On The Average, How Many Hairs Do You Lose?


Well-Known Member
I lose about 10-20 hairs per day, and it's driving me CRAZY! After my daily rinse, I prepare my hair for air drying, and when finger-detangle my hair, there's these broken strands (short) and shedded stands (long) on my hands.

Am I being too anal about this? It just really bugs me!

About how many hairs do you lose daily?
I have heard that the average hair lost is between 70-100 hairs per day. It sounds like you are on the low end. I lose about 30-50 hairs per day. Sometimes less. I really don't think you have anything to worry about here!
Re: On The Average, How Many Hairs Do You Lose?

<font color="blue">Hey SweetPea...

I'm not relaxed, but when I was I used to lose TONS of hair whenver I washed my hair (which was every 1-2 weeks). I'm talking about enough hair to make a small braid
. Lol...The funny thing is that it never worried me. But if I were to lose that much hair NOW..I'd be crying!

Question: how long is ur hair? During your daily rinse are u using just water, or some sort of conditioner/detangler? Because when I was relaxed I always used some sort of product detangler; fingers alone wasn't cuttin' it. </font>
Re: On The Average, How Many Hairs Do You Lose?


My hair is currently 3 inches past my shoulders, and I condition with Dove Conditioner (My hair loves it!). I use shampoo once or twice per week, and I only comb my hair while I'm in the shower when the conditioner has been applied. I've learned that my hair is really fragile, so I have to be supa-dupa careful with it.

It's just that lately, I can't stand the sight of my hair if it's not on my head (if it's on my hands, on the shower walls, or on the floor). Maybe I'm starting to go over the deep end
Re: On The Average, How Many Hairs Do You Lose?


My hair is currently 3 inches past my shoulders, and I condition with Dove Conditioner. I've learned that my hair is really fragile, so I have to be supa-dupa careful with it.

It's just that lately, I can't stand the sight of my hair if it's not on my head (if it's on my hands, on the shower walls, or on the floor). Maybe I'm starting to go over the deep end

[/ QUOTE ]

<font color="blue">LoL
I don't think you're that far yet. Don't worry about the shedding, it's normal. </font>
Re: On The Average, How Many Hairs Do You Lose?

I have no idea how many strands of hair I shed a day because I've never counted them. I do know that it is not a lot though (never enough for me to worry over). I mainly comb my hair in the shower. I use one of those hair catchers to catch the hair.
Re: On The Average, How Many Hairs Do You Lose?

I saw this quoted on another website SweetPea:

Like skin cells, hair grows and is shed regularly. Shedding anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs per day is considered normal.

So if you are losing 10-20 strands daily, then you are beneath the average if this information is correct.

Hope this helps.
Re: On The Average, How Many Hairs Do You Lose?

For the most part I don't shed that much hair that I would notice. My guess would be 10-20 strands too. But on occasion I do see me loosing more hair than I would like.
Re: On The Average, How Many Hairs Do You Lose?

10 to 20 hairs isn't much. I wouldn't worry about it!! I don't usually lose a whole lot, but I do find that when I use a conditioner that doesn't give "slip" I lose more hair during comb-out...
i have the same problem. unfortuantly that's an improvement. i'm gonna count thse lil hairs when i take out thse braids.
does anybody know which is worese, little hairs or the long
I would think that the little hairs are worse because that indicates breakage while the long hairs (with bulbs at the ends) indicate shedding. The ladies here suggest protein conditioners, followed by ultra moisturizing ones, to combat breakage. Just use once and a while to prevent over-drying the hair. Good luck!!
On average I don't count the hair with the bulb at the end because I consider that normal shedding, so don't worry about that.
In terms of shorter (broken hairs), I loose probably 10 to 15 hairs a day.
The thing is, I wash once a week and I hardly (if at all) comb my hair between washes. When I wash and roller set, I lose a hell of a lot of hair...but I figure that many hairs are the result of shedding that took place all week but didnt come out because I wasnt really combing....make sense???