Once you decided to go natural...


Well-Known Member
Did you also decide to use all natural products? I see a correlation between the two. If you did, what made you make this decision? Was it a conscious choice or were the all natural product just the ones that happened to work better for your hair?
(dont' throw stones. I am not trying to start anything, I think this is a valid question.)
I personally started using natural products before going natural simply because the are naturally better for our hair BUT, a lot of them, mainly the butter and oil based products were to heavy for my relaxed styles. Once becoming natural, I didn't have a problem of these product weighing down my hair, so it made it easier to transition over to more natural based products. I know many relaxed heads have switched over to more natural based shampoos and conditioners, I think they would use more natural based pomades and butters, and oils for mainenance IF there wasn't the concern of them possibly weighing down the hair and interfering with style, JMO.

If you can and WANT to use natural products over commercial artificial ingredients, why not?
ETA: Currently, the only "all natural" products I use are mainly butter based moisturizers/pomades and rinses.
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Nope. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I don't believe in natural products. The stuff that I buy in the store works well for my hair, so I'll keep buying them.

Also, I cannot afford most natural products.
When I first went natural until about 4 months ago, I was using some of everything. Now, I am more conscious about my product choices and only use natural or close to it products as possible.
After I went natural, my ends were so dry, nothing worked until Qhemet. Then I started hearing abour parabens and decided to use all natural products.
I agree with So1913. Once I decided to go natural, my product needs changed. I could use products with more water in them because I wasn't trying to retain a straight look. I tend to be more health conscious in my food choices, so it makes since it would extend to personal grooming.

I probably use about 60% natural products and 40% commerical products. My commerical products are usually silicone free (water soluable only) and always mineral oil and petroleum free. I'll probably go more natural as I pair down my product routine.
i was going to make the switch to all natural in 2007 in food and haircare. they are both going to take a while! i bought so many hair products i couldn't bring myself to throw them away. and i experienced some pretty good growth since the bc so i figured they couldn't be too bad.

but just last friday i went to an all natural salon and i pretty much got b!tched out for using my un-natural products. and i couldn't deny how soft it was and how much sheen my hair had. she raked her fingers thru my hair (while damp) with no problem.

so i went and bought a natural poo and con. i'll monitor the results.
so1913 said:
I personally started using natural products before going natural simply because the are naturally better for our hair BUT, a lot of them, mainly the butter and oil based products were to heavy for my relaxed styles. Once becoming natural, I didn't have a problem of these product weighing down my hair, so it made it easier to transition over to more natural based products. I know many relaxed heads have switched over to more natural based shampoos and conditioners, I think they would use more natural based pomades and butters, and oils for mainenance IF there wasn't the concern of them possibly weighing down the hair and interfering with style, JMO.

If you can and WANT to use natural products over commercial artificial ingredients, why not?
ETA: Currently, the only "all natural" products I use are mainly butter based moisturizers/pomades and rinses.

I agree. I'm not natural yet, but I've tried butters, and they weigh my relaxed hair down and it starts to break. I currently use Qhemet, and some of the products are too heavy for my relaxed hair, but I'll repurchase once I'm natural. I LOVE Qhemet.
Cheleigh said:
I I tend to be more health conscious in my food choices, so it makes since it would extend to personal grooming.

I am sooo into nutrition so it only followed that if I am concerned about what I put INTO my body, I should be concerned about what I put ONTO my body.

All of the natural hair, organic food, natural products happened simultaneously just because I am at a point of trying to improve all aspects of my life and because I graduated from college and finally have a real job and can afford to experiment...LOL.... :lol:

But I dont totally count out your theory....when you start learning about how detrimental the chemicals in relaxers are you tend to also discover information about ingredients in other hair products...which motivates you to leave both alone...JMHO :look:
As i was transitioning i found that products i used to use didnt work well anymore. i felt the products out in the shops were suited to relaxed OR natural hair... iv learnt alot now through general trial and error (and thanks to the ladies on this site).

over all iv relised that a mixture of products work, however in the near future (hopefully before dec.) i will be using ONLY pure natural products- my hair luvvvs butters and oils!
When I first went natural I did not use natural products- I used Motions poo & deep condish along w/ coconut oil grease. After a while I started to develop cysts like bumps (acne) only on my forehead, and this is around the time I stopped using hair grease and switched to locs. The condition cleared up but after that incident I was apprehensive about using anything w/mineral oil or petrolatum for fear of clogged pores and acne re-occurance.

When I switched back to loose natural hair, I had a good mix of natural and regular BSS type products. I have re introduced some petrolatum and mineral oil to my regimen, but only in very small amt in my deep conditioners and one moisturizer. I like my natural products (like shea butter, oils etc) because they rinse away well and the really moisturize w/out giving me any skin problems. That was my major concern. I still like and find use for some BSS products like Elasta DPR, Kids Organics, etc.
I use a little of everything right now. A lot of the products I buy depends on the reviews and many of the posts from this site. I am experimenting until I find what works for my hair. Until I fully transition, I will probably be what you guys call a PJ!...Especially since my hair's needs will change as my transition progresses.

But like a few others here, I was using natural products while I was permed as well. Namely Carol's Daughter and Asha's, olive oil, and coconut oil (my hair is very dry). I still buy these and will continue to do so because for now my hair seems to do well with these.
When I first went natural, I tried to use the same products that I used when my hair was relaxed because that was all I knew. Some of them worked and some didn't. Except for using olive oil I didn't really know of any natural products until I started lurking on the hair boards. Now I use a combination of natural products and not natural(?) products. For example, I use a lot of Qhemet Biologics products and Elasta QP products.

It really depends on what your hair likes.
For me natural products seem to have a higher concentration of moisture. So I feel like I'm gettin more for my buck so its worth it to me. I've never tried a commercial that moisturizes my hair like Qhemtet products or natural butters. The only commercial products I still use is Herbal Essences HH, I can't give the thing up
NOPE. i think my natural to commercial product ratio is about 50/50. but i will never switch completely to natural stuff because there are commercial products that i LOVE and will always use.
I use natural products as moisturizers and humectants. Honey, oils, and butters play integral roles in keeping my hair shiny and moist. But I stick to commercial products for shampoos, conditioners, and styling aids. My hair benefits from a few cones and doesn't mind a sulfate every now and then.
Not 100% natural, but I will chime in and say that all natural products do work on relaxed hair.

When I was fully relaxed, I used shea butter, jojoba oil, Aubrey's products, J/A/S/O/N's products, and Giovanni's products, and they all worked like a charm. There are a gang of relaxed heads on this board that use Giovanni Direct, and it's about as natural as it gets for a packaged leave-in.

So, like another poster mentioned, it's all in what works. And from my observation, many of the naturals here have the attitude of mkstar...if ain't broke, they're not fixing it. Contrastly, there are relaxed heads who stick with natural products in order to minimize toxin exposure. The logic is that if they insist on having the relaxer, they can cut out parabens, etc by using natural poos, conditioners, etc.
I haven't gone all natural, but I am certainly a lot more conscious about what is in my products and what I put on my hair. I am more aware of the dangerous chemicals that some of the products may contain. The trouble is that many of these "all natural" products are only available online, and are a bit pricey. I don't mind paying more for my moisturizer or leave-in, but my shampoo and conditioner have to be affordable as these run out really quickly.
ETA: Also, some of these natural products really sucked for me. Aubrey Honeysuckle was a disaster on my head, Qhemet Heavy Cream, Qhemet Olive Detangler, Anita Grant Whipped Butter, Anita Grant Creamy Caffe Latte - These all sucked for me. Now I use Qhemet Sidr Tree which I absolutely love and Curls Milkshake. I think both a natural.
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Once I went natural and started reading about hair care, it seemed like giving natural products a go would be worthwhile. Plus, the stuff I used for my relaxed hair wasn't working. After reading about some the effects of some ingredients, I started reading labels much more closely. Another thing that attracted me to natural products, was that I could make some things myself and it ends up being cheaper for me in the long run.