Outstanding Hair Growth in two months!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I have finally learned how to post on this site.

Anyway, two months ago I cut 8 inches from my hair. I was left with 4 inches of natural hair.
My decision to cut my hair was not due to the fact that I had suffered any damaged. I just decided that relaxing was not for me.
Anyway, I started to do daily and night scalp massages with rosemary oil, peppermint oil, cedarwood oil, lavender oil and my carriers are jojoba, aloe and Emu (Fantastic)
I have grown two full inches of healthy strong hair in two months.
My hair is soft, silky, smooth, shiny, frizz free. I have porosity, elasticity and strength.

I also follow a strict diet. I am a Fitness trainer so I have to be careful what I consume. I know that my internal care aids in my hair growth as well.

medium texture
growing like crazy
A lot of ladies say the same thing about scalp massages. I have just started last Wednesday. Hope it works for me too.
I'm sure those scalp massages are a good idea and I've also heard that exercising helps so maybe a combination of those things are helping you out with your hair growth. Congrats!
Thank you ladies!

You too should try. My scalp seems to tingle after each massage. Now if I can just get my husband to to my back ever night. Things would be great!!
I really believe you sterry. I noticed the fastest hairgrowth last summer when I used rosemary oil, evening primrose oil, jojoba and nightly massages.
wow congrats on yo hair growth sterry!! a lot of ppl say the say thing about scalp massages, somethign worth tryin i gess!!

happy hair growin!!
Congrats on all the growth, sterry! I've heard wonderful things about scalp massages and emu oil. I might have to start using both
Hey Ladies,

I can't say enough about Emu oil. It is used for an array of ailments. It is one of a few oil that actually penetrates the skin on contact.

A liitle goes a long way. I have never suffered from thin edges. But since using Emu oil and scalp massages I notice a thinkness in this area particularly.

medium texture
growing like crazy
Welcome Sterry, and thanks for sharing.

I was just about to start a topic on Emu Oil. Has anyone else used this on their scalp and did you find it helped in hair growth, or regrowth?

I was thinking of alternating Emu with my castor oil. Is it as thick as castor oil or lighter?
Congrats Sterry and welcome! I used to use Emu oil SoulChild. It is very light and it is absorbed into the scalp almost instantly.
do you put the oils on a clean scalp? I just cut all my hair off again and I don't want to clog my hair with oils. When I first big chopped, I massage after a shower and co wash with jojoba or olive oil every night.

but I want o start doing it morning and night, so should I do it after my showet or it doesn't matter?

That's some kind of hair growth result!! Show us your massage techniques
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Just want to say that my rosemary, jojoba and lavender combo of oils are working very well with my twice/day scalp massages. I can feel the tingling which I think is the stimulation of my roots. I would love to get the growth results you acheived Sterry!
know what else about emu oil- its good for burns. once my hand was accidentally splashed with hot cooking oil and i immediately rubbed emo oil and there was no sign whatsoever of the incident. i believe emu oil is good for lots of stuff. i dont remember, but my mother is epileptic and i think it might have helped her? but read up on it first, some oils are good and bad for particular ailments.
Hey sterry I just want to know what it is you eat as a fitness trainer because I go to the gym just about every day and the trainer I have to me I can eat what ever I want, and so far I have not really been pigging out like I was before and I don't see any results in looseing weight. I'm 5 feet 6 inches tall I weigh about 190 and I want to get down to 140-135 if you don't mind please tell me what to do. I know its kinda off the subject ,but I need help