
Well-Known Member
Ok I have been on this board for 2 years and being the hair fanatic I am, i should know this by now but I'm not really understanding this.

I just did a search and the general consensus is that airdrying prevents the cuticle from closing and therefore it does not lay flat, right?

Now I ALWAYS DC with heat because it allows the conditioner to penetrate better. But if I use heat to DC, the cuticle is open and if I airdry the cuticle remains open and cannot keep in any moisture right?

Now if my hair is overprocessed, the hair often cannot retain moisture because the cuticle has been left open too many times, right? Which is similar to airdrying, right?

So, if all the above is true, (i'm not sure just assuming) then wouldn't airdrying be damaging?

I dont use direct heat at all. I only use the dryer for my DC, and very rarely for rollersets.

Gymfreak, Sistaslick, anybody help me understand :lol:
Air drying should not be damaging to healthy hair. In healthy hair, the cuticles lie flat, giving the hair a healthy sheen and making it smooth and more manageable.

These flat cuticles also help to keep moisture inside the hair. When cuticles are raised, the hair is more porous and moisture escapes relatively easily.

Cuticles are usually raised excessively in damaged hair.

If the hair is damaged or overprocessed, then special steps may be needed to assist the cuticle in closing, as it may have a problem closing on its on.

Last rinse should be with cold water. (The cold water shocks the cuticle into closing)

Apply leavins and moisturizers when the hair is wet.

Pull the hair in a ponytail and or wrap it with a silk or satin scarf 2 dry.

These tips will help the cuticle to lay flat.

Once again, healthy hair should not have a problem with its cuticle being left open because the cuticles have not been damaged and know how to do there job. Its the damaged cuticles that need the extra help.

Hope this makes sense.
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From what I understand, there are several ways to close the cuticle:

1. Cold water.

2. Apple cider vinegar + cold water

I airdry. I just moved and just started a new job, so I have no method of drying my hair otherwise. For me, this is the best I can do. When I was back in the US I also airdried, but I used a bonnet dryer to deep condition.

My hair is straight, a little puffy at the roots, but that's because my last relaxer was September 27th and I have not just new growth but NEW GROWTH!

I posted this at the same time as Chocolate Diva. Oops!
Air drying should not be damaging to healthy hair. In healthy hair, the cuticles lie flat, giving the hair a healthy sheen and making it smooth and more manageable.

These flat cuticles also help to keep moisture inside the hair. When cuticles are raised, the hair is more porous and moisture escapes relatively easily.

Cuticles are usually raised excessively in damaged hair.

If the hair is damaged or overprocessed, then special steps may be needed to assist the cuticle in closing, as it may have a problem closing on its on.

Last rinse should be with cold water. (The cold water shocks the cuticle into closing)

Apply leavins and moisturizers when the hair is wet.

Pull the hair in a ponytail and or wrap it with a silk or satin scarf 2 dry.

These tips will help the cuticle to lay flat.

Once again, healthy hair should not have a problem with its cuticle being left open because the cuticles have not been damaged and know how to do there job. Its the damaged cuticles that need the extra help.

Hope this makes sense.

thanks for replying. I tried airdrying in a scarf and my hair got sooooooooo dry and crispy and I got a lot of breakage afterwards.

So what is the reason that we shouldn't comb air dried hair? Because I hear a lot of people saying that.

so what i am getting is that its okay if the cuticles are open somewhat but if they are open too much then that's bad/unhealthy for the hair.
thanks for replying. I tried airdrying in a scarf and my hair got sooooooooo dry and crispy and I got a lot of breakage afterwards.

So what is the reason that we shouldn't comb air dried hair? Because I hear a lot of people saying that.

Because if the cuticle is still slightly open, the comb can catch on the cuticle and break the hair strands at the spot on the hair strand. That would be my best answer. :look:

So what i am getting is that its okay if the cuticles are open somewhat but if they are open too much then that's bad/unhealthy for the hair.

Yes, I think that is it okay for them to be open a little bit. BUT- if your hair is healthy the cuticles should close completely or almost completely. It is damaged hair that has the problem with the cuticle being left wide open.
Yes, I think that is it okay for them to be open a little bit. BUT- if your hair is healthy the cuticles should close completely or almost completely. It is damaged hair that has the problem with the cuticle being left wide open.


I dunno much about how airdrying affects the cuticle, but I don't comb when I airdy b/c my hair doesn't dry uniformly smooth & bone straight, so it tangles. When my hair is roller-set it's the same degree of straightness & smoothness everywhere, so no tangles and easier combing (provided my hair is properly moisturized).
Great points from all!

Also, I believe using a leave-in conditioner helps seal the cuticle. I always have smooth, silky hair when I airdry. I always airdry in 6-8 braids or a rolleset. No dryness or crunchiness going on. Ever since I started using Lacio Lacio and Salerm 21 as my leave-ins since the beginning of the year(around feb), I haven't had any problems :).
I always thought the purpose of air drying was to cut down on heat. I didn't realize there was a bigger reason. I started air drying my relaxed hair when I started washing it on my own as a teenager because I was too lazy to blow dry. As I got older I realized that it was better than blow drying and then curling with an iron. So I would comb through it, let it air dry and then just bump it with the curlers.
All I do is airdry because I have no idea how to use a blowdryer :look: but prior to airdrying I rinse my hair with cold water....seems to be working fine for me. :yep:
what about using a hard bonnet dryer on a cool setting to speed it along?

A bonnet dryer on a cool setting is fine IMO.

BTW- I took a look at your trip to wisconsin slide show!! Looks like you all had a great time.

I need to go see my Brett Favre. His arm is hurt, he needs me. :look:
Ok I have been on this board for 2 years and being the hair fanatic I am, i should know this by now but I'm not really understanding this.

I just did a search and the general consensus is that airdrying prevents the cuticle from closing and therefore it does not lay flat, right?

Now I ALWAYS DC with heat because it allows the conditioner to penetrate better. But if I use heat to DC, the cuticle is open and if I airdry the cuticle remains open and cannot keep in any moisture right?

Now if my hair is overprocessed, the hair often cannot retain moisture because the cuticle has been left open too many times, right? Which is similar to airdrying, right?

So, if all the above is true, (i'm not sure just assuming) then wouldn't airdrying be damaging?

I dont use direct heat at all. I only use the dryer for my DC, and very rarely for rollersets.

Gymfreak, Sistaslick, anybody help me understand :lol:

Hey girl

IMO.....Air drying is damaging for some people. It depends on your personaly hair type.

I have fine hair but I have a lot of it. When I air dry, the raised cuticle makes my already fragile hair even more fragile. Then, my hair will accept moisture unevenly because of the raised cuticle. All of this leads to breakage for me. I get WAY more breakage from airdrying especially just letting my hair hang flat. If I air dry, I have to give my hair something to dry around like a roller. Even then, I like to sit under a dryer for the last 20 minutes or so. I don't air dry often.
Great points from all!

Also, I believe using a leave-in conditioner helps seal the cuticle. I always have smooth, silky hair when I airdry. I always airdry in 6-8 braids or a rolleset. No dryness or crunchiness going on. Ever since I started using Lacio Lacio and Salerm 21 as my leave-ins since the beginning of the year(around feb), I haven't had any problems :).

I agree with the bolded. Actual products that are labeled as leave-in conditioners have the appropriate pH to close the cuticle, considering the purpose of a leave-in is to provide deep conditioning that lasts through to the next wash. If the product left the cuticle open then it would be useless. This type of product and a serum are very important when airdrying. I usually skip over the airdrying threads so I don't know what the general consensus is for those that do so on a regular basis, but if you airdry you hair and you experience problems (and your hair is healthy) then you need to look at your products before chucking this method.

IMO just applying a moisturizer and oil or butter to wet hair just isn't going to cut it...Dry crunchy mess :nono:
Hey girl

IMO.....Air drying is damaging for some people. It depends on your personaly hair type.

I have fine hair but I have a lot of it. When I air dry, the raised cuticle makes my already fragile hair even more fragile. Then, my hair will accept moisture unevenly because of the raised cuticle. All of this leads to breakage for me. I get WAY more breakage from airdrying especially just letting my hair hang flat. If I air dry, I have to give my hair something to dry around like a roller. Even then, I like to sit under a dryer for the last 20 minutes or so. I don't air dry often.

Okay. I have VERY coarse wirey hair. My friend told me one time my hair cut her :lol:

I also use lacio lacio as a leave in.

Thanks for replying ladies.