
New Member
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL LADIES!!!! as of dec 23, 07 i m no longer natural but TEXLAXED.

As my hair grew fast and below armpit, thanks to vitamins and diet i grew tired of dealing with the thickness, the washing and trying to fit it under weaves that itch abnormally. i m just tired we still on the grow challenge nothing changed. But i will do the texlax thing once or twice a year its great to manage the thickness of my hair i couldnt even style it anymore tooo big twice my head so i was just doing weaves.

For all naturals, i m sorry if i disappointed you it s just hair even though i love mine lol. i kept the perm 5mns and rinse it so its funny it didnt take meaning that my hair is still thick but now its easier to run my finger. one of the drawbacks is the dryness, as i had to do the whole virgin head and as soon as it turned into thick corkscrews i rinsed it. i m happy with the results but notice i still have to deal with the tangling from the ringlets lol

HAPPY HOLIDAYS and love and be safe


OK PEOPLE I M TEXLAXED AS OF YESTERDAY DEC 23,07. grew tired of dealing with the itching from the weave my ends were in so worse shape i had to big chop 4inch! sniff i m back to a lil below shoulder lenght just like last year. i could not deal anymore with the thickness the longer the hair gets (below armpit) i slap ors relaxer regular for 5mns in order to keep the thickness and rinse it.

dec 23,07 time for some change cant deal with the itching, the thickness et all I M TEXLAXED!!! BIG CHOPPED 4inches back to last year results snif lets grow in 08. i just wanted a new head, new beginning

I'm leaving on the 26 of dec for Paris, France then dec 29 i m in Kinshasa Congo back home for 3 weeks. it s been 15years i havent gone back! it s crazy hot over there i needed something simple, no more weaves for now. Many things happened this year and went so fast, new year, no more hubby, new man, new hair, new businesses i can say that s 2007 has been full of good and bad surprises. You can get a hint at my hi5 page. i use it mostly to stay in touch via blackberry as i m always on the road. so all the pix, make up everything contact info new man lol you ll find it on my http://ekomba.hi5.com.

I really decided not to dwell on the past, make a fresh new start; i plan to relocate to DC sometimes in 2008 we shall see when. I m just tired i think when a marriage is over, you want to start fresh and new and let go of the past. I m happy, blessed in a new relation and i neglected my hair lately with all the busyness but no more loll

but let make 2008 a better year! i m back to square one but the DEN1/EKOMBA challenge is still on. Merry christmas and happy holidays
all my love to you all! ladies you more than friends :blush:and teach me more about life each time i m connected even though i dont do it as often as i want to
yours truly,
It's beautiful girlie. I can't believe you are texlaxed!!!!!!!

Is that a rollerset? Pretty!

You are now a card carrying member of the Texlaxed Club. :grin:
Your hair is beautiful and thick! Happy Holidays to you also and I hope you enjoy your trip and be safe :wave:!
Your hair looks very nice! Thats what I love about being texlaxed...still plenty of thickness! I flat ironed my hair straight for graduation and it looked thin/limp like it would if I was bone straight (my hair is actually fine)..and I wasnt happy. I really prefer the thickness I get when its rollerset or air dried. That is what made me realize I shouldnt do a corrective and go bone straight.
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL LADIES!!!! as of dec 23, 07 i m no longer natural but TEXLAXED.

As my hair grew fast and below armpit, thanks to vitamins and diet i grew tired of dealing with the thickness, the washing and trying to fit it under weaves that itch abnormally. i m just tired we still on the grow challenge nothing changed. But i will do the texlax thing once or twice a year its great to manage the thickness of my hair i couldnt even style it anymore tooo big twice my head so i was just doing weaves.

For all naturals, i m sorry if i disappointed you it s just hair even though i love mine lol. i kept the perm 5mns and rinse it so its funny it didnt take meaning that my hair is still thick but now its easier to run my finger. one of the drawbacks is the dryness, as i had to do the whole virgin head and as soon as it turned into thick corkscrews i rinsed it. i m happy with the results but notice i still have to deal with the tangling from the ringlets lol

HAPPY HOLIDAYS and love and be safe


OK PEOPLE I M TEXLAXED AS OF YESTERDAY DEC 23,07. grew tired of dealing with the itching from the weave my ends were in so worse shape i had to big chop 4inch! sniff i m back to a lil below shoulder lenght just like last year. i could not deal anymore with the thickness the longer the hair gets (below armpit) i slap ors relaxer regular for 5mns in order to keep the thickness and rinse it.

dec 23,07 time for some change cant deal with the itching, the thickness et all I M TEXLAXED!!! BIG CHOPPED 4inches back to last year results snif lets grow in 08. i just wanted a new head, new beginning

I'm leaving on the 26 of dec for Paris, France then dec 29 i m in Kinshasa Congo back home for 3 weeks. it s been 15years i havent gone back! it s crazy hot over there i needed something simple, no more weaves for now. Many things happened this year and went so fast, new year, no more hubby, new man, new hair, new businesses i can say that s 2007 has been full of good and bad surprises. You can get a hint at my hi5 page. i use it mostly to stay in touch via blackberry as i m always on the road. so all the pix, make up everything contact info new man lol you ll find it on my http://ekomba.hi5.com.

I really decided not to dwell on the past, make a fresh new start; i plan to relocate to DC sometimes in 2008 we shall see when. I m just tired i think when a marriage is over, you want to start fresh and new and let go of the past. I m happy, blessed in a new relation and i neglected my hair lately with all the busyness but no more loll

but let make 2008 a better year! i m back to square one but the DEN1/EKOMBA challenge is still on. Merry christmas and happy holidays
all my love to you all! ladies you more than friends :blush:and teach me more about life each time i m connected even though i dont do it as often as i want to
yours truly,

GIRL! You are so beautiful!!!!! Your hair looks luscious, too. Good for you for moving on in 2008 with a new and positive outlook. I need to do the same for myself. Have fun in Paris and the Congo!
Wow Ekomba - I straight up GASPED when I read that you texlaxed!!!

But I am so happy for you and proud of you, too, for understanding that it's only hair and that you need to do what works best for you. I admire you because I have long considered texlaxing or texturizing and I'm too afraid to do it.

You are a beautiful woman and you look good whether your hair is chemically treated or not! Safe travels to Paris and the Congo!!! :congrats: :rosebud:
Your hair is gorgeous. Do not worry about disappointing anybody with the decisions you make about your hair! You do what's best for you. I wish you all the best on your fresh start for 2008. :grin:
Congrats Ekomba, looking fab!! Take lots of pictures on your trip!! Be safe and Happy Holidays to you and your family.
I was shocked when I saw this I have to say but your hair looks fab fab fab!!!
Your hair is gorgeous and you are very pretty
have a wonderful time in France and The Congo!!
Take care and stay safe

Looks great!!!
and there are no apologies when it comes to what works for you for your hair.

Exactly! I loved u as a nappy inspiration, but you have to do what works for you. Just do it good (and u most certainly do!!!!). you will still be an inspiration!!!

Crissi, x
I admit I was a little shocked and somewhat disappointed but the final results are SLAMMIN!!!! You look FABULOUS!!!!! :yep::up:

I am sorry about your marriage ending :( :hug2: You have a safe and fun trip back home. :)
Ekomba- your hair looks so thick and healthy. Don't apologize- do what you feel u are comfortable with. All the best to you in the new year!
Your hair looks great !!! I am thinking hard about texlaxing. Need to find the right person to do it. I dont trust myself with that task yet .
Absolutely beautiful! And your hair is too! It looks fantabulous!

My 13 year relationship ended this year. I was devastated. I am so very thankful I didn't allow it to destroy me. I'm in such a better place, with an awesome outlook, with a someone that was meant for me. The Creator is grand! Best wishes to you. May you find your ultimate "Happy". Go to your destiny girl. :grin: