OMG! I'm Nervous! My ends!


Well-Known Member
So I went to the stylist today to get my usual natural braids and my stylist told me that the next time I come in (1.5 months) I should get a TRIM. The stylist that will do the trimming said she will blow dry my hair straight and trim 1 to 1.5 inches! :eek2: She said this after she glanced at my braided hair.

Now this won't happen for about a month and a half but I AM TERRIFIED. THIS WILL BE MY FIRST TRIM AS A NATURAL ON MY SIX YEAR NAPPIVERERY OCT 16! :crying3:

Sometimes you need it. I just posted a new thread. I got mine trimmed too recently. I needed it. I really did.
Do YOU think there's need for a trim?? Or maybe you could post pics of them for the LHCF experts to weigh in as a 2nd or 3rd opinion. I'd hate for you to lose a whole 1.5" for nothing... :nono:
^^^ okay I will post pics in a minute and let my sistas weigh-in ^^^^^

Give me a quick second LOL
Yes, please girl get a trim now to avoid a cut later.. if she is a good stylist and you have been going to her for a while.. don't be skurred. Look at your ends... do they look damaged? I saw some real bad damage all the way up to the middle strand on someone... and I'm thinking .. they should have gotten a trim (many moons ago) and it wouldn't be that far up now.
Yes, please girl get a trim now to avoid a cut later.. if she is a good stylist and you have been going to her for a while.. don't be skurred. Look at your ends... do they look damaged? I saw some real bad damage all the way up to the middle strand on someone... and I'm thinking .. they should have gotten a trim (many moons ago) and it wouldn't be that far up now.

We need Pics to evaluate.

Fab you talking about my split end?:lachen: I was seeing 1/2 inch to one inch split ends. Sometimes you need to look no need to try to save damaged ends for the sake of length.
Hold up... one and a half inches is ALOT OF LENGTH to take off especially if you dont need that much taken off!!!
The stylist recommended this WITHOUT LOOKING AT YOUR ENDS? Your hair was braided and not out?:nono:

Perhaps you need to look at your own hair and blow it out yourself then YOU decide how much length YOU want taken off.
Girl, I had a stylist try that #@$% with me and I was like heck no you are NOT cutting my hair! I was willing to box that chick if she put sissors any where near my head!

Bottom line, you have to PROTECT your hair cause they will not grow it back for you!!!!!
If ya need it, I would say DO IT! Split ends will just keep on making it's way up the hair until it breaks off, or is cut off, there is nothing you can do to repair the damage other than cutting. Do it to avoid having to get a haircut later...your hair will thank you :)

Your hair is gorgeous btw!
We need Pics to evaluate.

Fab you talking about my split end?:lachen: I was seeing 1/2 inch to one inch split ends. Sometimes you need to look no need to try to save damaged ends for the sake of length.

You hursh!!! Your ends are fine... Ms. New Trim.. I love the feeling of a new trim... only thing I don't like is when it is so even.. it won't even wrap. But after about 6 weeks.. it's like :lick:
I have now gotten into dusting my own hair.. I'm obsessed.. I was scared straight by that person's ends... and they weren't even a heat fiend like me...
Yes.. and I'd rather be a healthy looking APL then a scraggly thin looking W shaped BSL any day.. but that's just me.. :look::lachen:
Lots of good advice so far. You should definitely examine your ends first but it doesn't sound like that much to lose in a trim if you haven't had one in 6 years. It sounds like you are long overdue. Just make sure they are trimming split ends and not trying to shape up an uneven head of hair unless that's what you want.
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Re: OMG! I'm Nervous! My ends!-PIC UPDATE

Do YOU think there's need for a trim?? Or maybe you could post pics of them for the LHCF experts to weigh in as a 2nd or 3rd opinion. I'd hate for you to lose a whole 1.5" for nothing... :nono:

ITA. Post the pics girl and you know we will be painfully truthful!

What my ends looked like prior to getting my hair re-braided


What my ends looked like after I got my hair braided today (BELOW)… DRY and I guess the reason the stylist assumed I needed a 1 to 1.5 inch trim next time???

Ends after co wash and moisture…pretty much what they usually look like

Ends while damp with oil and moisturizer

Old 5 year pic of ends loose and combed out

Old 2 year pic of ends rinsed

So I don't know :perplexed
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Hey there, Ms. Netta1 Gorgeous braids! I love them! After viewing the evidence, it is clear that she made a decision based on your hair being blown dry and braided before any sort of moisture had been added. After your cowash and moisture routine your hair looks plump, full of moisture and healthy, IMO.

I believe trimming is necessary for healthy hair, but I don't believe she will be able to tell how much hair needs to come off if she believes that frizz equals trim. Plus you have no way of knowing what her 1.5 inches looks likes. To her, 1.5 may be what is actually 3 on a ruler. And so close to your big anniversary? Heck naw...

Have you considered blow drying your own hair and self trimming in twists? There is a stylist who does it this way to her own natural hair and I will try to find her and come back to this thread with her vid. In the mean time, there's another natural who chooses to straighten her hair and self trims. I like her method because it addresses all of the splits throughout the head. People are mistaken when they think they can chop a certain number of inches and get them all... People who talk inches actually make me nervous because there are splits all throughout. So unless they shave me bald they will never "get them all". And shaving me bald may just be an option to some stylists :nono:

You can see her vid here:

I'll look for that other vid, though since it's the method that I actually use.

ETA: I found her! The stylist that trims her natural in twists:

I incorporate the ideas of the previous lady, though, in that I also trim any hairs sticking out of the twist with a sharp pair of sheers
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So I went to the stylist today to get my usual natural braids and my stylist told me that the next time I come in (1.5 months) I should get a TRIM. The stylist that will do the trimming said she will blow dry my hair straight and trim 1 to 1.5 inches! :eek2: She said this after she glanced at my braided hair.

Now this won't happen for about a month and a half but I AM TERRIFIED. THIS WILL BE MY FIRST TRIM AS A NATURAL ON MY SIX YEAR NAPPIVERERY OCT 16! :crying3:


Netta trims are always scary...But if after 6 years all you need is 1 to 1.5 trim...Thats awesome...

The chances are if its been 6 years since your last trim...You probably don't need a second opinion...Its time for a trim :yep:
If you don't think you need to get your ends trimmed, don't get them trimmed. It's not wise to just blindly follow a stylists commands/suggestions because they have some "authority". Plus, 1 - 1.5 is a big trim and it's not necessary to trim that much off unless your ends are quite damaged, imo. If I were in your shoes, I would be looking for another stylist if she kept pressing the issue and I didn't want to go that route.

eta: I saw the pics and your ends look fine, imo. I understand you haven't trimmed for 6 years but I don't believe in trimming just for the sake of trimming. Ultimately, you should know better than anyone else if your ends are in need of a trim or if it's something you just want to do. Having said that, I would trim them myself.
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Decide for yourself. Examine your ends, if they need it - get it...but don't let her decide how much...tell her how much that you want trimmed. You may not need a whole 1 - 1.5", even if it's been 6 yrs. Or you can gradually trim to get to the 1.5"
Just do what's best for you.
I hope that it goes well. BTW your braids and natural are banging ....
Beautiful hair! I'd go ahead and get a second opinion. And If I decided to get a trim, I'd make sure the person who did the trimming was on the same page as I am regarding what 1 - 1.5" (or any other measurement) actually is.
I really like this woman, thanks for the link. I have learned something new about trimming thats for sure:grin:

I agree the video was great. I wonder how would that method work with naturally frizzy hair like mine...

Decide for yourself. Examine your ends, if they need it - get it...but don't let her decide how much...tell her how much that you want trimmed. You may not need a whole 1 - 1.5", even if it's been 6 yrs. Or you can gradually trim to get to the 1.5"
Just do what's best for you.
I hope that it goes well. BTW your braids and natural are banging ....

I'll be darn if I let someone tell me what to do with my hair, esp since I've been taking care of it all these years...shoot lol thanks!

Beautiful hair! I'd go ahead and get a second opinion. And If I decided to get a trim, I'd make sure the person who did the trimming was on the same page as I am regarding what 1 - 1.5" (or any other measurement) actually is.

Yep I agree, plus the stylist that is doing the trimming is not napp friendly-uses heat like the devil...

that is all the more reason to either go somewhere else or do it myself....

Your ends don't look bad to me. I wouldn't trim more than an inch.

Thank you!
i "like" how she said what she's going to do as opposed to suggesting what you should do:nono:
^^^^^I know right^^^^^^^ :rofl:

^^^^^In my mind I was like um..... yeah I don't know about that^^^^^
Netta, although I don't think 6 yrs is that long for a natural who doesn't use heat to go without a trim, I don't think there is much to be afraid of. Personally, I would not go to a stylist to get a trim. I'm a DIY'er, but if you are nervous about doing it yourself, then a stylist or a trusted friend or family member is your only option.

I have frizzy ends, and I dust them in braids or twists about 3 - 4 times a year. When I dust, I take off about 1/8 to 1/4" that's it. At the beginning of this year, I cut off about 2 1/2 to 3" inches, because I thought that my fairytale ends were due to splits, but it was actually just leading growth. I checked each cut strand to see how many split ends I really had. It turned out to be around two or three. I believe that was due to dusting. I don't plan to cut again until my hair is below WL, but I will continue dusting during that period.
^^^^thanks golden for the great advice^^^^^

Netta...just you have any close up pics of your ends?

Or...are you able to look at them in the mirror and see whether or not you have splits?

There is an old 5-year pic of you pulling your hair in what looks like a length check. I pulled DD's hair like that for a pic and only later did I find that the reason there was so much thinning in the middle of the piece she pulled was split ends. I didn't have to do much, but I did take off about an inch after having not trimmed her hair in about 3 years. I could clearly see her splits.

Can you see any yourself when you look?

How long is your hair now?

The answer to these will help me as I grow my own hair in its natural state.

Your hair is sooo beautiful! Sorry for all the questions...

Your ends look fine to me, to be honest. I think she might have equated the frizziness to splits/ damage ... but as a natural, I think that sort of frizziness is normal. Personally, I wouldn't trim my ends if I had your hair. That's just what I would do.

But if you think you need a trim, then go ahead and do it. I mean 1 - 1.5" will only take 2 or 3 months, on average, to grow back. Not too much of a biggie if you think it'll be better for your hair in the long term.

It would be interesting tho', to see if your ends look any different in 2 or 3 months after the cut, or whether you'll still have the same, frizzy ends.
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I love your hair! That being said, I think you should go back to the stylist while she has a free moment and have her really look at your ends. She might have made a hasty statement because she didn't have the time to truly evaluate your hair. She might have thrown out the 1-1.5" trim to brace you in case you actually need that much. She might have seen only 0.5" but assumed that you might want it evened up afterwards. If you have been going to this woman for years and she hasn't led you astray, give her the benefit of the doubt and let her truly examine your hair after you let her know your fears. Have her show you what is actually split. Look at it yourself. Hopefully you two can agree upon what's best for your hair. But if she says something you truly don't agree with, be firm. But I tell you, running around getting 30 opinions from 30 different stylists will drive you mad. Determine a course of action with your stylist and stick with it. Good luck!