Did you forget to comb your hair today?

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
Yep, thats what someone asked me today.

I went to a picnic this afternoon. Had done a wash and go afro type style, had a silkish type scarf slicking back the top. One of my bff co workers/friend comes over to say hi and says "Did you forget to comb your hair today?". I said "What?". She asked again. I told her that this is how I wear my hair sometimes.

I wanted to sock her in the stomach. Most people are used to seeing me with my hair straight/down, etc. I guess my natural texture is to "unkempt" for some :rolleyes: The style was almost exactly like this, just a little more afro-ey:

I guess to be acceptable it must always look like this:

what did HER hair look like? :rolleyes: you prolly shoulda offered her a nice, steaming cup of monkey ball sweat with a dash of shut the hell up before you sent her on her way...:look:
what did HER hair look like? :rolleyes: you prolly shoulda offered her a nice, steaming cup of monkey ball sweat with a dash of shut the hell up before you sent her on her way...:look:

:lachen::lachen: All I will say is that her hair is the opposite of mine. Whereas mine is nappy and curly and kinky, her's is not nappy or curly or kinky...:rolleyes:
As a fellow virgo, I know you didn't forget to do your hair, and I am sure it looked nice. "Whatever....." is the appropriate response to that. (sigh) Ignorance and tactlessness are just rampant. Do you. Depending on my mood, and the audience, I would have asked her just exactly what was she trying to say and took it from there.
It looks cute to me, too. I wish I could wear mine like that. One day...

I think some people (not to make excuses for them) don't realize how tacky, rude and/or hurtful some questions like that are.

Personally, I would have ignored her question. You do not have to defend how you wear your hair.
Yep, thats what someone asked me today.

I went to a picnic this afternoon. Had done a wash and go afro type style, had a silkish type scarf slicking back the top. One of my bff co workers/friend comes over to say hi and says "Did you forget to comb your hair today?". I said "What?". She asked again. I told her that this is how I wear my hair sometimes.

I wanted to sock her in the stomach. Most people are used to seeing me with my hair straight/down, etc. I guess my natural texture is to "unkempt" for some :rolleyes: The style was almost exactly like this, just a little more afro-ey:

I guess to be acceptable it must always look like this:


That was just rude. :nono: I'm sure your hair looked great.
Sometimes when someone is rude or hurtful towards you it is best to catch them off guard with the truth. "Why would you say something so mean/rude/hurtful/humiliating/(insert feeling here) to me?" That would make her think about her own tactlessness and maybe give her a chance to look inside. I love your hair, by the way. Mine is so fine I have been going through all kinds of products to try to get it to stand up the way I wish it would.
You shoulda bust her in the mouth! I kid, I kid. Your hair looks fine! I'd have asked her if she forgot her manners today. People just think they can say any old thing.
I love your hair natural, where are they? I will sock them for you. I was in the mall this afternoon and saw the most prettiest natural styles on so many women and little girls, now I got ideas for my daughters hair.
I think your hair is very pretty natural. That was really rude of her and I had to laugh when you said you "wanted to sock her in the stomach".
I think your hair looks fine! I hear the same type of things all the time when I wear protective styles--"Did ya just roll outta bed and come to work" is one I hear a lot...oh, another one is "Can ya please do something to your hair besides that tired a** bun?" I just shake it off and keep it moving...lol :look:
I personally think you look very beautiful with natural hair..even better than you do with relaxed/straightened hair. Some people carry natural hair very well and you are one of them:yep:. You look like two different people in those photos...both nice..but the one where your hair is natural..that's YOU (and of course, I don't even know you and I can see that).

I've been natural before too and got the same dumb remarks from some people. That was back in college. It's all about how you feel about your hair and yourself. That's it.