OK It's official, I NEED a growth aid...


Well-Known Member
so my temples and hairline is thinning severely. The dermos I went to basically all said, oh it's hereditary, take biotin that's all u can do :nono:

So biotin does nothing! (except make my nails grow faster)

Which growth aid would you recommend?

BT or MN?

How fast did you see results with either BT or MN?

Thanks in advance for the suggestion/advice ladies!
BT when used daily you start seeing results in about 2 weeks, MN you can start seeing results about 3 to 4 weeks but if you want extra growth you could use them both together. There is a thread about OCT and the ladies are getting excellent fast growth from using that, I am thinking about trying that. I have used both BT and MN

:bighug: sorry about your temples and hairline
BT definitely...

I've tried MN. I got some results, but nothing too great.

BT works though, I've seen it help two woman with alopecia, and it consistently gives me a little extra growth per month.

Plus you don't have to shamefully hide the tubes of coohie/antifungal cream from your significant other :lachen:
Man, that sucks :(

Have you tried any other vitamins? Nioxin and Ultra Nourishair are popular picks, and I've also read good things about Gueye vitamins

I've been using Bee Mine serum (www.BeeMineProducts.com) for a week and I already have a little hump of new growth! :grin:
Sorry about your hairline, i really hope you find something to get that growth back.

N00b question: What's BT or OCT?
Sorry about your hairline, i really hope you find something to get that growth back.

N00b question: What's BT or OCT?

BT is Boundless Tresses, made by one of our members StillALady. It can be found at www.growthspecifics.com

And OCT is Ovation Cell Therapy which a lot of members swear by, but it's so dang expensive! There's a sticky on it and it can be found at www.ovationhair.com

HTH! :)
Many ladies are also getting good results from Mega Tek Cell Rebuilder (see LondonDiva and JustKiya's results) which is the cheaper version of Ovation Cell Therapy. I have both but started with the MT and will continue with it for 90 days before trying the OCT. I want to give the MT a fair chance for myself first. I did mix my BT with MN and got good results from January to April although I was using MN alone from November 2007 to December 2007 I think. I loved them both.
I've thought about using growth aids too. Especially lately; I really need it for my nape in the middle. But the only thing that's been stopping me is being able to tell people that I grew my hair all by myself. Because I always feel that people will already be doubting you being an AA with long hair and I don't want them to be like "oh, it's only because she used some growth aid". :(
PERSONALLY I recomend de louise growth elixir. from our very own Den1


i have used all the raved about growth aids, this is the most potent, best smelling, quicker resuls thus far.

Oh snap! How long have you been using it? How much growth have you gotten?

I've been eyeing den's products for a while now... What does it smell like? I'm a sucker for goot smelling products!
yeah and if you want to make your own growth aid.......mix essential peppermint and rosemary oils with a carrier oil and use everyday.
Hey, Whimsy! :wave:

I use MN and BT together; if you want the recipe, I can send it to you, pm me.

I think BT works well by itself, too. I also take hella vitamins (see siggy), so I think it is a combo of all of them, plus relaxer stretching.

Oh snap! How long have you been using it? How much growth have you gotten?

I've been eyeing den's products for a while now... What does it smell like? I'm a sucker for goot smelling products!

I ordered it b/c the ladies said that it smelled like marzipan!
my mom is transitioning with me and i have noticed that my hair is getting thicker while hers has not really changed. i hope it is not the result of 40 years of relaxers now that i watched that video in that other thread...but i would like to recommend something for her. it seems like BT seems good although we have this stuff we bought from the dominican salon (dont shoot me but i forgot what it is). maybe we should just step up how often we are using it before i toss it out.
I've used MN mixed with sulfur 8 and got good results. But after I had my kids and my edges fell out till my scalp was just there and shiny, this is what I concocted:

  1. coconut oil
  2. chamommile essential oil
  3. bergamot essential oil
  4. tea tree oil
  5. rosemary essential oil
  6. You can add a little evoo if you like
This brought my edges back in within such a short time every time, short enough for me to look in the mirror one day like "oh snap, my hair is back."

You can also make rosemary rinses(or purchase them) and use it after every wash. To make it, you boil either fresh rosemary or the kind off the spice aisle. Let it steep and then cool it, after you wash your hair, just pour it over all your hair and massage it in. It stimulates growth and helps add shine.

good luck. keep us posted.
Okay after reading this thread I got up and grabbed my Mega Tek and just added some BT and MN to it for the duration of the 90 days I will be using MT. I even put some cayenne pepper in the mix as well. I will be applying it to my scalp just before retiring for bed tonight.
PERSONALLY I recomend de louise growth elixir. from our very own Den1


i have used all the raved about growth aids, this is the most potent, best smelling, quicker resuls thus far.

I never used her products but i plan on it.
Anything thats smells yummy and gives growth im all for it!
Ive heard good things about this product.Look at her pics i think the results are promising! Other than that mn is great too. I use it mixed with Megatek and newgrowth is very Noticeable!
Oh snap! How long have you been using it? How much growth have you gotten?

I've been eyeing den's products for a while now... What does it smell like? I'm a sucker for goot smelling products!

I am not knocking any product, I am speaking of my experiences with these products :)

MTG= Great growth, thicker hair , nasty smell
(which smelt better with addded essential oils)
"weird" extra thicker strands of hair, if used to often the scalp begins to feel "tight"

My mom first started using Dens Elixir, she done a BC now her twists are neck length after 2 bottles!!! It took approx 4 months?

I was finishing off my supply of BT before I switched over
( I had 4 bottles from the launch date!!!:drunk: and also 2 bottles I bought from a member on here which i have since given away)

I did love BT but after exercise I noticed my hair smelled "funny"
I had to wash too much, resulting in very very dry hair.
(although i only used on scalp and moisturised my hair several times a day with my glycerine, castor oil and rosewater mix)
it also made me get occasional rashes so i always had to have a supply of steriod cream :( it was not really worth it for extra growth)

I have had no problems at all with Dens Elixir

I am on to my second bottle.
I have noticed thicker, more moisturised and longer strands.
(i am natural and do not use heat to straighten and i do not do before and after pics etc I just observe my growth and changes in my hair) i get too obsessed when i track my growth, i just stick to my routine and appreciate the benefits other than obsessing about my hair 24/7.:spinning:

my hair is not as dry and coarse as before.

The smell? it smells like marzipan IMHO :lick: and it does not change into a "funny" smell after my exercise.

I have just ordered Dens sheanourish ;) and my mom wants more of the elixir and shea nourish.

I know i have finally found my staples after 3 years on LHCF :)

I am not knocking any product, I am speaking of my experiences with these products :)

MTG= Great growth, thicker hair , nasty smell
(which smelt better with addded essential oils)
"weird" extra thicker strands of hair, if used to often the scalp begins to feel "tight"

My mom first started using Dens Elixir, she done a BC now her twists are neck length after 2 bottles!!! It took approx 4 months?

I was finishing off my supply of BT before I switched over
( I had 4 bottles from the launch date!!!:drunk: and also 2 bottles I bought from a member on here which i have since given away)

I did love BT but after exercise I noticed my hair smelled "funny"
I had to wash too much, resulting in very very dry hair.
(although i only used on scalp and moisturised my hair several times a day with my glycerine, castor oil and rosewater mix)
it also made me get occasional rashes so i always had to have a supply of steriod cream :( it was not really worth it for extra growth)

I have had no problems at all with Dens Elixir

I am on to my second bottle.
I have noticed thicker, more moisturised and longer strands.
(i am natural and do not use heat to straighten and i do not do before and after pics etc I just observe my growth and changes in my hair) i get too obsessed when i track my growth, i just stick to my routine and appreciate the benefits other than obsessing about my hair 24/7.:spinning:

my hair is not as dry and coarse as before.

The smell? it smells like marzipan IMHO :lick: and it does not change into a "funny" smell after my exercise.

I have just ordered Dens sheanourish ;) and my mom wants more of the elixir and shea nourish.

I know i have finally found my staples after 3 years on LHCF :)


Well, I'm SOLD! I'll be getting this next! :yep: :grin:

How long does it take to recieve your order, since she's in the UK?

ETA: I just saw that you're in the UK too :lol: I wonder how long it would take to reach the US :scratchch
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Well, I'm SOLD! I'll be getting this next! :yep: :grin:

How long does it take to recieve your order, since she's in the UK?

I'm in the UK too, it takes 2-3 days but the ladies on here from USA say 7-10 days, i will bump up a thread or two if the search feature is working :)
Have you used new facial products recently, like in the past few months? Make sure you are protecting your hair line when doing/cleaning you face.