ON a regular basis, your hair looks like....

Does your hair look that good everyday?

  • when I let my hair loose, yes it looks like that.

    Votes: 24 16.4%
  • Well, it takes some work/product/heat but yes

    Votes: 27 18.5%
  • no my hair does not look like that unless I get in my bathroom for a few hours

    Votes: 45 30.8%
  • other so I don't really care - bunning or other (explain)

    Votes: 50 34.2%

  • Total voters
Well considering that most of my pics are of a bun or ponytail, yes that's usually how my hair looks day-to-day.
Most of the time (98%) of the time, my hair looks like my posts. I like to change it up, but still keep it cute and funky :giggle:
tocktick, I remember looking at your siggy and thinking " ok the lady must have such patience to put all that nice healthy hair in plaits before going to bed"

cuz i know for a fact you CAN'T sleep on a 'fro unless you want t o cry next morning.

:lachen:you know it! i cannot be bothered to do these styles daily when i'm running errands :nono:. the only style on that siggy that i did frequently was the first one (twist out) but it was only for about 2-3 months when i bc'd. thesedays, i throw on my satin bonnet, rinse my hair in the morning and pull it back in a headband or leave it be.
In my siggy I have my hair straight. 99.8% of the time it is in a braid out, bun or pony.

I realized that I only wear my hair straight for an avg. of 4-5 weeks out of the year.


My hair looks the same most of the time. I don't have my pic in my avatar, but you can see it a little in my profile.

I wear my hair down, shiny and styled most of the time. I use Caruso rollers almost daily and I like having it 'done' looking.

There are times when I will have the back up with a Flexi-8 clip when I am running errands or bumming out, but for the most part, especially on work days, my hair is 'done'.
now I just cut 3-4 inches and I will be wearing my hair down everyday. So yes, it will look like my progress photos on a daily.
i wear my hair in twists everyday. i wear a twistout on thursday. i wash on friday and twist again. it takes some work on wash day, but it is pretty decent looking throughout the week.
Well my avatar pic is a bun .. and I really wasn't planning on bunning for a while, so no. Lately it's been a twistout, but I don't like how it looks on camera, so no pics.
Cute thread, OP! When I first joined LHCF and was trying to stay away from heat, I will admit my hair looked a hot mess most of the time. :nono: I had relied a LOT on heat for most of my life, and really didn’t know what to do with my hair once I “banished” myself from the heat appliances. :ohwell: Now that I know there are other options out there, I rarely ever have a bad hair day. I had to realize that I couldn’t be “that girl” with a cute outfit and makeup on point, and have a rat’s nest on my head. :lachen: So, I now have a set “rotation” of styles that I have perfected.

I generally rotate between twist-outs, bantu knot-outs, wigs/half wigs, phony ponies, and the occasional straightening. My avatar pics show how my hair generally looks on any given day. The current pic in my avatar is of a bantu knot-out high ponytail that I was rockin for a few days. Now that my hair is getting longer I like wearing my own hair in a ponytail sometimes.
I wear mine simple as of late. I moisturize and do my corn rows in front at night for my edges. Braid the rest at roll the braids with a flexi rod ( I use 5) put on my bonnet and go to bed. In the morning it look like below ( This is my hair now) a simple braid out.


  • everyday.jpg
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My hair is in a bun 100% of the time whenever I'm not wearing a weave. I love to wear buns though. I think it looks cute.
I voted yes because I rollerset twice a week so its always fresh and i sleep with a silk scarf so i just wake up,shake and go
I voted no. I rarely ever heat styled my hair, and in my avatar my hair has been flat-ironed. My hair usually isn't that bone straight, but it still looks good to me :yep:.
I chose "other". I've just made up my mind and started bunning this week and I plan to bun for the rest of the winter, with the occasional braidout.

I can't wear it "out" in a straight style or even a rollerset, because my hair has absolutely NO shape conducive to a style. So to keep from cutting, I have to bun.
what? no! i usally put my good days as my avatars or sigs. my hair is unpredicable especially since its short so it tends to look one way at the begining of the day and morph into something else. I don't really try to look cute all day so i dont really mind.