Omega H3 and Soya beans


Few days ago I was feeling low cos I thought it would take me forever to reach waste length. But I've realised that my hair is actually growing fast
. I'm 7 weeks post relaxer and the new growth is so thick and long. I attribute the growth to the supplements, Soya (Soy) beans, and exercise.
I'm taking a modified Bargello vitamin regimen plus Omega H3 full potency.
Omega H3 nutritional Information is below:
Beta carotene 5mg
Vit A 750mcg
Vit D 5mcg
Vit B1 20mg
Vit B2 5mg
Vit B3 25mg
Calcium Panthothenate 10mg
Vit B6 10mg
Vit B12 9 mcg
Biotin 30 mcg
Folic acid 500mcg
Vit C 60mg
Vit E 20mg
PABA 30mg
Pollen Extract 2mg
Lecithin 40mg
Wheat germ oil 100mg
Cod liver oil 50mg
Omega 3 & EPA oil 50mg
Ginseng 5:1 conc ext. 4mg
L-Lysine 40mg
Methionine 60mg
Inositol 30mg
Iron 15mg
Iodine 150mcg
Zinc 15mg
Copper 2mg
Manganese 2mg
Magnesium 30mg
Selenium 100mcg
Chromium 50mcg
Molybdenum 50mcg
Garlic concentrate 20mg
Rutin 10mg
I'm not going to measure my hair till I get a relaxer in March. Hope I'm in for a big surprise.
Just felt like sharing.
That's good news! Im in my eigth week and I have about an inch, but my hair seems to grow slowly compared to most. Im realizing that I am probably averaging a 1/2 an inch per month (with vits) Im not too happy about it but at least its growing. The back seems to grow faster though, a little over an inch, but it's not as easily checkable as the front is. Your vits sound interesting.