ok so Case of the EX!


Well-Known Member
ok as some of you ladies know I just ended a "situation" with someone maybe 2 weeks ago. i left it alone because I felt as though I deserve better and he wasn't giving it to me so time to move on. NOW, my ex who i have been with since my junior year of high school pops up. actually he didn't pop up, his mom ended up in the hospital and everyone from my parents to my close friends were telling me that i should go see her and im looking at them like their crazy. this woman did not like me, she even closed a door in my face once. :nono: at the time i was 16, never di a thing to this woman, i had manners and all that jazz. she just didnt like me. anyway, i hit him up on face book and told him im sorry to hear about his mom and i hope all is well with her. THAT'S IT! he starts going into this spewl about hoe he's stressing out and how he's lonely and he needs a few more things to be happy and he's set. how, he's changed alot BLAH BLAH BLAH nothing I havent heard from him before. so instead of letting him continue to beat around the bush i tell him im not gonna sit here and act like everything is cool and I know how everything went down with us. he gets on the defense and says how he's not going to beat himself up for his mistakes. I told him no one is asking oyu to beat yourself up, you have to deal with that on your own, you and no 1 else. what would I get out of that? nothing at all. eventually he aplogizes and starts trying to make little jokes about hings we joked about waayyy back when but i wasn't hearing it lol. so I tell my older cousin, who has met him, about everything that's going on and she's like girl just give him another chance. you guys were in high school and he got to college and changed up a bit but he knows what he had and that's why he's trying to come back" now..... im looking at her like she has a nipple as a third eye. i tell her he didn't change up a "bit", he got over there and starte smelling his a$$ because females were giving him all this praise and attention. after i finish talking ot her i check my mail and he's asking me to come to his place tonight and watch a movie. i tell him no. my cousin plucks me in between my eyes, lol, and tells me i should give him one more chance because we have history. am i wrong?
ok as some of you ladies know I just ended a "situation" with someone maybe 2 weeks ago. i left it alone because I felt as though I deserve better and he wasn't giving it to me so time to move on. NOW, my ex who i have been with since my junior year of high school pops up. actually he didn't pop up, his mom ended up in the hospital and everyone from my parents to my close friends were telling me that i should go see her and im looking at them like their crazy. this woman did not like me, she even closed a door in my face once. :nono: at the time i was 16, never di a thing to this woman, i had manners and all that jazz. she just didnt like me. anyway, i hit him up on face book and told him im sorry to hear about his mom and i hope all is well with her. THAT'S IT! he starts going into this spewl about hoe he's stressing out and how he's lonely and he needs a few more things to be happy and he's set. how, he's changed alot BLAH BLAH BLAH nothing I havent heard from him before. so instead of letting him continue to beat around the bush i tell him im not gonna sit here and act like everything is cool and I know how everything went down with us. he gets on the defense and says how he's not going to beat himself up for his mistakes. I told him no one is asking oyu to beat yourself up, you have to deal with that on your own, you and no 1 else. what would I get out of that? nothing at all. eventually he aplogizes and starts trying to make little jokes about hings we joked about waayyy back when but i wasn't hearing it lol. so I tell my older cousin, who has met him, about everything that's going on and she's like girl just give him another chance. you guys were in high school and he got to college and changed up a bit but he knows what he had and that's why he's trying to come back" now..... im looking at her like she has a nipple as a third eye. i tell her he didn't change up a "bit", he got over there and starte smelling his a$$ because females were giving him all this praise and attention. after i finish talking ot her i check my mail and he's asking me to come to his place tonight and watch a movie. i tell him no. my cousin plucks me in between my eyes, lol, and tells me i should give him one more chance because we have history. am i wrong?
Of course not, hope your not second guessing yourself out of curiosity. The mere fact that he became defensive about his misgivings in the past instead of owning up to them like a man proves that your sister's philosophy on him having grown up and changed is absolutely false hope. Be a positive example, and don't dare return your vomit!
I wanted to know if you guys thought I was wrong or if was being hard cause I am known for that. in my eyes he had plenty of time to get right in the 5 years we were together. if he couldn't get it together then why would he want to treat me right now? and if he claims he would why would I want to stick around and find out if it's true or if its same ol same ol shyt? i told her she's out of her mind.