ORS Replenishing Pack

How does the ORS replenishing packs work for you?

  • Works great! I love how my hair feels!

    Votes: 147 67.4%
  • Eh- so-so

    Votes: 34 15.6%
  • It makes my hair feel like a weighed down mess

    Votes: 15 6.9%
  • Never tried it

    Votes: 16 7.3%
  • none of the above (please elaborate)

    Votes: 6 2.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Has this ever happened to u guys?
So i washed as usual with CON green bottle then i put in the replenishing pack i deep conditioned for about 15 minutes but when i washed the condish out my hair felt very greasy/oily and i wasnt like that before...
i waved it of and proceeded to rollerset when i finished my hair felt soo weighed down i was digusted what happened? Everyone raves about the condish so what happened in my case?
I just used it but I couldn't see any difference... but I think my pack might have been an old one...

Oh plz.. I hope they didn't change the formula in the lil packs 2!!! :sad:
I experienced the same thing a few months ago. I used the kind in the bottle. It left my hair with a waxy coating that I had a really hard time getting off. I had to switch to a different conditioner. Too bad, because I really used to like it (and the bottle I have is huge and not even halfway used).
I haven't really had a problem. How much are you using? I find that I don't need alot of it, I just work it in really well. Plus, you shampooed with CON which by itself can leave hair feeling coated.
hmmm i'll have to check out that thread because back in the days that conditioner used to be a staple!!! I dont know what happened now... I guess I'll try it one more time right after clarifying and if it still gives me trouble then i'll only use it for pre-poos until its done...
I've been using the ORS Replenishing Con in the bottle for over a year now and my hair still loves it... I even have a new bottle and it seems to be working the same.

Maybe your hair needed clarifying?

Thanks for sharing, I'll look out for any changes.
Has this ever happened to u guys?
So i washed as usual with CON green bottle then i put in the replenishing pack i deep conditioned for about 15 minutes but when i washed the condish out my hair felt very greasy/oily and i wasnt like that before...
i waved it of and proceeded to rollerset when i finished my hair felt soo weighed down i was digusted what happened? Everyone raves about the condish so what happened in my case?

ORS replenishing pak was my favorite for a few years untill about 3 weeks ago I used it again to deep condition and could not believe how horrible my hair felt afterwards. My hair felt heavy & coated. I was very disappointed, seeing that I've never had a problem before.

I haven't heard about the ingredients in the paks changing, so I'm not sure why this happened?? I tried it again recently, clarifying first, and received the same results:perplexed
I use the pack. It helps tremendously with shedding and breakage, that's the only reason I use it. It doesn't give me any great slip or softness, so I voted for "so-so"
I really love it. It detangles, moisturizes, and gives AWESOME slip the only negative is the scent. I dont really like it it reminds me of orange-glo
immediately after using it, my hair felt great however a few days later it was drier than usual...so, i had to shut the use of it down..i know lots of ppl have had great results; i'm just not one of them.
I've been using the paks for over a year and I still love them. I do DC for an hour though, so maybe that makes a difference.
I love both the bottle and the paks. I even love the newer formula. This conditioner makes my hair feel so great after a DC w/heat.:lick:
Sorry to hear about your experience. I've never had an issue with any of the products from ORS Line. Are you relaxed or natural? The small pkg always leaves my hair soft with great slip :grin:. However, when I use products I like to stick with in the line.. Poo & Condish.. weather is CON, CHI, ORS or Pantene.
Hmm...I've used the pak and the bottle. I have some of it on right now. I DC with heat for 30 mins and I love it. I don't use much--even with the pak I only use half of it.

I'll keep a lookout and see if there's any changes, I just looked at the ingredients of one of my paks and the bottle--they seem to be the same--but I could have older versions.

**ETA: Just saw the other thread. Ya'll might be right. I'm using the "newer" version. Even my paks have the newer verson.

Last night after washing my hair, I noticed it was heavier than usual. It seems the newer version leaves my hair coated.

Oh well...I'll play around with the amount (I put a LOT in) since I already have this bottle and see if I can make it work, but probably won't buy it again when I run out.

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I havent used my 23oz bottle in months(I have the older bottle). I may use it this week when I wash. But anywho I dont recall it doing anything bad to my hair, I may comeback to update Friday or so.
I'm having ok results with my ORS results with mine but I want a pure moisturizing conditioner WITHOUT protein. I have the new one and the packs are better.
I use it and luv it. I buy the packs tho. I learned that a little bit goes a long way.....

Could it be that some ppl are using too much of the product?

I dunno...
I loved the packs so much i had to get the bottle and it works the same for me. Im not sure if my bottle is the new version or not. Does the new bottle say new formula or something?
Left my hair feeling mushy. The next time I use the 2 min Aphogee treatmet i will probably follow up with the ORS pack.
I use it every now and then i have the old formula 3 bottles in my stash but I have been using this stuff for over a year now and i sill love it thank god because i have 3 bottles and that stuff aint cheap.
I was reading Essence and a hair care expert in it said that the ORS RP was a hot oil treatment because oil is so high up in its ingredients. Maybe it was too much oil for ya.

But I recently covered my hair in EVCO and then applied the ORS RP, left it in for a few hourse, and bliss... I love the stuff :)
I liked it. I tried the pack and then I bought the whole bottle. They say its a protein conditioner but I dont think it has enough protein to do anything in my hair. Aphogee 2 minute and the Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea restructerizer are what I'm using for protein. But the ORS replenishing pack is just a good maintenance conditioner. I paired it with my Queen Helene Cholesterol, put on a shower cap and sat under a heating pad for like and hour or 2, let me tell you, my hair was like butter sliding off a piece of hot toast!