Healthy Scalp - My Starting Point


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone!

I'm transitioning to natural and it seems that my scalp is not as healthy as I assumed it was.

I've been transitioning for about 10 months now and I'm starting to notice the same areas get itchy and sore. Not only that, but I've also noticed that my scalp is EXTREMLY itchy after washing with shampoo (am I allergic?)

Can you guys help me get my scalp in tip - top shape? How do you know when your scalp is finally healthy and what, do you think, helps you maintain your healthy scalp?

You could be allergic to ingredients in your shampoo which is why it's extremely itchy afterward. Try and see if you can isolate which ingredients it is. That goes for the rest of your products as well. There is also a possibility that you have a scalp condition that's made worse by your products. Lots of ingredients are irritants, even though they don't bother most people, but you could be more sensitive than others.

I think the best thing to do is to scale all the way back with your products and use things that are not known to cause allergies (and have only a few ingredients) and then slowly add things back in one ingredient at a time. That way you can try to isolate what's causing the problem. You may also want to visit the dermatoglogist.

My scalp feels the healthiest when I keep it clean and moisturized with all-natural things. Oyin's Juices&Berries works the best for my scalp as well as natural light oils like coconut oil.
I'm starting to notice the same areas get itchy and sore. Not only that, but I've also noticed that my scalp is EXTREMLY itchy after washing with shampoo Can you guys help me get my scalp in tip - top shape? TIA!

I use to have a dry, itchy scalp and I started using this "pre" treatment from Phyto that is nothing more than: Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint Oil and Rosemary EO. It has been working wonders for my Scalp.

It's in a Pointy Tipped Bottle and I apply it to my Scalp and put a plastic cap on for about 30 minutes. Then proceed. I haven't been using much 'Poo tho', I've been Co-Washing and only 'Poo'ing for Clarifying.

I would suggest making that mixture. I suggested it to another Poster and She said it helped her immensely.:yep: It will definitely relieve dry, itchy scalp, for sure.
how often do you wash your hair and what shampoo (s) are u using?

I wash my hair every week.

Last week, I went to the salon (First time in a really long time), they used a dominican shampoo (Aceite de Olive). It was a creamy shampoo and i didn't feel that way (itchy) afterwards. then I deep conditioned with Moroccan Oil deep condish in the blue and brown tub. Very thick.

I know that when i use Kenra MC for a deep condition, my scalp feels like it's on fire even after I just washed! I haven't used that in a VERY long time (like 6 months) but it's weird because I had been using it for a while and all the sudden it started turning on me and my scalp!

Right now I'm washing with CON until I figure out what to do. I think it's the detergent in the shampoo, really. but i feel that those 'natural' shampoos don't clean my hair then my hair ends up breaking from all the buildup.
I FINALLY realized that my problem stemmed from not having a healthy scalp. It would itch and itch and itch and then it seemed as if my hair either didn't grow or started to thin. So, I learned that if the scalp isn't healthy (cleared of all buildup, etc.), then the hair can't/won't grow.

I did a little research and starting using this and followed with their Uplifting Shampoo -- MEGA difference!!!

Also, I can't recall who posted about the Hairever I scalp cleanse, but I've just recently incorporated that into my regimine and it REALLY made my scalp feel clean and no more itchies, my hair is seriously growing in areas that were once thin. Again, I realized that in order to have healthy, growing hair, I needed to have a healthy, clean scalp.

The product below works equally well (if not better) than the ORS scalp scrub.


I hope this information can help you.

All best,

ETA: Both products are used before shampooing.
The reason why I asked about how often u shampoo and what u use is b/c I wash twice a week and I notice that I still itch even at this frequency. However, I notice that when I use Giovanni 50/50 I don't have any problems. If you look at the ingredients Rosemary extract is in it that's why I chose to buy this shamppo because rosemary helps with itching scalp issues. I recently tried Giovanni Smooth as Silk but its too early too tell if its as good at keeping my scalp clean b/c it also has rosemary extract but its creamier than 50/50 so I think 50/50 gets in my scalp better. If so, I may mix them and see what results I get. Some people report good results from alter ego cren.
I use to have a dry, itchy scalp and I started using this "pre" treatment from Phyto that is nothing more than: Tea Tree Oil, Peppermint Oil and Rosemary EO. It has been working wonders for my Scalp.

It's in a Pointy Tipped Bottle and I apply it to my Scalp and put a plastic cap on for about 30 minutes. Then proceed. I haven't been using much 'Poo tho', I've been Co-Washing and only 'Poo'ing for Clarifying.

I would suggest making that mixture. I suggested it to another Poster and She said it helped her immensely.:yep: It will definitely relieve dry, itchy scalp, for sure.

i have dry, itchy scalp as well. if ii was to make much of each would i need?
tea tree oil should help with the itching. I have a very sensitive scalp and tea tree oil soothes it in no time. It's the only thing I'll let touch my scalp.
i have dry, itchy scalp as well. if ii was to make much of each would i need?

The EO's are in those very small (dark) bottles. I would use an equal amount of each. It's not going to take much, because all 3; Tea Tree, Peppermint & Rosemary are extremely stimulating.:blush:

However, the one by Phyto is only 0.83fl. And it's in a small (tiny) bottle but a little bit goes a long way. You are applying it directly to scalp only.

I put it on my itchy areas, put a plastic cap on for about 30 minutes, remove the cap and Co-Wash etc....It has completely relieved my dry,
itchy, irritated scalp :yep:

When I run out of this, I will make my own, because I have all 3 of those Oils already in my Stash.:look:

Let me know how it works for you. I am 100% Certain it will get rid of your dry, itchy scalp.
Thanks for the info. Ladies, I have an itchy scalp as well and some thinning. What is a good clarifying shampoo?

It all depends on what's causing your scalp issues. If its product buildup then yes. ALso, changing your products to ones more appropriate for your scalp and keeping products of your scalp will help. However, if you have seborrhea or seborrheic dermatits (sp?), or psoraisis then you are going to needs some else like rosemary, peppermint oil etc. I think before anyone can tackle a scalp problem then have to know why it exists.