OMG! BIG SHOUT OUT TO zzirvingj! wow grow that hair girl!


:eek: Thats my hair twin I didn't even realize it until I saw her BC/and after hair style! :lachen: girl that hair is beautiful! girl wow.. I was like look at all that hair! it gives me hope for my hair?

did you just let grow out nautruly or did you do anything like vitmians or anything like that?
Oh my goodness, I just saw this! LOL


Thanks so much for the complements!!

To answer your question I started taking vitamins last year, but I am very "on and off" with the vitamin thing. When I feel like it and can remember, I will take the vits listed in my siggy.

I made that "comparison shot" and posted in my siggy because I needed to show myself that I 'have' come a long way. And I wanted others to see that your hair "does grow"!! LHCF has been a really good place for me to learn about achieving healthy hair and I love being here (if ya'll ever make a commercial, I'll be your spokesperson...LOL). I feel like I've learned soooo much in such a short amount of time.

I big chopped in Dec of 01 and I've been relaxer-free ever since. I never thought about growing it out to be waistlength til joining LHCF.

Again, thanks for the shout out!!!:) :D ;)
:) WONDERFUL! I was hoping you saw it but the uproar of other post kept pushing it down! I just love your hair there so many people here with beautiful hair :D and such a wonderful sprite as well makes me happy
woweeeee your hair is gorgeous!! that nautural hair part of me is stirring again!!!!!

