Spinoff...What are the best practices for Airdrying in a Ponytail

I dry in a LOOSE bun. I pull it up in a pony tail holder that's almost lost its elacticity so that it stays loose, twist it into a loose bun and turn on the ceiling fan in my room. I get no breakage and my hair dries perfect for me. My bun is so loose though, that when I shake my head I can feel it bounce and sway..
sugarose said:
I will airdry in a pony if I am post-relaxer and need my roots straight. What I do is smooth my hair with my soft brush and put in a semi-tight pony. I only need about 1 hour before my roots are completely dry. Then I just airdry the rest of my hair down. I don't see any breakage from this, but I think it's because I only do it on wash days and it's only for a short amount of time.
Otherwise I will air dry in 1 or 2 braids.

@ bold- Thats basically what I do, but.. i loosen the pony and twist up in a bun to completely air dry. My ends dry straighter, more moisturized and w/o frizz that way. I like to brush my scalp erryday and I think stretching the new growth to dry straighter (like you would if you were rolling for straightness) over all causes less breakage if you manipulate between washings.

Took me a minute to figure that out... the middle of my nape was JACK'ed! I'm still slowly trimming the sides to catch up w/the middle of my nape... but the improvement is like night and day.
So I tried a new method of airdrying that I learned yesterday from the ladies on this thread.

I cowashed with Silicon Mix (letting it sit in my head for about 40 minutes before I rinsed it out). I then detangled my hair with a wide tooth comb and saw only a few long shed haird come out. I then applied Kids Organics Shea Butter Detangling Lotion (for the first time) to my hair and combed it through to make sure it was distributed evenly. I made sure to saturate my ends. With my hair hanging straight down I smoothed the top of my head with a soft boars bristle brush. I then tied a scarf across the top of my head. My hair was about 80% dry within 2-3 hours. Right before I went to bed I applied some Carol's Daughter Hair Balm to my hair concentrating again on my ends and combed it through my hair with my fingers. I then twisted my hair into a loose bun, securing with 2 open bobby pins, then tied with a scarf.

This morning my hair was still slightly damp in the middle towards the roots. I think it takes my hair longer to dry now that it's longer and its texlaxed so it's thicker. Anyway my hair was smooth this morning and layed flat. I finger combed it up for a higher bun. I used a hair clip to secure my hair and tucked the ends under with bobby pins. I lightly brushed the outside layer of my hair for smoothness before I put it up and applied a little more hair balm. I also applied a moisturizing Aveda finishing creme to my hair to give it a little more sheen.

I really like this method. I lost very little hair this way. I also think the better I get at finger combing even when my hair is wet, I'll lose even less hair.