OMG! I'm Nervous! My ends!

Netta...just you have any close up pics of your ends?

Or...are you able to look at them in the mirror and see whether or not you have splits?

There is an old 5-year pic of you pulling your hair in what looks like a length check. I pulled DD's hair like that for a pic and only later did I find that the reason there was so much thinning in the middle of the piece she pulled was split ends. I didn't have to do much, but I did take off about an inch after having not trimmed her hair in about 3 years. I could clearly see her splits.

Can you see any yourself when you look?

How long is your hair now?

The answer to these will help me as I grow my own hair in its natural state.

Your hair is sooo beautiful! Sorry for all the questions...


Hey there!

You can see close up of my ends on page 2 of this thread. I have not seen any split ends..but I will take a closer look once my braids come down. I think sometimes split ends may be hard to see with my hair texture...

Yeah in my length checks it is always hard to get good grip on my hair and my husband just grabs little pieces of hair..the very ends of my hair are not thick...they kind of remind me of fotki/Youtube person Velvethalo. She has really long hair but really wimpy ends...

I know a trim would help appearance (if I wore my hair straight which I don't)

I also think a trim may help detangling..., but it has not hindered my growth in the last 6 years...

I don't know how long my hair is..if I had to guess I would say BSL or longer...

I don't mind asking questions ask away :kiss: HTH

At this point I am leaning toward possibly trimming myself and doing a blow out first in October ...

I figure if anybody is going to trim any hair off my head it is going to be me...

...and I will only trim based off what is needed...using the search and destroy soon as I figure it out
Your ends look fine to me, to be honest. I think she might have equated the frizziness to splits/ damage ... but as a natural, I think that sort of frizziness is normal. Personally, I wouldn't trim my ends if I had your hair. That's just what I would do.

But if you think you need a trim, then go ahead and do it. I mean 1 - 1.5" will only take 2 or 3 months, on average, to grow back. Not too much of a biggie if you think it'll be better for your hair in the long term.

It would be interesting tho', to see if your ends look any different in 2 or 3 months after the cut, or whether you'll still have the same, frizzy ends.

Yep, my hair is frizzy period. I know when my ends are in good shape when they coil up after receiving moisture. When My hair coils up all over I know that I am good to go.. My issue is mainly shedding (the hairs that are lost w/ the white blubs) moreso then breaking. At the shop I noticed a lot of shed hair (I actually picked my combed out hairs up off the floor and inspected them) :rofl: It was mostly shed hair from just coming out of braids after 1.5 months not to mention the stylist decided to use a tiny comb in my mostly dry afro! After that session she mentioned something to me about a trim and having another sylist trim me next time...

Before the sylist combed through my hair my roots were straight but my ends were all bunched up (I wore my hair in a pulled back puff all week) so there was detangling needed-She however combed my hair using a "baby" comb! I lost a lot of hair IMO because of that baby comb..I felt like I had already received a trim...

I love your hair! That being said, I think you should go back to the stylist while she has a free moment and have her really look at your ends. She might have made a hasty statement because she didn't have the time to truly evaluate your hair. She might have thrown out the 1-1.5" trim to brace you in case you actually need that much. She might have seen only 0.5" but assumed that you might want it evened up afterwards. If you have been going to this woman for years and she hasn't led you astray, give her the benefit of the doubt and let her truly examine your hair after you let her know your fears. Have her show you what is actually split. Look at it yourself. Hopefully you two can agree upon what's best for your hair. But if she says something you truly don't agree with, be firm. But I tell you, running around getting 30 opinions from 30 different stylists will drive you mad. Determine a course of action with your stylist and stick with it. Good luck!

Thanks! This would be my first time getting my hair trimmed by this stylist...the stylist that reccomended me to the trimming stylist is the one that has been braiding my hair for a few months....this trimming stylist is the one that has never laid a finger on my hair but wants to cut it....
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I would trim myself, especially considering the fact that you don't know the person that will be cutting it, so she may be scissor happy w/o you knowing it. i think 1/2-3/4 inch is good enough for your hair :)
Re: OMG! I'm Nervous! My ends!-PIC UPDATE

This beautiful pic right here (in it's curly state) represents about 1.5 inches. Are you willing to loose that much length?
Sounds like the hairdresser just threw out a number rather than evaluating, then determining how much length you may need trimmed.
Good luck and hope you have a positive experience on your next visit :-)

I would trim myself, especially considering the fact that you don't know the person that will be cutting it, so she may be scissor happy w/o you knowing it. i think 1/2-3/4 inch is good enough for your hair :)


This beautiful pic right here (in it's curly state) represents about 1.5 inches. Are you willing to loose that much length?
Sounds like the hairdresser just threw out a number rather than evaluating, then determining how much length you may need trimmed.
Good luck and hope you have a positive experience on your next visit :-)


Yeah I think the stylist got a little carried away w/o really knowing what natural hair (that needs moisture) looked like....
Hey there!

You can see close up of my ends on page 2 of this thread. I have not seen any split ends..but I will take a closer look once my braids come down. I think sometimes split ends may be hard to see with my hair texture...

Yeah in my length checks it is always hard to get good grip on my hair and my husband just grabs little pieces of hair..the very ends of my hair are not thick...they kind of remind me of fotki/Youtube person Velvethalo. She has really long hair but really wimpy ends...

I know a trim would help appearance (if I wore my hair straight which I don't)

I also think a trim may help detangling..., but it has not hindered my growth in the last 6 years...

I don't know how long my hair is..if I had to guess I would say BSL or longer...

I don't mind asking questions ask away :kiss: HTH

At this point I am leaning toward possibly trimming myself and doing a blow out first in October ...

I figure if anybody is going to trim any hair off my head it is going to be me...

...and I will only trim based off what is needed...using the search and destroy soon as I figure it out

I love search and destroy! It just sucks that it only really works for me in the front and back where my hair is long enough to be seen. For the middle and top I have to ask someone else to trim it :look:
Girl my hair looks exactly like yours dry and wet. I only do dusting and that is all that I will do. My hair seems to be fine. I don't think what she wants to do is valid since she was going by the dry braids in your other pic.

Dusting is should work just as well. JMO
^^^ I found an ends twin YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!^^^

I think your hair is beautiful and massive!