'On Schedule' vs. 'As Needed'


Well-Known Member
When you care for your hair, do you do it according to a schedule? Or do you operate on more of an as needed basis?

Let's take hard protein treatments for example (Aphgee Two Step, Emergencee, Dudleys). I know alot of ladies do them every 6 weeks, regardless. But then there are some who do them when the think their hair needs a great big boost of protein. :yep:

I personally do both - I stick to a schedule for my pre-relaxer protein (two weeks before). But pretty much after that I assess my hair and see what it needs. Usually that amounts to alternating weekly w/ a reconstructing DC and a moisturizing DC. But there have been weeks where I felt my hair needed another moisture DC, even tho it was a 'scheduled' reconstructor DC week.

How about you?
I guess my as needed treatments inspired me to do them on a schedule, if that makes any sense. I do a hardcore protein every 4-6 weeks because in the past ive found that my hair needs it around this time. so now i just do it as a preventative instead of reacting to an already existing problem.

I relax on an as needed basis, which is usually around every 8-12 weeks...

everything else i do on a whim...
I guess my as needed treatments inspired me to do them on a schedule, if that makes any sense. I do a hardcore protein every 4-6 weeks because in the past ive found that my hair needs it around this time. so now i just do it as a preventative instead of reacting to an already existing problem.

I relax on an as needed basis, which is usually around every 8-12 weeks...

everything else i do on a whim...

That makes absolute perfect sense! :yep: I guess as needed can turn into on schedule eventually!
I use them as needed.

I recently did a protein treatment just because it was 'time' and my hair was so hard and dry afterwards it was ridiculous. So now my default is moisturizing conditioners with proteins as needed (when and if I see increased breakage or if my hair starts getting too mushy). I haven't needed one yet and I've been seeing little-to-no breakage so I figure I'm good to go!
I need a schedule. If I don't, then I'll obsess about when "as needed" will actually arrive.

That's actually the main reason why I wash my hair daily: so it's something that I just do and don't have to worry if it's dirty, needs this, needs that. I just wash it in the tub, know that it's done, and know that I'll do it again tomorrow.

Now, my relaxer in the past has been as needed. But I now have it on a 2-month schedule and relaxing on odd months. :look:
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I generally cowash whenever I feel like it and I dont do protein treatments so I just alternate bet moisturizing conditioners every couple of days.
I need a schedule. If I don't, then I'll obsess about when "as needed" will actually arrive.

That's actually the main reason why I wash my hair daily: so it's something that I just do and don't have to worry if it's dirty, needs this, needs that. I just wash it in the tub, know that it's done, and know that I'll do it again tomorrow.

Now, my relaxer in the past has been as needed. But I now have it on a 2-month schedule and relaxing on odd months. :look:

You relax and wash everyday?
As needed. I relax, color, and reconstruct the same day, when my newgrowth gets to a certain length (which could be 8-16 weeks). I will reconstruct early if I feel its needed.
At this time, I do everything - wash, condition, dep condition, condition wash, treatments - on schedule. This works really well for me as life can sometimes be a little crazy. Right now, everyone knows, don't ask if it is Wednesday or Sunday because I will be doing my hair. If I tried to do this as needed, I do not know that it work work for me. As it is, co-wash in the shower at night, wash, treatments, deep condition with heat twice a week.
I want to say that I operate more on a schedule but I do 'as needed' treatments as well. For instance, I know my hair doesn't like too much protein but sometimes my hair does benefit from them. So I give my hair protein on an as needed basis...usually that's only the week after my retouch.
I use a schedule, and I generally stick to it. On those weeks where my hair ain't really feeling it (usually protien week only), I'll still do it- but I'll dilute it - so instead of going straight protien, I'll go 1/3 protien and 2/3 moisturizing - that way, I still stay on schedule, and also still meet my hairs needs at the moment.

Mind, I figured out my schedule by initally jsut doing things 'as needed' and realizing that my 'as needed' fell into a pretty consistent pattern.
I do everything on an as needed basis- particularly protein conditioning. I don't really need much protein, so if I were scheduling those treatments I'd be in a heap of trouble. With chemicals (relaxers), the only schedule I have is making sure it is after 8-10 weeks. Then from there, it's whenever I choose to do the service. There are some things that follow a natural schedule like washing, for me, that's going to be every 3-4 days. Like many have said, some of the "as neededs" do become like a schedule sometimes. :lol:

I also think the key to scheduling is making sure that you are very FLEXIBLE and open to change. Gotta be flexible. You always have to listen to what your hair is telling you in the end over what the calendar is saying. Scheduling is supposed to help you meet your hair's needs as they arise, so if your schedule is dictating something to you that your hair doesn't exactly need at the time--then obviously you'll need to be receptive to some deviation.

Hard core scheduling is cool in the beginning for discipline especially when you are just getting going with a regimen, but once you know your hair, you'll know what to do when and it won't necessarily be following along with a calendar.