One of my biggest pet peeves in this hair game

ah, hair typing still confuses me, I see myself as '4b'. I thought/ presumed my DD would also be '4b;, but her hair is all over the place, lol!
I consider myself 4a, although in the past when I've posted hair pics people have told me that I've been misinformed. Sure, I have a few 3c areas, but I care for my hair based off of the needs of the most coily section, which is my crown (that I believe to be 4a).
When I think of 4c I think of mwedzi here on LHCF. She is the best example of a 4c that I'm aware of and I have seen very few who fit that. The other person who comes to mind is Sera from Youtube but, I think, she defines her hair as 4b. 4c is the most kinky of the kinky which from the videos posted here none of those women really fall into.
faithVA I didn't watch it all, but she comes on without product in her hair (which still doesn't look 4c) and says the reason why it looks a little curly is because she stopped using combs and tools. :ohwell: So she says she's 4c everywhere except the back which she types 4b.

Honestly...whoever is out there typing their hair after having brushed/picked out is crazy. You're not supposed to brush curly hair...even our white curly sistas follow this rule. I don't have 4c hair but whatever, I sub to every hair favorite 4c are CandidAnn and chery818.
Priss Pot said:
I consider myself 4a, although in the past when I've posted hair pics people have told me that I've been misinformed. Sure, I have a few 3c areas, but I care for my hair based off of the needs of the most coily section, which is my crown (that I believe to be 4a).

You aint no 4a gal :giggle: :poke: Priss Pot

Sent from the corner pay phone
I always thought I was 4b w/ tight kinky springs here and there but then someone in hair land came out w/ the 4c hair type. I've been on here since the beginning and there was no 4c. Now I think I'm 4c.

Here are some of my favs and who I believe to be 4c

And my all time favorite natural hair idol whom hair I just drool over

I'm not sure what hair type she is but I'm assuming she is 4b or 4c....but my 4c or 4b don't look like hers. LOL
Here is the last video I watched. She believes she is a 4b

Beautiful hair and no shade intended, just using this as an example....
Je Ne Sais Quoi,

I watched approximately 1.75 seconds of that before I stopped it muttering, "I know 4b." "I have a close personal friend who is 4b." "You ma'am, are no 4b."

Then I looked through the comments. No one challenged her so called 4bness. No one! I didn't want to be all Snidely Whiplash and break up the lovefest but I was tempted.:lol:
My biggest peeve about the hair game is hair typing...we've got endless threads where no conclusion is ever reached...
I watched the whole response video and all I could do is shake my head. This woman is no 4C. 4C hair cannot make wash n gos, no matter how much product, gel or what have you you dump on it, so she is a 4a/4b. I can see where she is coming from though. At first I thought I was 4c as well, but then I learned that I am an extremely tight 4b, which means I COULD coax a curl pattern out of my natural hair, but it would take too much product, time and effort to do so at a longer length (my TWA curls would be poppin' in the day though!).

To each her own though; apparently she found a regimen and product line up that works for her, and that's all that really matters, isn't it? :ohwell:
I think when people see their texture they confuse it with their hair type. For example, by hair type (curl pattern) I am 4a/4b. I have a decent coil pattern when wet and if I shingle I stay curly. However, my hair has a coarse texture. It isn't silky and has no natural shine. Those qualities are mostly associated with 4b/4c hair types.
I've noticed this as well. I also take issue with people that incorrectly tag their hair type for more hits. I was annoyed when I saw a video tagged "ethnic natural hair", and the girl clearly had a relaxer. WTF?

You know what, i think you hit the nail on the head. More views!!! I dont think everyone does it for this reason but i think you may be on to something

Sent from the corner pay phone

YouTube often ads those tags to videos automatically when you upload them and you have to remember to change them if they are wrong. YT uses the audio in the video to guess the tags. All of my uploads are automatically tagged with both "natural hair" and "hair growth" unless I change them.

My guess is that those are the most commonly searched for hair care terms.
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One of my biggest pet peeve's is the hair typing "system"'s just another label and box to put people in... I think it spurs negativity in the hair world. Everyone's hair is unique and beautiful --why can't that be enough? I don't know what my hair type is, and really, I don't care. If I see a YouTube video about products or a routine that I want to try -- I try it. If it works, that wonderful! If not, oh well.