OMG waist length natural youtuber

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beautiful hair!!! lol i think its a man...i was goin with the just manly lookin woman til i saw the man hands and adams apple.

I don't think she's a man. She just has a deep voice and sharp features. From her page...





Hope you don't live in a glass house with all of those stones you're throwing because I will fling them right back at you!!!!!!!

WOMEN COME IN ALL SHAPES & SIZES! Like I mentioned I'm 5'9" 124lbs; I'm long & lanky with sharp features so GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!

Do understand my aggravation of this matter.
i think its just the angle of that particular video. I looked at some of her other ones where it is more close up and she looks less manly. :/
i think its just the angle of that particular video. I looked at some of her other ones where it is more close up and she looks less manly. :/

I agree. I just looked at the video she just posted about this thread and she looks a bit different than in the other one.

eta: I think it's hilarious that one of her subscribers let her know about this thread and that she then went and made a video about it.
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She has such beautiful hair!!!
I subscribed to her videos a while back. I never thought she looked like a man. I can hardly wait till my hair is that long! *writes letter to Santa*
I honestly can't believe how ignorant some people can be. I can't understand how anynone can look at her and think she has a penis! Even if she was a man... would it matter? Her hair is beautiful and she has wonderful information (beyond hair care) to share with women who are interested in feeling and looking their best. Sometimes its great to be funny and silly, but she is a person with feelings and her intent is to help. Comments about her look is just inappropiate. JMO...
her hair is beautiful

I didn't think she was a man either, she looks to have a strong native american features in my opinion
I just know that if I said I were a women, I'd be real salty about people knowing what I've said yet continuing to speculate, so I feel her new video.

Being called a liar (or having it implied) really sets me off, so I am glad she is being firm yet relatively polite about it.

Her hair is absolutely beautiful.
I honestly can't believe how ignorant some people can be. I can't understand how anynone can look at her and think she has a penis! Even if she was a man... would it matter? Her hair is beautiful and she has wonderful information (beyond hair care) to share with women who are interested in feeling and looking their best. Sometimes its great to be funny and silly, but she is a person with feelings and her intent is to help. Comments about her look is just inappropiate. JMO...

I totally agree with you...... So sad. She is a beautiful woman.
Beeautiful lady and beeautiful hair.....I never got manly when I first looked at her. I love her style!!!
She has such beautiful hair!!!
I subscribed to her videos a while back. I never thought she looked like a man. I can hardly wait till my hair is that long! *writes letter to Santa*

Girl beautiful doesnt begin to describe her hair!!!!

when my hair gets that long................:spinning: I will lose my mind lol. Its going to take forever and a day now since I am transitioning though.
Wow!! That's sad. She's hurt by the comments here. Can't people be more sensitive. Even if you feel she's a man, do you have to write it? She's better than I am because I wouldn't take the time to explain myself to anyone, but I can understand her being hurt. Same thing regarding the comments about Usher's ex-wife Tameka. Why say anything if you can't say something positive.
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I honestly can't believe how ignorant some people can be. I can't understand how anynone can look at her and think she has a penis! Even if she was a man... would it matter? Her hair is beautiful and she has wonderful information (beyond hair care) to share with women who are interested in feeling and looking their best. Sometimes its great to be funny and silly, but she is a person with feelings and her intent is to help. Comments about her look is just inappropiate. JMO...

I've been watching LeoBody for a minute and never thought she was manly... :look:
Come on black women, Indian or Biracial whatever your ethnicity...stop beating people down with your abusive words. She is clearly a woman; it is beyond pathetic how women can always find something negative to say about each other. Stop the madness and give credit where it is due!
So sad...:nono:
she has gorgeous hair! i'd love to see her hair in its natural texture (not blowdried)

here you go

right around 4:56ish...i would definitely not categorize this as in the 3 family, but that hair typing stuff is rather subjective, i guess :drunk:

ETA: personally i think SHE's very pretty and her hair is beyond beautiful!!! hell, she's inspiring me to up my excersising game!

felt the need to add this after skimming the thread. sheesh.
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I think it's highly disrespectful and mean to make mean comments about Leobody, or anybody. I know it's your opinion, and you have the right to speak it, but that is another human being and it's very mean. I'm a subscriber and Leobody is extremely nice and shares wonderful information in order to help other people. God bless her for putting up with this behavior and still continuing to post helpful videos despite these evil comments.
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