OMG I almost feel asleep without my satin scarf!!!


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OMG I almost fell asleep without my satin scarf!!!

Ladies, This is the defining moment when I knew I was dedicated to my hair health and growth! I had to get up, get in my car and go home!! My BF looked at me like I was crazy but he came with me! That was too funny and I had to share!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

What has been your funny story since getting on your hair journey!
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i have hair bad hair dreams and not to mention i cant stop combing my 2yrs old daughter and 4 yrs old son hair its so bad that my boyfriend tells me im going to start galloping from using horse products
I did the same thing last night. I feel asleep without a scarf, too. I woke up around 4a.m. upset with myself and proceeded to set my hair in rollers and then covered my hair in my satin scarf. Thank God I'm not a wild sleeper or my hair would have been a mess. lol...
when u walk in the city occassionally water drops from the AC machines in the windows will drop on your head....and one did....i almost had a heart attack! over ONE little drop. ridiculous
I did a Henna Gloss/Cherry Lola Treatment for the first time, overnight, and I was a little worried about leaving it in so long. I had a bad dream that I was completely bald all around my edges and I was crying my head off. It was a nightmare and I woke up feeling upset and jittery like I do whenever I have a really bad dream. I was feeling like I had really lost my hair and had too start all over so the first thing I did was check my hair. It was completely fine.

Funny thing is that I knew it was fine becuase I had washed out the treatment before I took a nap because I had been up so late the night before, so I knew my hair was perfectly ok. I guess I had worried about it so much that my brain hadn't let go of the thought yet. I really am obsessed with my hair.
Ladies, This is the defining moment when I knew I was dedicated to my hair health and growth! I had to get up, get in my car and go home!! My BF looked at me like I was crazy but he came with me! That was too funny and I had to share!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

What has been your funny story since getting on your hair journey!

Lol! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I just did the same thing. I had to wake myself up to get my scarf. This happens when I fall asleep on the sofa. :ohwell: I think I'm just going to have to prepare my hair for bed a lot earlier so it doesn't keep happening.
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Girl!! That's why I put my scarf on as soon as I get home, so that if I happen to fall asleep, I'm safe!!
Ladies, This is the defining moment when I knew I was dedicated to my hair health and growth! I had to get up, get in my car and go home!! My BF looked at me like I was crazy but he came with me! That was too funny and I had to share!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

What has been your funny story since getting on your hair journey!

Haha, oh no!

I will admit though... one time I pulled an all-nighter because I had forgotten my satin scarf in my dad's car. :nono:
i have hair bad hair dreams and not to mention i cant stop combing my 2yrs old daughter and 4 yrs old son hair its so bad that my boyfriend tells me im going to start galloping from using horse products

when u walk in the city occassionally water drops from the AC machines in the windows will drop on your head....and one did....i almost had a heart attack! over ONE little drop. ridiculous


The worst thing to happen to me was a nightmare:
Do you guys ever have these? Last night I dreamt I got my hair pressed and the comb was so hot that the hair it touched first turned completely white. For some reason I didn't notice this until later on after my hair was done and when I slightly tugged on the hair, it completely disconnected from the rest of my hair at the white part! It was actually pretty scary at the time LOL...
I just did the same thing. I had to wake myself up to get my scarf. This happens when I fall asleep on the sofa. :ohwell: I think I'm just going to have to prepare my hair for bed a lot earlier so it doesn't keep happening.

I do put my scarf on early. I'm kinda paranoid about it. Not sleeping with a scarf on my head at night is what brought me here. It's not like I didn't know I had to do it or didn't own any scarves I just tend to be hard headed.
Once I know I'm in the house for the evening, I wrap my hair and put on my scarf immediately.
I did the same thing last night. I feel asleep without a scarf, too. I woke up around 4a.m. upset with myself and proceeded to set my hair in rollers and then covered my hair in my satin scarf. Thank God I'm not a wild sleeper or my hair would have been a mess. lol...
Lol. If I fall asleep on accident I will wake up in the middle of my sleep to moisturize and seal.:spinning:
I am a stickler for moisturizing and sealing my hair. I do it every morning and night- no exceptions. The other day my SO said that my behavior with my hair is obesessive.

No it isn't. I can stop caring for my hair at anytime :look:
OP, Loool

So I'm not alone...I've already admitted that I'm hair addicted so it's fine. And I'm sharing all this hair thing with my DD (she sill be 4 in june). May be I've gone too far with are the latest

I sometimes missed her so much the whole day that I take her to our bed, to sleep with us. So I switched off the light and we're hugging and saying good night. All of a sudden she jumped off, touched my head and here it goes:

DD:Mum, you've got your scarf?
Me: Yeah
DD: oh but...I did'nt get mine
Me: oh well...
DD: It's on my bed...let me go and take it
Me: ...really?
DD: Yes, it's on my bed....but it's so dark
Me: (I was tired and didn't intend to go and find it:wallbash:)'s not a big deal, you know
as I was talking, she just jumped out of the bed and rushed to her room, had her scarf and come to me to tie her hair. I was shocked...:lachen:

I want her to enjoy hair care and I keep in mind she's still a baby but most of the time she's the one requesting for her scarf, for DC or spraying her hair. And she's keeping all the things I'm saying in her mind.

The other day, she wanted to do my hair, to do a pony. so she brought one of those bands with the metallic piece on it and I denied, arguing that it's gonna break my hair. 2 or 3 days later, I was about to give her a bath and I brought the same band to just tie her braids and she looked at me like WTH are you trying to do? And she says "no, mum it will break my hair. Take the other one.:lachen::lachen:

There are tons of stories like these. As I'm concerned, I'm doing all those thing as well...
YES!!!! I fall asleep w/o my satin hair bonnet and LOSE it! See, I used to tie my hair up w/a silk scarf as soon as I got home, but DH commented one day (and it kinda DID make sense to me although I didn't like it) about how I always walk around with my hair tied up and it's not as visually pleasing as he would like. He said he knows how I feel about growing my hair and he wants me to have healthy hair too, but it would be nice for him to be able to touch it and see it in the evenings.:sad:

WHATEVER!!!! But I do try to wait until @ least 9pm or so before I tie up now...I DO want him to be attracted to me:yep: after he comes home...

Anyways... I wore out my silk scarf...does anybody know where I can buy another SILK scarf? I have holes and tears all in the other one and my Granny gave it to me about 7 years ago...Wal-Mart, Target, BSS and Sally's don't carry them... WHERE CAN I FIND ANOTHER SILK SCARF, Ladies???
I had to get up, get in my car and go home!! My BF looked at me like I was crazy but he came with me! That was too funny and I had to share!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

What has been your funny story since getting on your hair journey!

Okay this may be a bit TMI, but it is too funny not to share. My bf has been very supportive in my hair journey, so much that he doesn't mind that I wear my scarf to bed (we been together forever). One night we were, ahem, being intimate, :kissing4:and my scarf falls off. He stops in the middle, tells me sweetly, "baby, don't you want to put my scarf back on"...I of course immediately grab, get to tying, and we proceed to get back to business :grin:. :lachen::lachen::lachen:.
Ahhh, I love that man~!
Anyways... I wore out my silk scarf...does anybody know where I can buy another SILK scarf? I have holes and tears all in the other one and my Granny gave it to me about 7 years ago...Wal-Mart, Target, BSS and Sally's don't carry them... WHERE CAN I FIND ANOTHER SILK SCARF, Ladies???

Try TJMaxx, Marshalls, or JCPenny's. Penny's usually has really good sales!
Okay this may be a bit TMI, but it is too funny not to share. My bf has been very supportive in my hair journey, so much that he doesn't mind that I wear my scarf to bed (we been together forever). One night we were, ahem, being intimate, :kissing4:and my scarf falls off. He stops in the middle, tells me sweetly, "baby, don't you want to put my scarf back on"...I of course immediately grab, get to tying, and we proceed to get back to business :grin:. :lachen::lachen::lachen:.
Ahhh, I love that man~!

Now that's a good man!
Re: OMG I almost fell asleep without my satin scarf!!!

Ladies, This is the defining moment when I knew I was dedicated to my hair health and growth! I had to get up, get in my car and go home!! My BF looked at me like I was crazy but he came with me! That was too funny and I had to share!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

What has been your funny story since getting on your hair journey!

Girl I thought you were going to say you were at your house and you almost forgot it. You made a trip to get that scarf:lachen:(a diva is a female version of a hustler)..I like that girlfriend! (note to self..keep satin scarf in car..just in
Okay this may be a bit TMI, but it is too funny not to share. My bf has been very supportive in my hair journey, so much that he doesn't mind that I wear my scarf to bed (we been together forever). One night we were, ahem, being intimate, :kissing4:and my scarf falls off. He stops in the middle, tells me sweetly, "baby, don't you want to put my scarf back on"...I of course immediately grab, get to tying, and we proceed to get back to business :grin:. :lachen::lachen::lachen:.
Ahhh, I love that man~!

GIRL That's what's up!