Sharing pics of results from Surge

Cococure.........Cococure! Lift ya head up girl! Surge is really hooking some folks up! Just when I was about to "x" it out the budget!
Here we go again...(pick up phone, calling friend in Jackson to send shipment of Surge UPS overnight)
Gotta grow....gotta have it!
cotton1981 said:
can someone tell me what surge is?

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Hey, Girl! There are numerous threads on Surge Hair Revitalizer 14. Go to the Search and type in Surge... you will be overwhelmed. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Your hair grew so fast!
And it looks great!

(you could probably make money from Surge with your before and after pics!
JCG Your results are fantastic. I too have noticed a growth spurt from using the surge. Post relaxer the new growth is definitely more noticeable. Congratulations on your gowth, that is so remarkable. More of a reson for those who are successful with it to keep on Surging.

Have you thought about contacting Surge with your before and after pics for the testimonal section of their site? In exchange you could ask for some free bottle of the product.

Can you do us ALL on BIG favour?????

Can you take another pic in 2 months and post here again. Your pics are so inspiring, I wish I'd brought mine to work with me to spray in the ladies bathroom.
I too am experiencing alot of new grow since I started Surge in December. I have been in braids for about a week now. Curently have 3.5 inches of new growth and will not relax again until April. Your hair is banging. It is so beautiful. Keep surging baby!!!!!!
pookeylou said:

I am soooo glad you posted this here!!! Wonderful, wonderful WONDERFUL!!!

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I feel the same, cant wait for mine to do that.
Absolutely great progress. Surge does just what it states. I've been a user since summer. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous. Keep us updated on your progress.
Hey Jet! So glad to see you and your hair...I love it! It has grown tremendously, keep on surging girl...I have bought it but have yet to use it consistently, you are making me want to though!:)
Thanks to you all! You are all so generous & positive. I have forums like this one to thank for my hair's success. I will update again in April because I want to compare the growth (blowdried straight) after 4 months of Surge with the growth rate from the 4 months before using it to get a more even comparison. I have blowdry pics from August & December (pre Surge) so the next one will be due in April. I should have more growth in the 4 months of Surge than the previous 4 months. Gotta be scientifical & everything!
I was going to wait til then to post but Pookeylou gave me the nudge to post pics now. Anyway, like a lot of things it may not work for everyone, but it's relatively cheap to try. I still have half my original bottle left. Thanks to all of you who've visited my album. It doesn't have a lot of styles or anything, but it's good to know that it has been useful or at least amusing to someone!
Wow, you're hair growth has seriously surged with Surge!

pookeylou said:

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All I could think about was Howard Dean when I read this!
chewy said:
Wow, you're hair growth has seriously surged with Surge!

pookeylou said:

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All I could think about was Howard Dean when I read this!

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You had to go there!!

Moez head is lifted!!! I was feeling soooo bad! But HMmmmm. Perhaps I need to rethink this Surge thing!!! JetCity, your pics are absolutely gorgeous proof of what this product can do WHEN IT'S NOT OVER-USED! Once per day only and then rinsed out. So do I understand correctly that we can spray it on our scalps in the morning, as long as we rinse it out that evening?? Well, maybe I won't throw my brand new bottle of Surge away afterall. I never had problems with it, I just felt so terrible becuase so many of my LHCF sisters were having problems and that hurt!! But perhaps if we just learn to use it correctly we can avoid the bad and just have the great hair growth that some are obviously experiencing!!! Great post! Thanks for the pics!!
WOO!! SEATTLE!!!! I knew you were a member, but I hadn't seen ya for a while! I'm not alone in this little corner of the country anymore!
I was looking for Surge today, where did you find it? I love your natural curls and after losing mine for some unknown reason, I am looking for the "wonder-product" to jump start my natural hair back to it's curl instead of this straightish, lazy out of shape friz..