OLAPLEX: Hair Game Changer?

I just used the no 3 once. Here is a link to the exact seller on Amazon I used:

I had a good experience with #3 myself with fewer hairs in the comb immediately after. I asked a stylist I trust about the product and she said that she had heard good things even though she hadn't used it herself.

So I can use just Step 3 with good results too? What are Step 1 and 2 for then? @faithVA @Beamodel @Cattypus1
update six days post olaplex tx: don't expect your hair to look better from using this. my hair really doesn't look any different- it may be a little harder to style and needed a bit more moisture. it's not for looks but it helped maintain the hair structure.

My hair doesn't look any different either. I have a bottle of #3 so hopefully over the next few uses I will be able to tell the difference. I definitely need a protein treatment because my ends are still splitting.
Are people reporting hair loss after using Olaplex.
I read it was people who used it after a pravana hair color treatment. Another said she lost hair at the line of demarcation between blonde hair and her brown roots. She left out a lot of info- like what she used to color her hair, where she bought her treatment and if it's authentic or any other possible variables. I've noticed most people who have reported hair loss online were dyed blondes

Good morning! I'm speculating, but could the hair loss be due to mineral buildup? Mineral buildup from the bleach and/or hard water, given the alleged statistic that 80% of the US has hard water

For safety's sake, I would highly recommend a demineralizer, such as Malibu Wellness, before using Olaplex. Before my treatment of # 1 & 2, I shampooed my hair with the Malibu Demineralizer, with no significant hair loss. I haven't used the Malibu before #3. Also, I would not leave Olaplex in my hair for longer than an hour.

For the record, I journal everything dealing with my hair, I've been keeping my hair fall after each wash session and I do have bleach blonde hair.

Bumping for more ideas, theories, etc...
i don't think hair loss is common. olaplex says their product doesnt contain chemicals that break hair off- it's not a processing treatment like a relaxer.

i don't know why some people are getting hair loss. there could be many other factors that they are leaving out. i think @Atthatday is right,the mineralization from blonde hair dyes combined with olaplex may react poorly, especially if it's a cheap hair bleach.

i haven't clarified for hard water deposits in awhile.
I did 1 & 2 tonight. I probably had #2 in for 2 hours while talking on the phone. I have Terraveda Organix Carmeltini in now doing and overnight conditioning. I will see if I notice any difference tomorrow. I didn't notice any difference when I rinsed. Even if I don't notice any difference, I will use up all of my #3 before deciding whether to repurchase. I know permanent color is impacting my hair so it is definitely worth pursuing to see if I can get healthier hair.
Did you rinse #1 out before applying # 2? You said that you left #2 in for 2 hours. I thought #2 was mixed overtop #1. Curious to see how folks are actually using the product and the results they are getting. I used steps 1(5 minutes) and 2 ( on top of step 1 for 20 minuets)a few days ago and initially noticed that my hair was softer and more shiny but now it seems more dry. I rinsed, shampooed, applied protein conditioner and rinsed, followed by moisturizing conditioner for 30 minutes. I will monitor and proceed with caution before trying step 3. My products were purchased by a licensed cosmetologist. I am natural, no color and used product as a stand alone treatment.
Did you rinse #1 out before applying # 2? You said that you left #2 in for 2 hours. I thought #2 was mixed overtop #1. Curious to see how folks are actually using the product and the results they are getting. I used steps 1(5 minutes) and 2 ( on top of step 1 for 20 minuets)a few days ago and initially noticed that my hair was softer and more shiny but now it seems more dry. I rinsed, shampooed, applied protein conditioner and rinsed, followed by moisturizing conditioner for 30 minutes. I will monitor and proceed with caution before trying step 3. My products were purchased by a licensed cosmetologist. I am natural, no color and used product as a stand alone treatment.
I didn't rinse after step 1. I put #2 over #1. I didn't intend to leave #2 in that long but the phone rang.

Right now my hair feels the same. I will do a protein treatment tonight to see if that helps. I will do #3 over the weekend.
I have well water and maybe is part of the problem. To do step 3, I will test small area of hair to see how it responds before doing whole head. Product may not be for me and my hair. BTW, my hair was dry and damaged before olaplex but was getting better. It is now dryer than it was before the treatment. We shall see...
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