new to LHCF and looking for help and friends.

Welcome to the board. The PJ'ism usually subsides after a while (for most of us LOL), but please don't jump on every single bandwagon you see. It may hurt your hair more than help it. Research, research, research.
Welcome, I am new here also. There is so much great info here. I have been natural for nine years and have learned more information about taking care of my hair lurking here for the past month than I have over the previouse nine years. I have bought so many products already, but I guess its normal to be able to figure out what you do and don't like. Good luck!

IMO all you really need is a sulfate free poo,clarifying poo, good moisturizing cond, protein cond, cheapie cond if you co wash, oils of your choice and a daily moisturizer.

I learned the hard way with ALOT of trash i tried:nono:

I had to clean out my stuff for 2010 and keep it simple