OMGEE...I got Weave Checked!!


Embracing the Light
Lol, I could not believe it, but I got weave checked last night! I went to a family holiday party at my IL's, and saw that a few of my Dh's Aunt's are trying the natural route. As I was talking to another one of his Aunts, I felt a surreptitious tugging at my hair...very soft, and subtle. Then I heard Dh's Aunt say "See...if I could get my hair thick like her's...", with another Aunt saying "I heard you have to take vitamins....", and then much discussion over what one needs to do to have hair like mine.

Guys....on the outside I looked like

But on the inside I was all like


Ladies, I am gonna be happy as a clam for Months! :yay: Here's how my hair looked...taken when I got home, so a bit frizzy from the rain. 2nd day WnG Puff.



Lol, it's the little things. :lol:
You go girl!!!! I know the feeling inside! I'm so happy for you. Its always great when someone else notices your progress. ;)
Congrats on getting your first "weave check". I've been getting it for years and I always take it as a great compliment :^)
Your hair looks great. I know the feeling. I love it when someone notices my hair got longer. Yet, on the outside I am just like, "Really? Thanks!" :) On the inside, I am smiling like a Cheshire cat.
I used to hate weave checks but recently I've come around. Sometimes I'll look around and I'll be the only one in the room wearing real hair.
Before I'd be thinking this:

Now I'm like this on the inside:
u GO girl! Were totally twins. The SAME things happened to me Saturday evening at my churches holiday party. First time, YAAAAYYYY!
Congrats OP! Doesn't it feel good when your progress gets noticed by others?
Let me share my story: It wasn't a "weave-check" per say since there was no actual hair tugging involved....but anywho
So yesterday I was at a baby shower function with my in-laws and somehow we got on the subject of sew-in's, and everyone knows I ALWAYS go to my stylist for sew-in's (simply b/c I don't trust anyone else). So my BF's aunt turns to me and goes "So how much does your stylist charge for sew-in's?" I told her the prices and she was like "Oh girl, I couldn't pay that type of money for anything like THAT!" and I just laughed and looked on. Then she proceeded to ask if I really paid the amount that I do for sew-ins...and of course I answered "yes". At that moment my Bf's other aunt said "You know she's asking you that b/c she thinks that's a sew-in in your head right? But it's a wig isn't it????" Me: :lol: "Auntie, this is my real hair!"
Her: "What? girl omg! I thought that was a sew-in the whole time! I'm so sorry!! All of that is yours?" was hilarious..I wasn't offended at all.

Then to top it off, today my co-worker was like "Oh, is that a new wig?" and I said "No ma'am, I just have my hair in a duby" then she goes "Oh wow! That's your real hair? Girl it's getting hard to tell your real hair from the wigs you wear!"
Congrats..That means you are doing something right..More to come..

Happy Hair Growing!
Thanks Ladies!! You're the only women I know who would really understand. :lol: My Reggie is pretty simple...

Overnight Mega Tek mix DC on dirty hair
Co-cleanse the next day using LOC method (co-cleanse, detangle, oil, conditioner as a leave-in). Air dry till damp, apply gel, shake, and done.
Every night I spray my hair, moisturize, and put it up in a LocSoc. :yep:

Thanks again! Lol, it's so funny how much of a thrill that was...any other time I would have smacked someone's fingers! :rofl:

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Aww, I wanna be weave checked! Congrats! You are going to be quite the hair inspiration for those in your life now!!! The first of many weave checks to come :)

I did get a hair tug today on my nappyversary. My coworker asked if she could touch my hair which I appreciated. She wanted to know how long my hair is.
Aww, I wanna be weave checked! Congrats! You are going to be quite the hair inspiration for those in your life now!!! The first of many weave checks to come :)

I did get a hair tug today on my nappyversary. My coworker asked if she could touch my hair which I appreciated. She wanted to know how long my hair is.

I get have really cute curls! :yep:
op, I love your hair, so pretty. Do come back and post when they start talking about how you always had the good hair in the family.
funny story:lachen: I remember when I got my first check...this lady put all five of her paws from the top of my head to the bottom.:nono: I couldn't believe it!
i've been weave checked, but it was nothing magical that happened. i am waiting for the day to really get weave checked! :lol: i want an experience like you. mine was some type of hate going on. hopefully, that will happen for me by the end of next year.
funny story:lachen: I remember when I got my first check...this lady put all five of her paws from the top of my head to the bottom.:nono: I couldn't believe it!

Oh my MIL has done that before, but it wasn't a weave was a hater check. :lol: She's a weave, and braid abuser. When my hair fell out, she kinda gave me the Kanye shrug about it....but when it started to grow back thick, you should have seen her face. Kinda like

