OMG Mo cut off all her hair!!! *pix*


Well-Known Member

No not really... But people dont seem to get the concept of shrinkage.

As some of you know I did a little trim a few weeks ago. Since then I havent worn my hair down at work in a wng til today. WELL... everyone at work seemed to think I chopped off my hair :lol:

So I wanted to share my shrinkage and I want yall to post your best shrinkage comparison shots too (since I havent seen a good shrinkage thread in a minute lol)

after my trim on the 7th

my wng today (no trim lol)


Now if only I can get my hair as BIG as I want it :yep:

share pix please :D
Your hair looks great! I feel ya on the big hair thingy...

I can understand the confusion to a certain extent but.... I never understood why some people can't grasp the idea that curly hair is going to be shorter than straight hair.... I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell people, "no, I did not cut my hair- it's just curly right now" over and over again. The same people!!! They just don't get it, lmao! I just shrug my shoulders and say *whatevs*
That is some serious shrinkage! Your hair is drool worthy, straight, WNG, it don't matter.:lick:

I'll have to come back and post my shrinkage when I wash on Thursday.:yep:
:hardslap:......don't you NEVER scare me like that!!!!:lol:

But your hair is very pretty Mo....and...where did you find that elephant shirt?!:grin:

ETA: My bad its not an elephant......:perplexed
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Your hair is lovely and it's so funny- we always want what we cannot have because I'm waiting on the day for my hair to grow down and not out!!!

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You had me totally scared for a second there, Neekie!!! Don't do that! LOL!

Your curls are bautiful! I'm also glad your trim turned out well. :)
OP, you cheeky lil debil! Had me feeling faint before I opened the thread. :rolleyes:

LOL @ your coworkers not getting the shrinkage concept. When my hair was shoulder length, my coworkers saw it straightened then I washed it and patted it down into a TWA afro. When a coworker asked if I cut my hair, I stretched out a few strands to show her I hadn't. Her response, "OMG, how does it hide in there?" or something along those lines. It wasn't hiding! :lol:
Mo no you didn't just give me a heart attack! *clutches pearls*

Love your curls! Your hair is beautiful!

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I was about to find you & give a 1,2 Knock -out...Just kidding...(But dont do that to me again)
Love the curls...

Happy Hair Growing!
OP, you cheeky lil debil! Had me feeling faint before I opened the thread. :rolleyes:

LOL @ your coworkers not getting the shrinkage concept. When my hair was shoulder length, my coworkers saw it straightened then I washed it and patted it down into a TWA afro. When a coworker asked if I cut my hair, I stretched out a few strands to show her I hadn't. Her response, "OMG, how does it hide in there?" or something along those lines. It wasn't hiding! :lol:

NO SERIOUSLY!!! some people was actually demanding that i stretch a curl to prove i didnt cut it! i was shocked by how many people irl would be mad at me cutting my hair lmfao
I don't know why you want it big it looks nice just like that. but never would I have thought that is was waist length for looking at your curly hair.
:hardslap:......don't you NEVER scare me like that!!!!:lol:

But your hair is very pretty Mo....and...where did you find that elephant shirt?!:grin:

ETA: My bad its not an elephant......:perplexed

OMG so many people think its an elephant at 1st! you are not alone... my bestie said its cause my boobs are too big and distorts the image lol she says "they didnt make that for a grown arse woman with your size tatas" and i said "i dont care! i can get it on so i'm wearing it!" :lachen:
I don't know why you want it big it looks nice just like that. but never would I have thought that is was waist length for looking at your curly hair.

thank you. i'm just addicted to big hair... i think i was actually supposed to be alive in the 70's and there was a mix up of some sorts lol