Okay I did it....You have to read to see

The Princess

Well-Known Member
Well it goes like this.... I been in a realationship for almost 2 years. We had our ups and downs. This dude is alot older than me, (late, late 30's)( im mid, literally mid 20's) So he is set in his ways. So he throw his swagger on me to get me, so we pretty much living together, he tells me, bring your clothes next time, so do almost everynight. im loving it. Im like yeah he the one. Then things changes, he starts to says, he insist we start spending less time together, so im flipping a script. WTF. Okay I go along with it. Trying to keep peace. Then later on down the road, like last month, he tells me im needy and what will I do, if something happens and he goes on a trip which leads me to be to myself for awhile. I tell him, well I will be okay. He says I don't think so. Okay keep that part in mind about the trip. So guess WTF happen :lachen::lachen:, all of a sudden now he had a long trip that he has to go on too. (The trip is 2 years- work related)SO im histeracal. Im like, dang, so im like okay we need to talk what we go do, he say we'll take about it later. So I keep bugging him and asking or we go still be together, he tells me "We'll see" So Im content with that for awhile. Now we getting into arguments, about simple stuff. Im like "PUMP THE BRAKES" I been through this before. So at this time, i know what time it is, he leaving, im trying to hang on to him, we have't talked about having a future together, he not trying to be serious with me. So I tell him we can work it out, he says you will find someone else. DING, DING, DING. HE trying to let me go, without letting me go. Meaning, I can stay around if I WANT TO and let him do me however, and the endpoint he still leaving. OR I can let him go, get time to get myself together and not go through heartache and pain. So I LET HIM GO.

I wrote my expericene cause I know its alot of females, that don't want to let go, but you have to ask yourself, is there a future with us, do he talk about me being with you in the future, having kids, and so on. Do he give any hint that he want you to leave, or he wants to leave you alone. If so GET YOUR STUFF AND RUN...cause anything after that, you are slowly but surely setting your he heart for failure stringing yourself alone. Dudes will drop hints, but we got to pay attention. Dudes will continue to say what you want to hear to continue to get what they want, but its up to you to be strong and leave and shut the door, change the lock and wood and hammer the door shut. We have to put a ends to this.

Im not go say it didn't hurt to leave, but it was the best for me to do, to save myself the pain. If he really want to be with me, he will be back and we will talk it out. But trust im not go wait around outside his door like a puppy to find out.

Im feel proud of myself for taking the steps to leave...... (Now hopefully I made the right decision)

Any encouragement would be helpful
Sounds like you did the right thing. You should be proud of yourself for walking away from this situation and not letting him string you along/keep control of the relationship.

Girl, when I read the line where he said "You will find someone else", I was hoping you left that instant, lol. Like, teleported back to your home and forgot all about him.

But seriously, I know it's hard to leave someone you've been with for two years and love & care for... but he was giving you the signal that he's ready to move on. IME, when a man is serious about a relationship, he will do anything to keep that woman in his life.
Sounds like you did the right thing. You should be proud of yourself for walking away from this situation and not letting him string you along/keep control of the relationship.

Girl, when I read the line where he said "You will find someone else", I was hoping you left that instant, lol. Like, teleported back to your home and forgot all about him.

But seriously, I know it's hard to leave someone you've been with for two years and love & care for... but he was giving you the signal that he's ready to move on. IME, when a man is serious about a relationship, he will do anything to keep that woman in his life.

The Bolded says it all.
letting go is one of the hardest things to do in life....also can be one of the most freeing liberating things one can do.....you did the "right" thing for you

thats why i like this quote in my sig so much

"Happiness is easy. It's letting go of unhappiness that is hard"
You did the right thing. No need to spend time with someone who doesn't value you, when you could be meeting spending that time with someone else who does. You may be sad for a bit, but he'll be a distant memory one day.
You did right. You recognized what he was doing and saying and you made the best decision for you. Go gurl!!! The hurt is temporary, but everything will work out.
As long as you are satisfied with your decision there is nothing left to be said. I commend you on doing what you felt was best for you. Hugs to you...it will be hard for a while but believe me each day it will get easier than the day before till poof...he's outta sight outta mind.
geesh men can just really suck!

yes of course you did the right thing girl! now your free to have someone that wants to build with you

thats if they dont do like this jerk as well and start to and then drop it all

God men can just really suck!
geesh men can just really suck!

yes of course you did the right thing girl! now your free to have someone that wants to build with you

thats if they dont do like this jerk as well and start to and then drop it all

God men can just really suck!

Yeah they can, but im living and learning, but I know the signs and if it looks familair I will leave again.

Some people don't know what they want in life.