Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Yes!


The comb is stuck.
MSM is the BOMB!

I was experiencing an EXTREMELY sore and sensitive scalp. I almost cried when making a simple bun because it hurt so much. It took all my strength just to wash, condition and make a bun and leave it in for a week. I did this for three weeks. I even pm-ed Allandra thinking that maybe it was because of the GPB I used once the first week.

Well anyway, I finally got the soreness to stop by constantly soaking my hair with water and 911 leave in while still in the bun. Yesterday I washed conditioned and instead of doing this in the sink and putting it immediately in a bun I applied a leave in and blew it out ( I hadn't let it down in weeks ). 1 inch of new growth in 3 weeks!!!!!!

Thats why my scalp was so itchy and sore! My scalp usually gets itchy when I get a growth spurt but that was CRAZY. It straight up hurt! Anybody else ever had an extremely sore/itchy scalp during a major spurt?
No but I started taking it for medicinal reasons, (joint pain) and I am now at week 8. Its my normal week to start considering a relaxer and with a combination of everything I am waiting pain free for a relaxer. Nice and soft new growth maybe in week 10 or 11 we will see.
Thank you Soulchild!

Soslychic, Im using 2 different MSM's. The one I use at home is The Vitamin Shoppe (Opti- 100% pure grade) 1000-2000 mgms a day (about half a teaspoon) and the other I use at work or on the go is a sweet flavored MSM liquid from GNC.

I noticed that I had to pluck my stray eyebrows and nair my legs a LOT more often, but I am on the 3 month challenge and wearing a bun so I wasn't even brushing it down to notice my hair growth.

Alllll my friends think I have a weave because I have had very short hair ALL MY LIFE. Only after I joined this site did I learn about how to care for it. My hair was ear length for sooooo long. People around here look at my hair now and I know they wonder if its mine or not.

The only thing now is how do you keep your new growth moisterized really well so that it doesn't break off at the relaxd point?
One inch in just 3 weeks??? WOW!!!! One whole inch? I have never heard of that before. Ive been taking MSM for about 3 months now and while I am experiencing new growth in my hairline and other inner physical improvements, I never even fathomed that. Hell, Id be lucky to get an inch in 5 weeks.
I can't take MSM because I am allergic to sulfur. I am taking biotin and a multi hair vitamin. I have gotten similar results from taking those two. About 3/4-1 inch in about 16 days. Depending on the area on my head. I sometimes wonder if I took it in a different form and a smaller dose would I still be allergic.
Yes, it really is good. I can honestly say it has made a big difference. The hair grows in softer and and it will be silky feeling.
It has also helped with the pain in my knees. I had an accident a long time ago and ever since then I would get an arthritis like pain in my knees. I can walk from 96 St. to 42nd and back on a nice day with no problem.

I found this online and I thought the first paragraph might interest you.

About MSM

MSM is a natural sulfur compound found in every cell of the body. Next
to oxygen, water, and salt, MSM is the fourth most common compound in
the body. Sulfur is involved in practically all of the body's metabolic
processes and is essential for cell regeneration and nourishment.
Approximately half of the total body sulfur is found in the muscles,
skin and bones. Sulfur is needed for making collagen, the primary
component of cartilage and connective tissue...this is not the same
sulpher that is in sulfer medications that so many people are allergic
to, it is the natural sulpher that our bodies produce. Our bodies
utilize MSM/sulpher for:

· Maintaining proper functioning of the immune system
· Building healthy connective tissues
· Proper joint function
· Maintaining enzyme activity (it's even been found to help candida)
· Regulating hormone balance

MSM is necessary for collagen synthesis: skin, hair and nails (bones,
muscles and organs). It softens the tissue, relieves stress, asthma,
arthritis, inflammation, constipation, candida, detoxifies the body and
increases blood circulation, reduces muscle cramps and back pain,
permits muscles to heal, increases energy, mental calmness and improves
the ability to concentrate. MSM has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory
properties and plays a role in removing free radicals and foreign
proteins from the body
Man I'm going to try again. In the 2 weeks I took it religiously my hair growth was so soft I didn't know if I should get a touch up or not. My hair grew an 1/2 inch. the only problem is that I got this little rash but I was taking something else so I don't know if it was the MSM. So I cut everything new out. I've been too scare to try again but I think I'm going to get the Trimedica powder form and just take that and what I normally take.
When I first started it I got a very mild breakout, but drinking a lot of water and washing your face with acne soap will stop it.
Well for me it meant actually drinking some

Seriously though, I would say to drink 3-4 more glasses than normal.
I know what you mean. Actually, I posted a similar thread a while ago about tender & tingly scalp. I got a little over 1 inch in 4 weeks taking 1000mg MSM each day. I take the Spring Valley from Wal-Mart.
congrats mly3e, i went all around barbados looking for biotin and msn and noone has any or very small portions per SIX tablets. WHAT TYPE OF HEALTH STORES ARE THESE !!!!
anyhow i'll live with eating healthy for now
I notice the difference in my new growth. I condition my hair well so the relaxed part is soft, but my new growth used to be almost uncombable.
I think I replied to that thread also. I usually get the tingly scalp walking feeling, but that was straight up soreness. I guess it was like no pain no gain
Hot dang! That's alot of growth...I know the soreness and itching must get on your nerves...but what a HAPPY problem if it means your hair is growing that fast.
Hey fellow New Yorker. Its on sale at the Vitamin Shoppe right now. Theres one on every other block on Broadway.