Okay so that Sabino discount is now back here it is...


Well-Known Member
So Ackee Walk mentioned a discount for 20 percent back in December. I decided I was going to get a few because the discount went down from the 30 percent and I wanted to get some more while the price is lower for me and my mom. You never know if the next one is like 15 or 10. Cheapy that I am, I wanted to get more at 30 percent but I didn't have the money at the time!

Anyways that link didn't work. So I emailed and emailed Diane about it, and didn't get a response until Friday (didn't check my email thoroughly or I would've posted it then). That link is back up. Diane said there was a glitch or something.

Thanks to Ackee for speaking with them and getting that 20 percent discount. I'm just happy that they fixed it for those that might have wanted to take advantage of the discount. I just thought I should let everyone know about it too.
LONGHAIR37296 is what you put in the discount area.

I might as well put it here instead of you having to search for it.
Sorry about that. I didn't think about it until after I already posted.
Thanks for passing that on- I was kinda dragging my feet becuse of the price. Trying to talk myself out of it, blah, blah. Yesterday at CVS I was looking at serums and they are all LOADED with a host of other things other than just the 2 cones in the SMB. I am so sticking with the SMB, I have had great progress with it and I am sticking with it.
Thanks for passing that on- I was kinda dragging my feet becuse of the price. Trying to talk myself out of it, blah, blah. Yesterday at CVS I was looking at serums and they are all LOADED with a host of other things other than just the 2 cones in the SMB. I am so sticking with the SMB, I have had great progress with it and I am sticking with it.
Your welcome. I know what you mean. I don't trust anything else because I have retained every inch since I've been using it april/mayish and I want to keep it that way. It also goes a long way too, so I like that I can use it for 4-6 months depending on how much I use. I'm sure it could even be stretched to 8 months or more w/ less flat ironing usage.