
Well-Known Member

I joined in Aug 2007, but i lurked for about a month and didn't come back (i had a really slow computer :nono:) until June 2009. I paid my $6.50 beacuse i was serious this time. I learned alot of great info between this site and Chicoro's book Grow It. I measure my hair from front hairline to tip to track my progress. I started off between APL and BSL:

July 11, 2009 (22.5 inches)
View attachment 72278

Then i joined the WL Challenge:

December 2009 (26.5 inches)
View attachment 72280

After my last relaxer:

July 6, 2010 (29.5 inches)
View attachment 72282

I've managed to retain 7 inches and I know i need a trim since my hair grows faster in the middle. I'll probably try to self-trim cause i don't want to have to post a horror story.:lachen:

My regi:

-wash once a week with Mizani shampoo
- DC with KC Knot Today mixed with jojoba oil
- leave-in (Kimmaytube's recipe)
- protein treament every 3-4 weeks (i'll increase this because i'm starting to get breakage)
- moisturize daily with QB Burdock Root and seal with oil every 2-3 days
- relax every 8-9 weeks

I'm about 1.5 inches from WL, don't let the picture fool you cause i should have my hand a little lower ( i suck at taking pics). I'll consider myself WL when i reach 31 inches. My final goal is full HL which is about 34 inches...i hope to reach that in 2012. Thanks for viewing!
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Sorry, the pics didn't show, let's try again:

July 11, 2009 (22.5 inches)
July 11, 2009.jpg

Then i joined the WL Challenge:

December 2009 (26.5 inches)
WL challenge Dec 10.jpg

After my last relaxer:

July 6, 2010 (29.5 inches)
July 6, 2010.jpg
thats some length u got goin on there gurl, nice work!! but i wouldnt be me if i didn't say u look like u need a bit of a trim-trim.
thats some length u got goin on there gurl, nice work!! but i wouldnt be me if i didn't say u look like u need a bit of a trim-trim.

I'm going to try to self-trim, my ends look raggedy since my hair grows faster in the middle. I want to try to trim it as it grows an inch every few months so i can reach full WL next year and full HL in 2012.

ETA: @Spring: i want my hair to thicken up like yours, it's beautiful!
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How did you manage to retain all of your growth??? I'm can't hold on to anything,lol...nice progress!!!

ETA:: I need to invest in that book..
Thanks for sharing your success:yep::yep::yep:

If you bun or PS, the hair will catch up with the fast growing part!!!

I was bunning last summer and did great, but i started wearing my hair out for the winter and didn't get back to that it's hot i'll be PSing again.

How did you manage to retain all of your growth??? I'm can't hold on to anything,lol...nice progress!!!

ETA:: I need to invest in that book..

I did some PS with buns, but sealing with oil after moisturizing and stopping direct heat has allowed me to retain my growth.
Thanks DR for responding...sealing with oil is a step I always leave out, I moisturize but rarely seal.
My ends were raggedy since i hadn't trimmed in over a year...i wanted to see what my growth rate is. I trimmed it myself yesterday. First i took off 2 inches and then another half inch to try to even it up.

July 6, 2010.jpg


trimmed 070610.jpg

trimmed 2.5 inches.jpg