplies they need before hand.
<font color="purple">I do agree on that. Today I went to CVS and bought a 60 count bottle of MSM. All I need is to buy some brewer's yeast tablets, and I'm all set. Basically, I'm focused on getting more supplements before Thursday. I hope everyone is stocked and ready to go for the gusto. Let's do this for our wallets! Lock and Go, Baby!! </font>
I already promised myself I would not....I MEAN NOT!...become a product junkie again. I threw out all my pre braids stuff, and got all new. And I REALLY thought about what I needed and wanted before I bought. Besides saving money, my cabinets are SO nice and neat! I will not wander off course......unless...unless....there's something REALLY good!
<font color="purple">What I'm doing here is to challenge all my PJs to not buy a single item, unless they run out or want to swap. This is for the whole month of May. How would you like to be part of this challenge, Milkchoc? It begins this Thursday, and for some, later like Saturday. Would you be willing to take the plunge? </font>